Daily Masses 
7 and 8:30 am

8:30 am



Weekend Masses


Msgr. Rick

Fr. Carlos
7 pm:
en Español

Fr. Carlos




Fr. Joe
9 am: 
Fr. Joe

Msgr. Rick assisted by Deacon Don
(Children's Liturgy
of the Word) 

Msgr. Rick assisted by Deacon Don




5 to 5:30 pm
6:30 - 7 pm en Español

Stay Connected

Welcome to
St. Joseph's 

St. Joseph Parish welcomes all

to come and Joyfully

Welcome Christ in Everyone!



We have daily and weekend Masses, and offer  a nationally recognized Blue Ribbon K-8 Parochial school.  Our staff will happily assist you arrange Baptisms and Confirmations, Marriages and Funerals.  We also offer ways for those interested in becoming Catholic, reconnecting with the church, or deepening  your faith.


We offer a variety of educational and faith formation opportunities for both adults and youth wishing to become more involved with the community.


For more information,

please contact our office.




St. Joseph Parish

100 Church Lane

Cockeysville, Maryland  21030






Dear Parishioners:
"Whoever eats this bread will live forever."  Jesus' words, which we hear in this weekend's Gospel reading, contain great promise, but at the same time they are veiled in confusion.  These words get to the core of the discourse in John's Gospel, known as the "Bread of Life Discourse" (chapter 6), which we have been sharing over the past few weekends.  Our belief in the Eucharist- bread and wine become the very Real Presence of Jesus Christ, "Body, Blood, soul and divinity"- is a stumbling block for many.  I firmly believe that when the Lord himself says "This is my Body.... This is my Blood," it is true because he has the power to make it so.  When doubts or questions arise, I pause to remember that God is bigger than I am, and I ask him, "Lord, increase my faith." 
As many of you know, I am a runner, and over the summer have been training for a fall marathon (the Baltimore Marathon on Saturday, October 17).  I have to think a lot about nutrition and hydration, especially about how I will keep fueled during long training runs and on race day.  The same concern holds true for a person of faith to remain nourished, nurtured, and fueled for our service, our witness, and our devotion.  "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him."  This is why there is such a strong connection between our participation at Sunday Mass and our effective living of the faith throughout the week.  The Church speaks of the Liturgy, particularly Sunday Mass, as the "source and the summit" of the Christian life, "the summit toward which all the activity of the Church is directed," and the source "from which all the Church's power flows."  The Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy states:
From the liturgy, therefore, particularly the Eucharist, grace is poured forth upon us as from a fountain; the liturgy is the source of achieving in the most effective way possible human sanctification and God's glorification, the end to which all the Church's other activities are directed." (Sacrosanctum Concilium 10)
If you are feeling lethargic in the faith, confused, or disconnected, look first at how you are being fed and strengthened at the Lord's banquet in the Mass.  Perhaps attending more regularly or participating more fully and consciously will be the nourishment you need to grow stronger.  This week let's give thanks for the Lord's promise to care for us and provide for us in such a tangible way by feeding us in the Eucharist.
This week we officially welcome back our school faculty who begin their final preparations to start the new school year, and we are welcoming a number of new teachers and staff to the school.  We wish them well and ask the Lord to bless their efforts this year!
God's peace to you this week,


Call to Worship
We are invited, through the words of the Psalmist, to "taste and see the goodness of the Lord." This goodness is given to us in many ways, but none more dramatic or total than the Eucharist - the Body and Blood of Jesus. The words of Jesus today, and over the past several weeks, have invited us to contemplate and to appreciate the power of this gift to give us abundant life.

Prayers of the Faithful

As people filled with the Spirit, we lift our hearts in prayer for all the needs of the world, as we respond, "Lord, hear our prayer."
For the  Church: may its witness of self-giving draw others to seek Christ as the source of eternal life, we pray to the Lord....
For all who give of themselves-- parents and teachers,  caregivers, members of the military and first responders, blood and organ donors: may they be inspired by Jesus' gift of himself for others, we pray to the Lord....
For young people, and for all seeking to know their purpose in life or discerning God's will: may they strengthened to give of themselves in lives of service, especially in vocations to priesthood or consecrated life , we pray to the Lord....
For the volunteers of our parish who share the Eucharist, the Lord's Body, with our sick and homebound parishioners, we pray to the Lord....
For the safety of travelers, and for our time of rest and leisure in these late summer days: may all find refreshment and return to our work renewed and eager to serve, we pray to the Lord....
For those among us who are sick or suffering in any way, especially Sr. Phyllis Greco, may they be touched by Christ's healing hand, we pray to the Lord.....                
For those who have died, especially Helen Goshaney, may they find eternal rest in the fullness of the heavenly kingdom, we pray to the Lord.....
Loving God,
you give us food to sustain us on our life journey.
Fill us with wisdom, understanding and gratitude,
and give us the courage to respond to those who need us.

We ask these things in the name of your Son, Jesus,
who has given himself for us, who is Lord for ever and ever.



Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors, please pick up your schedules in the parish office after Mass this weekend.

We welcome those who are visiting with us, and a special word of welcome to those who are new to our parish!

Pictures of Faith

Msgr. Rick, Fr. Carlos, and Seminarian John prepare to enjoy lunch with our new faculty on their first day at
St. Joseph's School. 

- Joe Liberto


Parish Life

Fall Bereavement Support Group for Adults
If you have lost a loved one within the last couple of years and you need a support group to help you with your grief, you will have an opportunity to attend one here at St. Joseph Parish. We will be offering a 6 weeks group on Tuesdays starting on Sept. 22, at 9:30 to 11 a.m.  for 6 weeks.  It will be in the Parish Center and it is free to anyone who needs our help.  Everything is confidential and stays in the group.  Sr. Julianne will coordinate the groups and we have various facilitators to assist.  Must register ahead of time to make sure we have available space.  Please call Sr. Julianne to reserve  a spot.

Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is looking for volunteers to help on a Faith Coalition Build on McCabe Avenue on Friday, September 11.  You need no specific skills, just a willingness to share fellowship with church volunteers.  Chesapeake HFH will be kicking off "Building on Faith Week" starting on September 11 and running through the International Day of Prayer on the 20th.  Questions?  Call Pat Ruggieri at 410-952-5956 or email

Food Pantry
The Weekend of the 29/30, St. Joseph's Pantry will be collecting non-perishable food, toiletries, household products, school supplies and gently used summer clothing (especially for men) in the lower hall of the Parish Center.  Donations will benefit communities surrounding the Franciscan Center in Baltimore.  Please visit the Franciscan's Center's website and click on Events for more information.

Do you know about our new online tool that lets you update your family record? It's called ConnectNow. Just visit and create your  account.  We'll activate your account for you, then you can log in to update your phone number, street address, and e-mail.  If you have children no longer living in your household, you can see what our records reflect.   You can also get your giving history report - just for your family, of course - any time you like. Help is at 
The Catholic Business Network
Come to our next meeting, Friday, August 28, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Radisson Hotel, located at 2004 Greenspring Drive, in Timonium.CBN's August meeting will be 100% networking and getting to know people. (No speaker this month.) CBN meetings are open to all who want to share faith, friendship and business. The first meeting is FREE. For more information, please contact Laurie Jantz at (610-597-5538). Find us online at and on Facebook.

Are you interested in becoming Catholic or learning about the Catholic faith?
Have you considered becoming Catholic but just don't know how to go about it? Do you wonder sometimes why Catholics do what they do? If so, the faith community of St. Joseph's Parish invites you to learn more about Catholics and their faith through The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA.If you re interesting in joining us this September, now is the time to register! Please contact or email Deacon Don.

Respect Life needs volunteers to help at the Maryland Right to Life booth during the State Fair from Friday August 28 to Monday September 7. Our friendly presence and the professional display truly shows the beauty and humanity of the unborn child throughout pregnancy! Email to volunteer or for more information. Thanks for standing for life!

Volunteer Needed
We need a volunteer to help coordinate 3 or 4 annual American Red Cross Blood Drives. The present
coordinators need to retire, but are willing to brief the new coordinator(s) on the responsibilities involved. There is a core group of Blood Drive volunteers that are already established and eager to remain volunteering for the blood drives. Please contact Ann Marie Labin for more information.

St. Joseph School News

An update from Mrs. Maggie Dates, Principal: 

Mrs. Paetow and I have had a busy summer working on staffing for the year. We are proud to welcome back our faculty this week, including our new faculty and staff to the St. Joseph School community!

We are very excited about the gifts and talents that each of these teachers will bring to St. Joseph School this year. Together we will accomplish great things with and for our students!

Applications Ongoing: If you are interested in applying to St. Joseph School, a National Blue Ribbon School for K-8,  please call the school office at 410-683-0600 option 3 for more information. You may print out the application form and find accompanying admission information at Thank you!

The first bell of the 2015-16 school year will ring on Monday, August 24 for SJS students who will dismiss at noon.

St. Joseph Parish, Cockeysville | 4434655320 | |
100 Church Lane
Cockeysville, MD 21030