In an effort to support someone along the way, I was determined to be as open and transparent about my leadership journey in this article. It wasn't a pretty one - but it was necessary in order to get me to where I am today.

Here's a little snippet...

Question: What matters most to you? Why?
"Divine Alignment means everything to me. Sadly, there are many leaders today who are out of alignment with their divine calling and positioning, and as a result, they are leaving so much of their potential on the table. Therefore, my personal mantra is “There is no need for human co-signers on what was divinely given”, and that is why with every opportunity given to me, I boldly share my belief in Alignment and how it is the key to divine fulfillment."

The article also lists multiple ways you can work with me - including some special offers through June 2022.

Enjoy the article and I would love your feedback!!