Visit our website / Facebook page to worship online on Sunday morning.

Family and Friends Conversation Starters:

Can you remember a time that you waited almost too long to ask God for help?
How quick are you to ask for help from family and friends?
Do you think that needing help makes you weak?
Walking With Grace

There is a group walking together each Tuesday evening at 5:30 pm. We meet in the parking lot at Grace, and then hit the trail. All ages and abilities are welcome. The numbers and participants may vary each week, but the journey continues!
Please join us!

Ice Cream Social
Saturday, June 26 @ 1:30 PM
The Lakes Area Food Shelf Challenge during Lent was so successful! But, the people of Our Savior's Lutheran Church won the challenge hands down. Now it is time for us to treat them to the promised "Ice Cream Social".
Circle your calendars for June 26th at 1:30PM and come for a treat and a time of fellowship with our Lutheran friends and each other.
People are needed to set up (at noon that day) and to clean up afterwards (at about 3:00 that day). If you are able to help please let Peggy Johnson - 218-963-3765 or Patti Erickson - 320-267-5950 know, please. It would be very much appreciated!!
Sharing your gifts
As the Grace Lay Leader, one of the things that I do is make the schedule for scripture readers during weekly worship. A very faithful group of people have read during the past months. Thank you all so much for adding your voice to our worship services.
Would any of you feel led to read scripture in the coming weeks? Or do any of you who have been reading want to take a break? The Bible passages are sent to you the week that you will read. Right now the service is taped on Wednesdays and live on Sunday mornings.
I will be making a new schedule in the coming days. So, if you think this is a meaningful way you could participate in Grace worship, please let me know. 
Thanks! Peggy Johnson  (218-963-3765)

Is it time to get the choir back together? Is it too soon?

For those who are ready to gather again, rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, at 6pm. An email went out to choir members a few weeks ago, but may have gotten lost in the shuffle. If you are interested in singing with the choir again, or for the first time, please talk to Brad or show up this Wednesday.
We are considering bringing back the "Homeland" presentation for 9/11/21. If there is enough interest to make this happen, rehearsals would need to start in August.

Mission Event
The Klements shared this information with us, to learn more about the UMC at work throughout the world. There is an opportunity to learn more about the missionaries and their work in Asia.
June 24th 6pm. Click link for more information and to register.

Community Events
There is so much happening in the area this summer! It seems that everyone is making up for last year, and that is okay!
Here are just a few links
A Safety Kids Camp event in Pequot Lakes
Hoppy Horse Rodeo cancer fundraiser
There is also a list of "Bands in the Park" events at the Pequot Lakes bandstand, on the same page as the fundraiser, or check out the city website for more details. Brad Wallace will play there on July 10th.
Stay Connected!

Please don't forget to check your mailbox at church when you are in the building for various communications. If you are not receiving emails or the weekly newsletter, please follow-up with the office to ensure that we have your correct contact information. If you have recently moved or changed your number, please let Ann know.

UMW notes and updates

All women of Grace UMC are invited to be inspired and renewed each month during our UMW gatherings. Our UMW meets on the first Thursday of each month at 10:00am,(note-we do not meet in July, August or January).
Grace UMW is a missional organization whose purpose is to know God through Jesus Christ. The theme for 2021 is "Knitted together for God's Good Work". With this as our general theme, we gather so that each may enjoy fellowship and support as we participate in mission and ministry for Jesus.
Please mark your calendars for Thursday September 9th, when we will have a program focused on the Minnesota Prison Doula Project with Kathy Gaalswuk.

We are hoping to hold the Annual Rummage Sale later this summer, but the date has not been determined. We are working to re-organize the garage currently, so we would appreciate it if nothing got dropped off at this time, without consulting the office first. Thank you!

Annual Conference 2021

Annual Conference is next week June 22-24. On the conference website there is a link to view some of the meetings and speakers.
In the future, Pastor Jen and our Conference representative Lauris Prinsen will share their thoughts and experiences.
As the conference this year is a mix of virtual and live offerings, Pastor Jen's schedule will be limited for these 3 days, please contact the office with any needs or questions.
Lakes Area Food Shelf

Pastor Jen has joined the Board of Directors for the Lakes Area Food Shelf.

Our Bishop has turned the dial to Blue.

Check this link for the phased plan details from the MN
Contact Information
 Grace United Methodist Church 
29318 Patriot Ave - P.O. Box 276
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
Phone: 218-568-5755