Want to create a gratitude habit?

Then grow one! 

Grow or create a Thanksgiving tree.

Thanksgiving trees, also known as thankful trees, are more popular than ever because they validate gratitude and provide a visual reminder of appreciation both at the individual and at the group level. What is fantastic about this idea, is that it is not limited only to November and National Gratitude Month. Designing a thankful tree now and continuing to add on to it throughout 2021 is the perfect incentive to keep appreciation consistently recognized and actionable every single day.

The benefits are vast. Gratitude is an attitude with perks.
-      Builds self-esteem
-      Drives leadership and relationships
-      Elevates energy and motivation
-      Supports kindness and builds consistency
-      Enables you to meet the moment decreasing fear and stress
-      Inspires authenticity

  • Purchase a small indoor real or faux tree or bush, and decorate it for Thanksgiving with small notes depicting all that you or your family are in appreciation of right now. You can use this idea as a prop for a virtual Thanksgiving and ask friends and relatives to send you what they are grateful for and add on during your Zoom. Keep this tree "alive" by continuing to embellish upon it every week. At the end of every month take some time to re-read and reflect on your notes. What is possible?

  • Build a gratitude wall or cork board. Write your notes of thanks on cut out leaves, or sticky notes, and build them out as branches starting with the Thanksgiving holiday and growing your habit into the new year.

  • Purchase a medium size jar and put note cards and markers next to it. This can be a family jar located in the kitchen, or your personal appreciation stash by your bedside. Every day, add a note of kindness, a reminder of thanks, or something you are grateful for right now to the contents of the jar. Review monthly and journal how you feel when you read the contents. What does this gratitude practice enable you to do now? What shifts and drives the moment?

  • Not into "creative projects?" Then develop a gratitude spread sheet or file folder on your computer. Schedule a weekly meeting with yourself to update your spreadsheet or file folder. Once a month review your contents. What does this habit of thanks bring to your life? Reflect, and take one action step directly related to what you appreciate most.

  • Grow an email and call tree. Schedule a call, email, or even a text 365 times starting today. Create a sticky note wall or computer spread sheet to document your progress. Start your day with this and direct your attention to people or businesses that you appreciate and are thankful for. Reach out and say hello, tell them what you liked, share info, or be of service. This is not a sales call, or a business lead in any way. It is simply you creating a new habit and a way to start your day with gusto, kindness, and human interest.


It is with gratitude that I share the many ways that Randi Levin Coaching has been recently featured or quoted by top media outlets. Click on the topics to read or listen in.