April 7' - APR 14' 2021
Editor's Note
Dear, Sir / madam

Gubba Seed e-News is a weekly newsletter for the seed industry from Gubba Cold Storage. We aim to update you with quality news pertaining to the industry. Hope you enjoy reading this issue, and every issue !

Gubba Kiran,
Gubba Cold Storage
Agri Business Summit and Agri Awards ABSA 2021
Honouring & Celebrating the Best in the Agri Industry 
After an outstanding and rewarding Agri Business Summit & Agri Awards 2019, we are here with the next edition of Agri Business Summit & Agri Awards ABSA 2021! Thursday, 29th April 2021, 5 PM followed by After Awards Cocktails Party
Hotel Park Hyatt, Hyderabad, India...

News@Gubba - “Vaccine Handling: Procedures and Best Practices”
With an intent to discuss and raise awareness in the industry on vaccine handling aspects, Air Cargo Forum of India (ACFI)-Hyderabad Chapter and Gubba Pharma cold storage had organized a virtual conference on “Vaccine Handling: Procedures and Best Practices” via Zoom on 05-04-21
We served close to 110 attendees.
For those who missed out on the conference, can access it from the link below :
Moment of the week - World Class Processing of Seeds in the Heart Of Bangalore
Ashoka Seeds was established in 1988 in Gandhinagar, Bangalore. They started off by providing quality hybrid seeds to farmers in South India at a smaller scale...
This is your space !
Share news, happenings, events, launches and anything about your company and the Seed industry. Gubba will be more than glad to receive and publish them. Contact ishika@gubbagroup.com to submit articles and advertisements.
Disclaimer: The content is based on reporting in reputed publications including newspapers and is for information only. Gubba does not support or subscribe to the content.

Designed and compiled by Gubba Deepthi on behalf of Gubba Cold Storage.