Wow, friends – wow!
So many of you opened our last email, interacted with it in some way (even just clicking a link makes a huge impact for us!), attended the TOPS Talk we told you about, responded personally to me over email … we were simply blown away. Let’s hope this is the start of something good – TOPS in your inbox on a regular basis; our great group remaining “top” of mind as you go about your healthy day-to-day routines; and consistent communication from our team over at headquarters, keeping you in the know with what’s cooking on our end.
*Quick note: Be sure you’re signed into our website,
in order to access these email links! 🙂
Speaking of “top of mind,” or, “TOPS” Of Mind, as we’re calling it – who doesn’t love a little pun? – that’s also going to serve as the title of a new blog that we just added to our website: My blog, to be specific! So if you want to hear from me more frequently than this once-a-month email, this is just another place you can check to read what’s happening from my desk.
Here are some entries my team and I recently posted:

“Answering your questions,” by the way, is a direct response to all the emails that flooded my inbox following that first “Community Corner” blast. A lot of you, as it turns out, were wondering the same exact things – are we open now for in-chapter meetings? (Mostly, yes!) Remind me exactly HOW to find a meeting near my house? What’s the online experience like?

It’s just like we learned in school: If one of you has a question, probably hundreds more of you have the exact same inquiry. So, go read some of the FAQs, posted on the blog, now! I plan to post weekly, and you can even subscribe, so that you don’t miss a word.
Daily Inspiration Calendars
Many of you were also looking for our next round of daily inspiration calendars. You can find those now – here’s August’s and here’s September’s – or, log into when you have some more time. You want to click on “Members Area,” then “My Tops Resources” and finally, “Calendars” and those are now available for printing, pinning or downloading. Enjoy!
I hope you were able to join our latest TOPS Talk. It featured Dr. Srividya Kidambi, and she spoke all about microbiomes, which ties in with gut health. If you missed it, you can watch the video here.
Our next TOPS Talk is quickly approaching, as well: Mark your calendar for Aug. 13, because we’ll be chatting with Dr. Nia Mitchell, as she shares challenges and tips for sustaining support of one another while managing a chronic disease.
These talks are such great resources; I hope you’re tuning in! 🙂
Finally, I just wanted to brag about the magazine for a minute: Your next TOPS News magazine should be in your mailbox by late August, and it’s such a fantastic issue! There’s a fun exercise idea involving maracas, an inspiring story about the importance of inner dialogue, and of course, our members’ success stories. The Transformations issue, as it’s called, features international royalty, state and provincial royals and division winners. Seeing all the incredible before-and-after photos is so cool!
“This is a quick note to say how much I enjoyed the newsletter. It was so good that I, as a leader, decided to do a TOPS meeting based on it. I printed off your letter for each of our members, as well at the links. Our entire chapter enjoyed the great ideas. … Thank you from Charlo, Montana!” -- Beatrice (Bea)

“Thanks for the email. I think it's a sign that I need to re-join TOPS!” -- Shannon
Until next time, my friends! 🙂

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