Here’s a picture-perfect way to win over new members. Invite them to one of your District’s vision screenings.
California Lions Friends in Sight events are scheduled by clubs in every District. Prospective members are welcome to attend with their sponsor to see firsthand how Lions are helping people in need. They'll meet other Lions and can even participate in volunteering. They'll see Lions at work testing people's vision, assisting doctors in providing an eye health assessment, and helping people select a useable pair of free recycled eyeglasses. You'll show your member candidates the end results of your club’s eyeglasses collection work, an extraordinary example of how we Lions serve.
Becoming a Lion Means Joining the Fight Against Blindness
New Lions become part of the Lions Clubs International mission to restore vision and prevent blindness. We at California Lions Friends In Sight, along with your Membership Chairs and Vision Screening District Coordinators stand ready to welcome new Lions and their sponsors to our family of volunteers.