Upcoming Events!

  • April 16th - Stepping Out in Faith Kick-off
  • May 6th - Spring Tea Fundraiser
  • May 7th - Congregational Video
  • May 10th - Celebration of New Ministry, 6:30
  • May 14th - History and Polity Inquiry Classes
  • Distribution of Free Trigger Locks - June 10th Five Points Jazz festival, June 17th & 18th Juneteenth Festival, and June 24th & 25th Pride Festival
  • Pride Worship Service and Parade June 25th


  • Children's Perspective of St. Thomas
  • Register for The Stepping Out in Faith Pledge Campaign Kickoff
  • St. Thomas Spring Tea and Volunteer Sign-Ups
  • St. Thomas Update on Gun Violence Prevention Program and Opportunities to Volunteer
  • Church of the Wild" Book Group Every Other Monday Starting April 17 from 9am to 11am
  • Locally Haiti Fundraiser
  • Call for Ushers and Volunteers for Coffee Hour/Flowers

Happenings This Week



Experiments in Prayer and Meditation, Tuesdays 6:00 p.m., ZOOM Link

Morning Prayer: Wednesdays 8:00

Drum Circle - Second Thursday of Each Month at 2:00 p.m.

Worship Service Links and Information

Spiritual Formation

Godly Play Videos


Deliver Food Bank Collection

Contact Us

St. Thomas Office

The Rev. Terri Hobart

Visit our website

Easter 2A

April 16, 2023

Preaching and Presiding

This Week: 

The Rev. Terri Hobart

Submit Prayer Requests

The Way of Love: A Life Transformed

Week 6 - GO

Week 6 - GO

Our Children's Experience of Saint Thomas

The children of St Thomas bring a tremendous amount energy and happiness to each Sunday.

As we have started Acolyte trainings and opened up more opportunities for leadership in the children's programs, we wanted to know how they enjoyed them and St Thomas. We asked any child who wanted to share their perspective on why St Thomas is special to them.

Wesley - "Generally Welcoming Feel and Community"

Rowan - "Adventure"

Stella - "Together with my family"

Martina - "Bread, helping with the stories"

Peter - "Different material"

Amelia - "Coloring how I want"

Sam - "It's not like school, cool stories"

Leading with Love, Stepping Out in Faith

Annual Giving Campaign Launch Party

Leading with Love, Stepping Out in Faith

Annual Giving Campaign Launch Party

This Sunday, April 16, is an exciting day in the life of St. Thomas. We are launching the 2023 Annual Giving Campaign: Stepping Out in Faith with a festive lunch and fun activities for both adults and children in the Great Hall after our service. We hope you will join us for fellowship and to celebrate the ministries and accomplishments of St. Thomas Episcopal Church. The pledge packet that you will receive in the mail shortly include many of the accomplishments we will be celebrating.

Why Should I Pledge to St. Thomas?

Members should support St. Thomas financially because they value what it provides to the community and want to see it continue to thrive and grow.

Why Do We Have an Annual Giving Campaign?

This is our first formal giving campaign since 2019 and we are excited to invite you to participate in the financial life of St. Thomas in a significant way. This is an opportunity for you to invest in something that you believe in deeply that makes a difference in the community. Your generous contributions allow us to Lead With Love and positively impact many lives. Each year we ask all members to make an annual financial commitment to St. Thomas so that the Vestry can accurately project revenue and manage our resources wisely. Financial support from our members is our primary source of the church’s income. All members of the congregation are expected to participate in the life of the congregation thorough their worship, service, and financial support.

How Much Should I Pledge?

We encourage all members to give as they are able and work towards becoming proportionate pledgers who give a pre-determined percentage of their income each year. If you are new to pledging, you may want to prayerfully discern how to prioritize your financial commitment to St. Thomas in relationship to the amount of your discretionary income you donate to other organizations or spend on travel, hobbies, recreational activities, and other amenities. This year we recommend the following guidelines so that we can continue to grow and address the impact if inflation on our budget:

  1. If you are someone who currently pledges, we ask that you prayerfully consider increasing your pledge by at least 10%.
  2. If you are a proportional giver, we ask you consider continuing to move toward a 10% tithe by increasing the percentage of your income that you give to St. Thomas.
  3. If you are not a proportional giver, we ask that you consider giving a percentage of your annual income as you are able. Many people begin with 1-2% and increase their pledge over time as their financial circumstances allow.
  4. If you make plate offerings on Sundays, we ask that you make an annual financial pledge that reflects your anticipated giving.

Thank you for all you do for St. Thomas, by your presence each Sunday, for your ministries, and for all the gifts you bring to St. Thomas. None of this is possible without your financial support!

Gratefully, The Parish Success Ministry Team,

Georgina Lucas, Chair

Kathi Atkins

Amy Boatright

Burns Davison

Tyler Gonzalez

Benny Samuels

Anne Speck

Judy Swinnerton


Join Saint Thomas for Spring High Tea!

Our spring tea is inspired by the amazing tea that Castle Marne hosted. Instead of the traditional 3 tier serving plate you will be receiving separate courses.

The overall menu is:

Butternut Squash Bisque

Spinach Quiche

Spring Salad

Three Varieties of Tea Sandwiches

Scones and Sweets

Black, Aromatic and Herbal Tea Offered

Our tea will be served in cozy settings (the library and the first-floor office) with tables for 2-6 available.

We will have two sittings to choose from; 11:00 and 1:30. Reservations are limited to 20 people per sitting.

All this for $30 a person with special menu and pricing for children twelve and under.

On line reservations will be available starting April 03th. Call Judy Swinnerton with any questions at 303-507-7654.

Please join us for a holiday high tea! We are planning 23 sittings (11:00 and1:30) in cozy intimate rooms for $30/person and special pricing and menu for children 12 and under. Space is limited so register soon.


Volunteers Needed!

We need a few more volunteers for our Spring tea.

I am planning on having additional help so that volunteers will only serve at one sitting. And I will have someone dedicated to washing. So volunteers only need to do the following: 

  1. Friday set up 
  2. Friday tea sandwich prep 
  3. Saturday serve 1 sitting 
  4. Make a dessert 

Please contact Judy Swinnerton on [email protected] or 303-507-7654 if you would like to join us. 

"Church of the Wild" - Book Group

You are invited to participate in a book group this spring!

According to the late “geologian” Thomas Berry… “The divine communicates with us primarily through the language of the natural world.”

In Church of the Wild, Victoria Loorz offers a compelling perspective on how to fall in love again with our natural world, as we increasingly recognize ourselves as part of it. More than a book discussion, we will venture out into nature to live into the beauty of spring and early summer as we slowly savor “how nature invites us into the sacred".

“An absence of a sense of the sacred is the basic flaw in many of our efforts at ecologically or environmentally adjusting our human presence to the natural world. We will not save what we do not love…eventually only our sense of the sacred will save us.” Thomas Berry

We will meet every other Monday, beginning April 17 from 9-11am St Thomas Courtyard in pleasant weather (indoors if not)

Facilitators: Catherine Welch and Nancy Arko

If you are interested in participating, please email [email protected] or [email protected]

Zoom Audio Issues

We are making a concerted effort to improve the quality and consistency of the audio quality for those who attends our ZOOM services. To do that we need help from ZOOM participants. If the audio is not satisfactory, please provide details to the ZOOM Host during and after the services. We need to know exactly what the issues are from no sound, too loud, too quiet, too distorted, whatever you are experiencing. Please type the issue into chat and identify specifically which mic was being used and what part if the service was affected. Thanks!

Evening For Haiti

Inquirers Classes

Learn More About The Episcopal Tradition

On the second Sunday of each month, The Rev. Terri Hobart will lead Inquirers Classes for those who would like to learn more about the beliefs, history, worship, and practices of the Episcopal Church. Each class will cover a different aspect of the Episcopal Church. This series is ideal for those newer to the Episcopal Church, as well as anyone who has questions or would like to deepen their understanding of the Episcopal Tradition. Parishioners are invited to attend the whole series or just classes of particular interest. Those who are considering or who will participate in confirmation or reception should participate in all sessions or schedule a make up, if necessary.


Jenifer Gamber’s Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Churchavailable online through Church Publishing Incorporated, is recommended as a companion to this series.

Prayer, Spirituality, Mission – Ask about next date!

History and Polity - May 14th

Great Opportunity to Meet Fellow Parishioners

Serve As A Greeter and Usher

We need to build up our Usher ranks! Ushers welcome people to our worship services and manage the offerings and communion process. Would you be willing to in serve once a month. If you are interested in this relational ministry, please contact me at [email protected] for more information and any questions you have. Thank you for considering this opportunity.


Kathi Atkins

Script Program and Other Ways

to Support St.Thomas

Vehicles For Charity

“Vehicles for Charity” is managed by ARC. You go to their website, https://www.vehiclesforcharity.org/, type in St. Thomas Episcopal Church and fill out the online form. 

King Soopers' Script Program

Information coming Soon!

Sign-ups for Coffee Hour and Flowers

Beginning in September, we would like to resume a regular coffee hour. As such you will find a sign-up sheet by the church door. We encourage you to find a partner and sign -up to host a coffee hour. All that is required is to come a few minutes early to make the coffee (instructions are provided) and help tidy up after coffee hour. Providing a snack is optional.

There is also a sign-up sheet to provide flowers for the altar. You have the options of making a donations so that we can order flowers or you can provide them. If you would like to donate flowers in memory or honor of someone, please email the office and we will include that in the weekly bulletin. 

None of This Would Be Possible Without Your Financial Support!

Thank You!

We Make Church Together

Many Hands Make Light Work

How can you help?

What gifts do you have to offer?

Office Hours

Tuesday and Wednesday, 10:00 - 3:00

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