Message From the City Manager
Greetings City of Grover Beach,
Spring historically is a time of renewal after a dark winter, a time to plant seeds for future growth. This theme is particularly pertinent in the renewal that we all feel this spring coming out of the COVID-19 winters for the past two years. The City is taking several steps this spring to promote a sense of renewal and pursue opportunities to help our community grow and prosper for years to come.
We know that the past two years have been difficult for many in our community, including nonprofit agencies that have served our residents during the pandemic. To assist these groups, the City opened a first-ever open community organization grants process this month to provide funding to support these groups in their work within Grover Beach. The City has allocated $100,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds, and individual grants can be awarded up to $10,000. More information is on our website. The application deadline is April 30.
We are still getting back to holding community events that bring people together after a long time of missed or virtual events. The City held a series of community events at parks called “Potluck in the Park” in 2019, and after a two-year hiatus, we’ve resumed these events, now called “Picnic in the Park.” The first event was on April 15 at Ramona Park and featured bounce houses, pickleball, chalk art, cornhole, food and beverages, canine friends and community conversation. Future events will be held throughout the year at other parks in the City and, of course, the City’s largest community event – the beloved Summer Concert Series – is just around the corner. The first concert is on June 5, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Lastly, this sense of renewal extends to West Grand Avenue, the heart of the City and our main commercial corridor. We have a vibrant mix of local businesses along West Grand Avenue, though we also have significant opportunities for redevelopment along this walkable corridor just steps from our beachfront. As the City considers changes to its Development Code to enable more housing production, a tangible example of future development was shared at the April 11 Council meeting. The proposed mixed-use project at 402 West Grand Avenue – currently a vacant lot – would provide up to 44 units of additional housing for our community. It would also offer ground-level retail/restaurant space to bring further activity to West Grand Avenue. The Council expressed strong support for this project as a catalyst for the future development of West Grand Avenue, which would be made possible through the proposed Development Code changes.
Spring is in the air; let’s celebrate this period of renewal and opportunity within Grover Beach. We look forward to seeing you at a future meeting or City event in the coming weeks!
Matthew Bronson
City Manager
Community Organization Grants
🗣The application period for organizations to apply for the Community Grants Program is now open and will end April 30. The City Council is anticipated to determine the allocation of funds at the May 23 Council meeting. Selected organizations will receive the grant funding from July 2022 to June 30, 2023.
The City invites all organizations that have been negatively impacted by #COVID19 or provide critical services in response to the pandemic to apply.
Grover Beach Explores Development Plan for West Grand Avenue and 4th Street Intersection
Grover Beach Kicks Off Series of Community Park Picnic Events
The City of Grover Beach Parks and Recreation Department is launching a spring and summer series of community park picnic events starting on Friday, April 15 from 4:30 - 6:30 PM at Ramona Garden Park.
The City is planning to host additional picnics later this year, with the next events planned for May and June.
GB 101 and Mobile Command Vehicle Release
The City of Grover Beach is hosting its first Grover Beach 101 (GB 101) event for community members to learn more about City services and civic engagement opportunities on May 11, 2022 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Ramona Garden Park. The event will include a light dinner and families are welcome.
Annette Munoz, Finance Manager
Introducing Annette Munoz! Annette brought many years of accounting experience with her before beginning her employment with the City in November 2018. She started as an Accountant and became a Finance Manager by early 2020. Before joining the City, she worked as the Finance Director for both the City of Guadalupe and Buellton. Prior to her government employment, she worked for 22 years at Missions Industries corporate offices located in Santa Barbara. Annette holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from California State University, Bakersfield, and an Accounting Certificate from UC Santa Barbara.
Annette was born and raised in Santa Barbara and has fond memories of spending endless summer days at the beach during her childhood and with her husband. She met her husband in high school, and they have been happily married since 1986. They have traveled to the Grand Canyon, Cabo San Lucas and the Caribbean while raising their four children. They love to share the outdoors with their kids and have been on numerous camping trips to the Sierras, Sequoias and Mammoth. Some of Annette’s favorite hobbies are playing softball, dancing flamenco, bike riding, hiking and laughing.
Annette has immensely enjoyed her employment with the City. She appreciates the day-to-day interaction with her colleagues and the teamwork that has been accomplished during these hard last two years. She is blessed to have a wonderful group of staff in her department who love to laugh and keep each other smiling through their shining examples of dedication, support and encouragement.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
City Hall Schedule
Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting
April 21 @ 6 p.m.
City Council Meeting
April 25 @ 6 p.m.
Planning Commission Meeting
May 3 @ 6 p.m.
City Council Meeting
May 9 @ 6 p.m.
Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting
May 19 @ 6 p.m.
Mentone Basin Park Community Fence Painting Event
Join the rescheduled second half of the Mentone Basin Park fence painting event on April 23 from 9 a.m to 12 p.m. Participants will meet at the fence in the morning and will be given a free hot dog lunch at the end of the event as a thank you! For more information, email the Parks & Recreation Department.
Know the Code
How the Grover Beach Municipal Code (GBMC) City Rules Affect You
Storm Drain Connections Code
To maintain local water quality, the construction, use, maintenance or continued existence of illicit connections to the storm drain system is prohibited in Grover Beach. This code helps protect Meadow Creek, the Pacific Ocean and other natural storm water basins from harmful pollutants. When illicit underground or above ground connections have been identified and investigated by the Public Works Department, corrective actions are required within 72-hours. To report an illicit connection, please call (805) 473-4530.
Work with us! City Employment Opportunities Include:
- Engineering Technician
- Management Analyst, Public Works
- Police Officer - Lateral Transfer/Academy Graduate
- Police Officer - Motor Officer (Lateral)
- Police Officer Trainee
City of Grover Beach
154 S 8th Street
Grover Beach, CA 93433
(805) 473-4550