Marin CCL Newsletter

January 8, 2024

Join us on January 13 at 0900 for the Marin and Sonoma CCL Chapters' online membership meeting.

We'll hear from John Boesel, Marin resident, President and CEO of CALSTART, who attended COP 28 in Dubai and will discuss The Path to Decarbonizing the Global Commercial Vehicle sector -- What got done and what still needs to happen.

We'll also welcome new members, discuss the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) heading our way from the E.U., how you can get more deeply involved in the 2024 elections critical to solving the climate crisis (see Environmental Voter Project below), and other opportunities to participate in this moment in history.

Here's the zoom link for Saturday, January 13, 9-10 AM.

Then, the CCL national call, Saturday, January 13 at 1000 AM

To start off 2024, Communications Director Flannery Winchester and CCL Vice President of Programs Brett Cease will describe CCL's 2024 Legislative Roadmap and Chapter Planning Action. Join here.

Activate Your Community Network with a CCL talk!

We're available for speaking opportunities in our community. Can you help us spread the word?

Our chapter is fortunate to include several accomplished climate educators who are ready to engage your network with a customized presentation (at no cost.)

If you have contacts at local schools, universities, community clubs (service, social, hobby, professional), faith communities, town councils, local government agencies and the like, please contact us at

Worried, perhaps, about the 2024 elections that will decide the fate of democracy and the earth? You can get involved with the nonpartisan EVP, whose mission is to get environmental voters to actually vote. "We identify inactive environmentalists and transform them into consistent voters to build the power of the environmental movement." Do it here.

CCLers showed up in force on December 12 at the Commonwealth Club's annual Stephen Schneider Award ceremony, this year honoring esteemed climate scientist Dr. Ben Santer, whose story is well worth learning about. His work helped change the world's understanding of the climate problem and changed his life. Here's the podcast of the event.

Ready to get wonky? Recently Dr. James Hansen, often called the "grandfather of climate change awareness" for his prescient 1988 warning to Congress that "global warming has been detected," published his latest paper, "Global Warming in the Pipeline," which predicts considerably greater and more rapid warming than heretofore predicted by the IPCC. Needless to say, this controversial news is alarming, and the debate within the scientific community has already begun. Dr. Hansen's primary recommendation? A global carbon fee!

Listen here, if you dare, to what legendary CCL advisor Dr. Hansen has to say about our near future.

Groundbreaking solutions to the climate crisis from scientists, engineers, civic leaders, entrepreneurs and activists -- including CCL -- offering hope to all concerned about our planet's future.

This book offers practical actions that reflect technological and economic advances, and features an introduction by former United States senator Russ Feingold. More info here.

Do Not Miss This Series!

If you've already seen it, watch it again.

Wondering why emissions keep rising despite all the data screaming "hit the brakes!"? It's Denial, Doubt and Delay -- but that was yesterday. Now it's also Deception, Distraction, Disinformation and Doomism. Don't buy it. After watching this series, watch the August 30, 2022 Book Passage event with Dr. Michael Mann and Rep. Jared Huffman discussing Dr. Mann's book The New Climate War.  Then listen to or read it. While managing to be entertaining, he details the elaborate machinations of the denial machine that has lead us to this precarious moment.

In case you were wondering...

You're invited, but...

This is how one behaves inside The Capitol:

Make an appointment. Business attire recommended. Bring nothing that even looks like a weapon.

Long live Democracy.

Visit CCL's website
Visit Marin CCL

Prepared by Peter G. Joseph, M.D.

Apologies for cross postings.

If you know someone who would like to be added to this distribution list, please suggest they join CCL.