July 06' - July 12' 2022

Editor's Note
Dear, Sir / Madam

Gubba Seed e-News is a weekly newsletter for the seed industry from Gubba Cold Storage. We aim to update you with quality news pertaining to the industry. Hope you enjoy reading this issue, and every issue !

Gubba Kiran,
Gubba Cold Storage

UPL Collaborates with MMAG; Announces Launch of KEVUKA, Flupyrimin Granular Insecticide, to Protect Rice Yields

Growers may now have certain protection during the most critical growth phases of their rice crop thanks to the introduction of KEVUKA. In order to fight the most damaging rice pests, UPL Ltd., a global provider of sustainable agricultural solutions, today announced that it will introduce KEVUKA in India. KEVUKA contains the patented active ingredient Flupyrimin. The launch will take place during the Kharif crop sowing...

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News@Gubba - Gubba's Multi-Location Trails has planned to spread it's integrated operations over 50+ locations in India. 

Our legacy of serving the Indian Seed Industry since 35+ years is getting stronger. 

For the development of the seed sector and our country, we will partner you to focus on your core business by taking over your major pain point - MLT.

#GubbaMLT #MultiLocationTrials #Testing #PANIndia #QualityTesting #Confidentiality #Trust #Security #GubbaLegacy

Genome-edited crops for improved food security of smallholder farmers

Genome-editing technologies, which enable targeted precise changes to genomes, can improve a wide range of crop plants, including those that underpin food security in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Building on the increasing availability of pangenomes and whole-genome DNA sequences for many crops, genome-editing technologies offer a level of...

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Disclaimer: The content is based on reporting in reputed publications including newspapers and is for information only. Gubba does not support or subscribe to the content.

Designed and compiled by Gubba Deepthi on behalf of Gubba Cold Storage.
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