Join us every Sunday for meditation, talks, chanting, and discussions
In-person and live on Zoom!
MABA is open to the public on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Please wear masks indoors
Let none find fault with others;
Let none see the omissions and commissions of others.
But let one see one’s own acts, done and undone.
—Dhammapada Verse 50
We kindly ask our friends when visiting the monastery:
- be gentle and respectful to all living beings,
- refrain from wearing fragrances,
- speak in low tones,
- wear respectful clothing (plain colors, no bare knees or shoulders),
- remove shoes before entering buildings
All are welcome to join us for lunch at 11:45am in Blue Lotus House
Dear Dharma Friends,
Our Bodhisattva Retreat will be held on October 14-16 and is by invitation to those who have taken Bodhisattva Vows or have taken Refuge and Precepts and are interested in taking Bodhisattva Vows.
We invite you to join us live every Sunday Morning, either in person or on Zoom, for meditation, Dharma talks, chanting, and discussions. All are welcome. Past Dharma talks and special event speakers will be uploaded to both our YouTube channel and Facebook page.
As always, we are grateful for your ongoing support. Please continue to stay safe, we look forward to seeing you soon.
May all beings be well and happy!
Your Friends in the Dharma,
The Community at MABA
Please consider making your tax-deductible end-of-year contributions today.
Thank you for your generosity!
Opening the Gate to Awakening II
In November MABA will be hosting series of talks by famous Buddhist teachers from different schools, different traditions and even different countries! Join us in this once in a lifetime event.
To join use this link to register for the OGA II (people who register will receive a response with the zoom link. A reminder will be sent out a day before the talks):
Our Children's Half-Day program continues to meet every 2 weeks.
We welcome children ages 5 through 12 with their own program in Manjusri Hall, while our regular Sunday Mornings program is held in Chan Hall. Then we all meet for lunch at 11:45am at the Blue Lotus House.
On November 13, Master Jiru will be conferring Refuge and Precepts form to those who are interested, either for the first time or for those who would like to renew their vows.
This month we invite you to join our study group at 11am Sunday Morning for a better understanding of taking refuge and precepts. All are welcome!
For more information (including study materials), and to sign-up, please contact the office at
November 13 is our Kathina Blessing Ceremony.
This is the day when our Lay Sangha shows generosity to the Monastics. We are currently raising funds to help the Venerables with their Requisites prior to the Three-Month Retreat from December to February.
Oct. 14–16 -- Bodhisattva Retreat
Bodhisattva Vows Ceremony and Dharma Talk by Master Jìrú
* = Children's Half-Day
Topic: Dharma for Difficult Times
- 9:15 am -- Meditation Instruction Video
- 9:30 am -- Guided Sitting Meditation
- 10:00 am -- Dharma Talk
- 10:30 am – Chanting (in English), Announcements, and short break
11:00 am -- Study Group (topic: refuge and precepts)
- 11:45 am -- Conclude; lunch in Blue Lotus House
Meeting ID: 861 1018 8493
Passcode: 828040
Reminder that the deadline for eNews submissions is the 24th of the month
To view photos from events at MABA, please visit our Media page.
Please consider making a donation today
to support our on-going educational programs.
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
You may make secure contributions directly to MABA via PayPal, PayPal Giving Fund, Zelle, or by sending a check made payable to “MABA” to
299 Heger Lane, Augusta, MO 63332
Thank you for your continued support!
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