Hopi New Year!
Pottery, Baskets, Kachinas, & More
Get the First Look at New Items & Purchase Pieces that Will Never Make it to our Website!
The Hopi villages are perched atop tall mesas in Northeastern Arizona. At more than 6500 feet elevation, the winter temperatures can dip into double digit negatives. Many of the stone structure houses are over 500 years old - with one village, at Oraibi, considered by many to be the oldest continually inhabited settlement in all of North America.

The traditionalists in these villages still survive without running water or electricity. They choose a humble way of life that keeps them close to their Creator. They preserve the stories and traditions of their ancestors. National Geographic Magazine once recognized the Hopi culture as the most unadulterated of all Native American cultures.

This may be due to the fact they are one of the most isolated tribes in all of the United States. But certainly it is also due to the fact that Pueblo people live their religion every day. During different times of the year you will find them preparing for, and participating in, important ceremonies and rituals pertaining to both social and religious life - such as weddings, baby namings, initiations, dances, and other rites of passage.

There is a special spirit among Pueblo communities, particularly at Hopi. Being immersed in this history and culture is a profound and meaningful experience that leaves one more connected with humanity as a whole.

Our recent trip was filled with special opportunities to meet with artists, view and procure artwork, and strengthen old relationships we have enjoyed for decades.

We are thrilled to present a varied assortment of new Hopi artwork - ranging from pottery, to baskets, rattles, and more.
Hopi kachinas are also returning to the online gallery - with dozens of contemporary carvings as well as a handful of traditional carvings slated to make their appearance!
Hopi Pottery Trio
Approx. 8-9" diameters
Flute Neck Vase
by Dawn Navasie
$1,350.00 $1,080.00

Tail Feather Jar
by Stetson Setalla
$895.00 $715.00

Low Shoulder Seed Pot
by Garrett Maho
$1,200.00 $960.00

Available here - only via this private letter sale! Please inquire for more info.

Ella Dawahongva
Turtle Coil Plaque
(Approx. 7" Diameter)
$350.00 $280.00
This beautiful little coil basket features a classic turtle design with striking contrast color between the white and green backgrounds. The "shell" is also woven above the turtle in a raised technique. Ella Dawahongva is a traditional weaver from Second Mesa.
Traditional Hopi Rattles
Approx. 6-10"
These hand-painted rattles are designed and adorned on both sides. They are such a colorful and fun element of material Hopi culture. The large features a Water Maiden (Palhik Mana) while the smaller rattle features a Sun Face (Dawa).

Large: $65.00

Small: $45.00

Marie Begay
Two Grey Hills Tapestry
(27" L x 22" W)
$2,850.00 $2,450.00
No trip to Hopi is complete without a visit to their Navajo neighbors!

This incredible weaving is tapestry quality and made from natural dyes and wool.

Marie Begay is an elder weaver from the Arizona region of the Navajo Nation.

Contemporary Hopi Kachina Carvings
Returning in 2020!
We are excited to announce the return of contemporary Hopi kachina carvings to the online gallery in 2020!

This update gives you a glimpse at some of the incredible carvings we will be showcasing in the weeks and months ahead.

Pictured here are nearly a dozen masterful creations by well-known names like Jon Cordero, Kevin Pochoema, Alfred Lomahquahu, Malcolm Fred, and many more.

Size, price, and other detailed information along with additional images are available immediately upon request!
More Hopi Pottery!
Various Artists
Broadface Kachinas by Marty & Elvira Naha Nampeyo (9.75” H x 6.5” D)
$900.00 $720.00

Stylized Bird Design by White Swann
(4.5” H x 6” D)
$1200.00 $960.00

Unity Spirits by Gloria Mahle
(4” H x 5.75” D)
$450.00 $360.00

Hopi Baskets / Plaques
Various - Wicker & Coil
Green and Yellow Squash Wicker - 14” D $745.00 $595.00

Rainbow Wicker - 14 1/4” D
$745.00 $595.00

Mudhead Coil Plaque - 10 1/2” D
$530.00 $425.00

Rainbow Eagle - 13 1/4” D
$2,500.00 $2,000.00

Crow Mother Coil Plaque - 14 1/2” D $2,250.00 $1,800.00

Spotlight: Gloria Mahle

Flicker Feathers
3.75" H x 5" D
$450.00 $360.00
Gloria Mahle has been an active Hopi potter since 1980. She attributes much of her development and success to Rainy Naha and Fawn Navasie who have acted as her teachers and mentors.

Her painting is very fine and her polishing extremely smooth. Her finished pots are exceptional in quality and design. She is known for her bird, rain and cloud designs.
Gloria has appeared in several magazines and publications dealing primarily with Native American art and Hopi Pottery, in particularly. These include Hopi-Tewa Potters by Gregory Schaaf, p. 73; and Art of the Hopi, Contemporary Journeys on Ancient Pathways by Jerry and Lois Essary Jacka, p. 100.

She has also won numerous awards, including ribbons at the Museum of Northern Arizona Hopi Marketplace, and is best known for her symmetry and her detail in application and innovation.

Beautiful Hopi "fire-clouds" indicate that Gloria has indeed remained loyal to her traditional methods of forming and firing her pottery. These stunning reddish-orange shades can only be obtained through the natural sheep-dung firing process.
Hopi Shalako Couple
by Alban Mooya Jr.
Approx. 11-12" total height
"The Hopi Salako Taka towers seven or eight feet in the air, a long, slender, shoulder-less figure that bows and dips as he moves in a most graceful manner. He is always accompanied by his sister, the Salako Mana, as well as Hahai-i Wuhti and the Tukwinong Kachinas.

"The two Salakos are distinguishable only by a few details. The male has a pink face, earrings that are pendant eagle plumes, and the turquoise-colored moccasins of the men."

- Barton Wright, Kachinas: a Hopi Artist Documentary (248)

Email exclusive - available now!
Shalako Taka (Male): $575.00

Shalako Mana (Female): $575.00
Traditional Hopi Katsinam
Various Artists
We are excited to present a handful of new tihus (or traditional Hopi katsina dolls) by various well known artists such as Justice Tso, Paul Tso, Larry Melendez, and others!

Hi’lili - Pookonghoya - Koyemsi - Kuwan Heheya - Shulawitsi - Sakwa Hu

Coming to the online gallery soon. Also available now via email!

Please inquire for size, price, and availability, etc.

Hopi Pottery Tiles
by Val Kahe
Valerie Kahe is a talented pottery artist who learned from her mother Gloria Kahe, as well as her renowned grandmother, Marcella Kahe.

Hopi Kachin Mana
5" W x 7" L

Sikyatki Rain Bird
5" W x 7" L

Hopi Water Maiden
5" W x 7" L
Ancient Nations Indigenous Arts
