As a guardian, you are not only taking care of the ward, you are stepping in as that person. You ask yourself, "What would that person do in certain situations?" You are living a second life.
My brother had been running an excavation company with employees and active jobs. I had to step in and do as much as humanly possible for him and his business. I was going to the bank and figuring out what money was coming in and going out.
I was worried about how long the money would last and what would happen if it ran out.
Originally, the doctors said that by brother only had a two percent chance of living and that if he did live he would probably be a vegetable. So I was asking myself, "What if that really happens? Will he be in a hospital for the rest of his life?"
Today he is paralyzed below his chest but I'm elated that he has made a complete mental recovery. He was able to restart his business and last year had his best year ever! It's a real tribute to his determination.
I don't know if I have completedly adjusted to my brother being paralyzed, but our family is very fortunate that he has recovered mentally.
Guardianship was a wonderful legal tool that allowed us to step in and take care of things for him. If guardianship had not been available, I don't know what would have happened to him.