A refunded carbon tax, that's what. Here's the U.S. Treasury Department's prediction of the impact of a refunded carbon tax on families. The lower the income, the greater the benefit. That's progressive. Highest income families will barely notice, but markets will.
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Join us on December 12 at the Commonwealth Club's annual Stephen Schneider Award | |
Join us on December 12 at the Commonwealth Club's annual Stephen Schneider Award event honoring climate scientist and CCL friend Dr. Ben Santer. Ben has been both a major contributor to the science and a fearless advocate for scientific integrity in the face of powerful forces bent on delay, denial and obfuscation. He has given excellent lectures on Citizens' Climate University about his work document human "fingerprints" on our changing climate. A group of CCLers will be in attendance and we invite you to join us in S.F. The program is also available online and for later broadcast.
More info here.
Here's Dr. Santer's November 28th essay in The Hill on the danger of looming climate tipping points.
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Also on December 12 at
Book Passage, Corte Madera
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The conditions that have allowed humans to live on this planet are fragile. Climate variability has created both opportunities that humans have exploited and challenges that have spurred both innovation and destruction. But there’s a relatively narrow envelope of climate variability within which human civilization is viable, and our survival depends on those conditions remaining within that range.
Hear Dr. Mann's latest at our favorite local book store. Details.
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National call, December 9 | |
Amanda Ripley is a New York Times bestselling author, Washington Post contributing columnist, investigative journalist and co-founder of Good Conflict, LLC. Her books include High Conflict, The Smartest Kids in the World and The Unthinkable. Amanda has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX News and NPR. She has spoken at the Pentagon, Senate, House of Representatives, State Department and Department of Homeland Security, and was a keynote speaker at CCL's June 2022 conference.
Join here.
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Activate Your Community Network with a CCL talk! | |
We're available for speaking opportunities in our community. Can you help us spread the word?
Our chapter is fortunate to include several climate education experts who are ready to engage your network with a customized presentation.
If you have contacts at local schools, universities, community clubs (service, social, hobby, professional), faith communities, town councils, local government agencies and the like, please contact us at [email protected].
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Think globally, act locally: | |
Mill Valley Community Action Network's weekly newsletter always contains an extensive list of local and national environmental actions you can take.
Subscribe here.
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CCL's suggested December actions:
1. Email our Member of Congress about co-sponsoring the Energy Innovation Act and Carbon Dividend Act.
Our favorite bill is back in the House, and it's the highest impact climate solution in our toolkit.The Energy Innovation Act is a carbon fee, dividend and border carbon adjustment bill that would help drive America’s transition to clean energy and engage the world's energy economy. Rep. Huffman cosponsored it last time around and likely will again. Despite its minimal chances of passage this term, the more support it receives, the better. Use the CCL email tool.
2. Call Congress about The BIG WIRES Act.
The BIG WIRES Act has been introduced in the House and the Senate. For you wonks, it's officially the “Building Integrated Grids With Inter-Regional Energy Supply Act”and is the next step forward in successful permitting reform. The bill:
- Makes America’s energy grid more resilient and reliable
- Encourages states to build infrastructure we need to move to clean energy
- Can pass as part of an end-of-year omnibus package.
America needs a more reliable power grid and affordable clean energy. This bill would help make that a reality. Call Congress here.
3. Donate to CCL / CCE (tax exempt)
Most Americans want climate solutions — but Congress underestimates this support. Citizens’ Climate bridges the gap.
We empower people to make their voices heard. Our nonpartisan work moves both Republican and Democratic lawmakers forward on climate solutions.
Our approach is working, but we need your support to reach our goal. You can help with a year-end donation.Thank you. https://citizensclimatelobby.org/donate/
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Congratulations, Marin EV activist
Carlene Cullen
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Congratulations to Carlene Cullen for her persistent efforts to improve our dysfunctional electric vehicle charging network. Here she is meeting with Transportation Secretary Buttigieg and Energy Secretary Granholm. More at CoolTheEarth.org | |
Worried, perhaps, about the 2024 elections that will decide the fate of democracy and the earth? You can get involved with the nonpartisan EVP, whose mission is to get environmental voters to actually vote. "We identify inactive environmentalists and transform them into consistent voters to build the power of the environmental movement." Do it here.
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Last month, Dr. James Hansen, often called the "grandfather of climate change awareness" for his prescient 1988 warning to Congress that "global warming has been detected," published his latest paper, "Global Warming in the Pipeline," which predicts considerably greater and more rapid warming than heretofore predicted by the IPCC. Needless to say, this controversial news is alarming, and the debate within the scientific community has already begun. Dr. Hansen's primary recommendation? A global carbon tax!
Listen here, if you dare, to what legendary CCL advisor Dr. Hansen has to say about our near future.
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Can the UN climate summit reset the dial for global heating?
The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP) has begun in Dubai at the end of the hottest year on record and amidst rising emissions of heat trapping gases. What progress can we expect in the next two weeks? (Hint: It's complicated.) The Guardian
A Tense Climate Summit Begins Against a Backdrop of War and Record Heat
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Groundbreaking solutions to the climate crisis from scientists, engineers, civic leaders, entrepreneurs and activists, offering hope to all concerned about our planet's future -- including CCL.
This book offers practical actions that reflect technological and economic advances, and features an introduction by former United States senator Russ Feingold. More info here.
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Do Not Miss This Series!
If you've already seen it, watch it again.
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Wondering why emissions keep rising despite all the data screaming "hit the brakes!"? It's Denial, Doubt and Delay -- but that was yesterday. Now it's also Deception, Distraction, Disinformation and Doomism. Don't buy it. After watching this series, watch the August 30, 2022 Book Passage event with Dr. Michael Mann and Rep. Jared Huffman discussing Dr. Mann's book The New Climate War. Then listen to or read it. While managing to be entertaining, he details the elaborate machinations of the denial machine that has lead us to this precarious moment.
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“You’re going to tell me that back in the Ice Age, how much taxes did people pay, and how many changes did governments make to melt the ice?” (Answer: No people, no taxes, and the ice melted due to natural factors which we now understand. It's really not that complicated.)
Let's hope this is an AI-generated Deep Fake. See for yourself.
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You're invited, but...
This is how one behaves inside The Capitol:
Make an appointment. Business attire recommended. Bring nothing that even looks like a weapon.
Long live Democracy.
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Prepared by Peter G. Joseph, M.D.
[email protected]
Apologies for cross postings.
If you know someone who would like to be added to this distribution list, please suggest they join CCL.
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