We are turning on an extra protection feature in Zoom called "authentication" to ensure that all participants who enter our Zoom instructional sessions are approved or qualified members of the SRVUSD domain or community. This feature will keep out unwanted/unknown visitors, some of which might come into the session to create disruption or to act inappropriately. We have not had much of this in elementary school; however, we know as kids become more comfortable with the platforms, there is more capability for mischief. This authentication feature is just another layer of protection to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for our students in the remote learning sessions.
This authentication feature will begin on Wednesday, Nov. 4th.
So what do you need to do? Here are some instructions and videos to help you authenticate your student's account:
**Once you go through these steps, you need to also verify the account through an email sent to your student's gmail account (see Mrs. Murphy's video below for help)