More airlines are losing luggage. AirTags and tile trackers can help.
Active managers are proving their worth right now. Will it last?
Active managers, who have long argued that they do their best work during volatile and declining markets, seem to be making good on that promise this year — at least in domestic equity markets. According to an analysis done by Morningstar for Institutional Investor, 62.9 percent of U.S. equity funds succeeded in beating their benchmarks through the end of May. The average excess return for the category was 1.36 percent.
Unleash your organization’s overlooked talent
In this era of high anxiety and scarce talent, many leaders and organizations ask too much of people. But, do leaders and organizations also ask too little of people, overlooking skills and experiences that don’t conform to official job descriptions or traditional business relationships, and thus missing out on the passions and talents of colleagues and customers who would be eager to share what they know, if only they were asked.