Preparing for Sunday, October 10, 2021
Worship Sunday at 10 a.m.
Sanctuary · Hickey Hall · Facebook
11 a.m. Christian Education · Service Opportunities
The church office is open M - F; 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
The office is open to the congregation by appointment.

Harmony in the Hills Concert
Greg Hartmann
Sunday, October 10
4:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Join us for a solo performance by well respected pianist Greg Hartman. He will also be performing October 8 at 8 p.m. in the Sanctuary with the Rochester Symphony Orchestra and will be featured with St. Paul’s Orchestra in a virtual Harmony in the Hills concert on October 9 at 8 p.m. on Facebook.
2nd Sunday
Get to Know St. Paul's
Sunday, October 10; 11 a.m. in the Parlor
Join us for after worship for a casual social time and an opportunity to learn more about the mission and ministry of St. Paul's. Get to know our pastors and let us get to know you.
Brave Faith
2022 Stewardship Campaign
Over the next four weeks, we will be exploring, separately and together, what God desires for us in our giving. Brave Faith will be an opportunity for each of us to consider all the ways that God has been generous to us even as we pray our campaign prayer, “God, how is my brave faith inspiring me to give?” 
Please watch the Brave Faith introductory video
A Word from the Pastor
Sunday Worship
10 a.m. in the Sanctuary 
Online worship at 10 a.m. on Facebook
Do you practice Sabbath? What activities are appropriate for a day focused on God reminding us to stay close to God, discerning the ways God might desire to use us for God’s purposes? Is healing an appropriate desire on the Sabbath day? This week in our series, author Tom Berlin writes, “We all like the stories of courage where the hero saves the day. We tend not to think about the price the hero pays (37).” Jesus heals someone and is ridiculed for working on the Sabbath. Does our Sabbath practice call us to have conviction in our faith? How might boundaries clarify and liberate us in our faith?   
Rev. David Eardley
The Open Door at 10 a.m. in Hickey Hall 
There are days when the way is not clear, when the storms are raging, when all our plans have fallen apart… In the midst of chaos and dashed dreams, we wonder, where do we go from here? Join us Sunday to discover how God’s gift of the conviction of courage carries us forward during such difficult times
Rev. David Eardley
Vesper Service Thursday
 Thursday at 7 p.m. for worship on Facebook
Unwind, relax, reflect, and connect with God.
Grace Redefined
As you follow the Jesus path, words matter. Sometimes, they lose their impact because you’re so familiar with them. We’ll consider grace—and reality— so you can think about that word in a fresh way. Find us on Facebook at St. Paul's United Methodist Church-Rochester. 
Rev. Rick Kress
Prayer List
The following prayer requests have been received by our church. Please send your prayer requests to
Healing & Comfort
Ginny Ames, Loraine Mazur, Beth Culp, David Beerer, Carol Ann Wilke, Bernona Fry - mother of Grant Fry, Tim Tenbusch, - friend of Betsy and Peter Marsh, Joyce Olson
SkyCraft Theatre Works
Ordinary Days
October 1 – 10 in Hickey Hall
Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.; Sundays at 3 p.m.
Ordinary Days is a sung-through musical with music and lyrics by American composer Adam Gwon. Set in New York City, the musical follows four characters, exploring how their ordinary lives connect in the most amazing ways.Tickets ($15) are available at and at the door. See more
Volunteer Ushers Needed!
Three Ushers Needed for October 8, 9, 10
See the performance for free and receive a complimentary ticket to another performance. Attire is business casual. Sign up here
Contact Marilyn Kress for more information.
Red Bird Mission Celebrates 100 Years
October 8 - 20
St. Paul's is invited to learn about the Red Bird mission, its function, and its exciting past. October 8-20, the mission is Celebrating 100 years of Red Bird School – Past and Future – Red Bird Mission. Also know you can tune in to their Facebook pages (Red Bird Christian School, Red Bird School Alumni Association, Red Bird Mission, and Red Bird Mission Centennial-Celebration 100 years of videos etc.) This is a great way for all of you to see this wonderful mission that you have so faithfully supported.
Treasures in the Trunk Sale
Saturday, October 16
9 a.m. - 1 p.m. in parking lot
Due to Covid and volunteer concerns, St. Paul’s UMW is trying something new in place of our Fall Rummage Sale. Bring what you would have donated - Sell it along side others doing the same. All proceeds support women and children in need. See more
Marriage Renewal Service
Sunday, October 17
10 a.m. in the Sanctuary & Hickey Hall
Couples celebrating their 5th, 10th wedding anniversary, etc. (in 5 year increments), or any wedding anniversary over 50 years, are invited to participate. Please call the church office at 248-651-9361 to sign up for this meaningful renewal service.
3rd Sunday Mission Opportunity
Sunday, October 17; 11 a.m. in Courtyard
Go With Gratitude into our local community. We have so much to be thankful for and giving back is a wonderful way to express our gratitude. This off-campus experience is for the whole family. Dress comfortably for worship and then meet outside to be placed into “gratitude groups” and receive your team assignments. Please email Amy Heitman with any questions or if you have a great idea of your own.
Harmony in the Hills Concert
Nicholas Schmelter
Sunday, October 17; 4 p.m. in the Sanctuary
St. Paul’s is delighted to present Nicholas Schmelter on organ and harpsichord, featuring St. Paul’s JW Walker organ and Franco-Flemish Double harpsichord. Come for a wonderful afternoon of music with a very well respected international concert artist. Suggested donation $15.
Changed to All Virtual Event
Black Church
Sunday, October 17; 3 - 5 p.m. Virtual viewing
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Virtual discussion
Part 2 of The Black Church Watch Party and Discussion has been changed to a all virtual event. See updated information
Church Family Comes to Campus
Sunday, October 17; 5 - 6 p.m. outside Hickey Hall
Assemble Flood Relief Buckets for UMCOR
We are assembling flood relief cleaning buckets for United Methodist Committee on Relief and delivering them to the Detroit UMCOR office. Our hope is that you will bring assembled buckets to church ready to deliver. We are also accepting doantions of cash and specific items on the list. For guidance, contact Larry Hice or Rev. Gutierrez. Instructions and video
Last Call for New Stephen Ministers
Class starts October 18
If you have thought of becoming a Stephen Minister, it will never be easier than this. A new training class is forming and will be taught at St. Paul’s on Monday evenings. We will begin at 6:30 p.m. and be finished before 9 p.m. This class starts on October 18 and will continue (with breaks for holidays) until the end of March. We have five trainees enrolled from several area churches, but there is space for you. To get more information, contact Judy May or Susan Sonye.
Deadline October 22
Hats & Gloves for Baldwin
For many years the United Methodist Women has donated hats and gloves to Baldwin Center and Neighborhood House. We buy them at a discount from Broner Hat Company to maximize our donation.
Without our Rummage Sale fundraiser this year, we do not have funds available and we welcome any donations to help us continue this ministry. Please make checks to St. Paul's United Methodist Women with 'hats and gloves' in the memo line & mail to 620 Romeo St. Rochester, MI 48307. 
Many thanks from the United Methodist Women.
New Member Class
Sunday, October 24; 3:30 - 5 p.m. in the Parlor
Please attend the New Member Class if you interested in becoming a member of St. Paul’s and would like to learn more about the mission of St. Paul’s, small groups and the many ministry teams that are offered. At the end of the meeting, we will welcome new members. Pictures will be taken and shown in worship the following Sunday.

Please sign up at the Welcome Center in the Narthex or in Hickey Hall or contact Marilyn Kress at 586-212-9065.
Altar Flowers
Through your generous support, the sponsorship of altar flowers at St. Paul’s has remained a loving tradition and a beautiful part of our worship experience. If you would like to sponsor altar flowers in memory of or in honor of someone or something, please contact Karen Rider.
Help Wanted
Immediate need for part-time daytime custodian. Applicants must be reliable, flexible and able to lift 25lbs. This is a permanent long-term position with paid time off. Please contact Rachel Henry for more information.
Help Wanted
Audio/Visual Volunteers
Are you interested in sharing your gifts and joining a great team at St. Paul’s? We are seeking Audio/Visual volunteers to help support Sunday services and special events. Volunteers will be trained and scheduled as they are available. For more information please contact Rachel Henry.

Welcome Center Coordinator and Volunteers and Ushers Needed
Help others feel welcome the moment they walk in the door! Friendly folk are needed to serve as Welcome Center hosts and Ushers on Sunday mornings. A Welcome Center volunteer coordinator is also needed. Please contact Rob Patten to volunteer for the Welcome Center and Gail Hosner to serve as an usher.
Health Ministry Team has provided the following important information:
If you are need of help or have an urgent need, please email or call the church office at 248-651-9361. 
Contact your pastors:
Rev. David Eardley - 
Rev. April Gutierrrez -
Rev. Judy May -  
Rev. Rick Kress -  
Church Office              248-651-9361 
Dr. Timothy R. Hickey  Pastor Emeritus