On May 17, 2018, officials from Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) were joined by officials from Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), students, and community members for a groundbreaking at Beulah Payne Elementary School. The construction project will include the demolition of portable classrooms, and the building of new, sound insulated classrooms.
“We are excited about the opportunity the LAWA funds provide us to mitigate aircraft noise in our facilities and our classroom environment," said Dr. Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana, State Administrator for IUSD.
“We strive to be a good neighbor with our local communities,” said Samantha Bricker, Deputy Executive Director, Environmental Programs Group, LAWA. “By funding sound insulation in these classrooms, we can provide a positive learning environment for Inglewood students.”
The funding provided by LAWA is specifically for sound insulation to enhance the learning environment for the 685 students at this site. The funds will be used specifically for: 105 new acoustically rated windows, 23 new sound attenuating doors, installation of a new heating and air conditioning system to maintain a comfortable environment when the windows and doors are closed, and the addition of insulation in the walls and ceilings to further reduce noise intrusion. LAWA is also providing technical assistance and support throughout IUSD’s implementation of the sound insulation program.
LAWA’s funding for the sound insulation is just a portion of the total project, which includes funding from IUSD and Measure GG. The sound insulation portion of the project is funded by the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) at LAX. The FAA approved the collection of the PFC and expenditure for this program, which fulfills a commitment made by LAWA to provide funding to IUSD for sound insulation.
The Beulah Payne Elementary School construction project will take approximately one year to complete. The school will remain open as the work will be completed in phases. IUSD will also be moving forward with additional LAWA funded projects at Monroe Middle School, Morningside High School, and Oak Street Elementary.