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November 14, 2013
'Gettin' er Done' Series with Judy Hudson, NCMG
 Grooming the Pet Brussels Griffon


Judy Hudson is an awarding winning groomer. She is also a popular demonstrator at grooming trade shows. In this lesson, Judy works on a pet Brussels Griffon. The intelligent and fun-loving Brussels has a terrier-like disposition and is known for his almost human-like expression.  



As Judy says, "There are no perfect dogs and no perfect groomers. We just do the best we can with what we have to work with." Wise words when it comes to these two little Brussels that are two regular clients of Judy's everyday mobile business.


She uses two very pet quality Brussels to open up this lesson. Even though they are far from perfect in conformation and coat texture, Judy still attempts to keep the essence of the breed intact. In this demonstration, she works on one dog to show you how groom this appealing little breed using pet grooming techniques.


The trim is fast and easy when you know what tools and procedures to use on this unique breed.


Approximate total running time:  27 minutes


In this video you will learn:

  •  why it's important to card out a wire-coated dog
  •   blades that help retain the coated look of the breed
  •   how to set the pattern on the dog
  •  ways to assist the coat in growing in the correct direction
  •  shortcuts to help get the dog done fast has many benefits that come along with being a member, including:
  • hundreds of HOW TO groom videos from the best teachers in the business. You will learn from the top training partners from across the country.
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There is something for everyone from beginning groomer to seasoned pet stylist. You will also find cat grooming videos, creative styling lessons, business building topics and product reviews.


Setting the Foot and Rear Angulation on a Show Style Bichon

Award winning pet stylist, Lindsey Dicken works on Zoey, the Bichon she used so frequently in world class grooming competitions.  


In this Mini Lesson, Lindsey shows you how to hand scissor the perfect Bichon foot. Once the foot is set in, then she moves to the rear lines on the back leg. She shows you what to trim to get great angulation with lots of flair on a show style Bichon Frise trim. 




Approximate running time: 

12 minutes.

Mini Lessons are only available to Members of   

New Blog from Melissa Verplank
Find the Gold in Your Own Client Base  

How many of you do this?


You are out shopping. You see something you want to buy; a great pair of shoes or maybe a meal out at a nice restaurant. You see the cost of the item. You automatically transfer it to dog numbers.  You think to yourself, "I would have to groom two and a half dogs to get that."


If you have groomed dogs for any amount of time, my bet is you play this game with yourself all the time.  I know I did!


From the Archives!   

Tails from Holidays Past   

In this video session, all four of us sit down together to talk about lessons we've learned from holidays past. With over 113 years of experience between us, we have a lot to share.

We talk about some of the highlights that stand out in our minds as professional pet groomers and stylists. Some of the lessons are just fun and silly, while others share a lesson to be learned. We cover tips and tricks that apply to busy salons as well as mobile grooming.

Grab a cup of eggnog and join us for this holiday lesson.

Approximate running time: 34 minutes.

Grooming TIP of the WEEK!
 Whoever is asking the questions is in control of the conversation.



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