E-News for November 2nd, 2017

I Want To Live Forever... 
So Far, So Good

Guest Speaker & Musician: David Roth

November 5th, 2017
10:30 am

 All ages are welcome at Celebration Services

   We have "quiet bags" and t.v. tables for kids to use during services. 

   Please note that children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult if they spend time in the lower level of the building. 
The 3rd Sunday of each month, we offer a special children's program at 10:30 am.  Our next Kid's day is November 19th!

Proceeds will be used to purchase lighter safer risers for the choir and make a minor adjustment to the stage to accommodate them. 

Select a leaf (or leaves) and donate the amount shown on that leaf in addition to your usual contribution. 
Please use the orange "Prosperi-Tree" envelopes provided. 

Money received that exceeds the cost of the risers will go toward the cost of painting the window trim. 

Donate as often as you'd like!

See instructions posted by the tree - near the entrance. Prosperi-Tree ends November 26th.

Lunch Bunch
Friday, November 3  at 1:00  

at Blue Gill Grill

(just East of Marsh Rd, across from the park). 

Please RSVP with Peggy by  November 2

"Director and award-winning filmmaker Greg Reitman invites viewers on a film journey to take notice of the world we live in, proactively seek ways to find personal and ecological peace, and stop the cycle of violence."

Sat. Nov 11 at 7:00 pm
Sun. Nov 12 at 1:00 pm

Suggested Love Offering $10.00

    David's songs have found their way to Carnegie Hall, 
the United Nations, several Chicken Soup for the Soul books, the Kennedy Center, Nasa's Space Shuttle, "Atlantis", Peter Paul & Mary and Kingston Trio (and 14 of his own), 4 Positive Music Awards, Unity's 2015 Grace Note, and countless venues 
in this and other countries (and now other WORLDS) 
for nearly three decades. 

Poignant to improbable, holistic to hilarious, the 
Chicago native (now living on Cape Cod) adds Lansing 
to his ongoing Whirlwind World Tour. 

Join us for an afternoon to remember. 

Spiritual Growth & Development
   Group experiences will include a discussion of the 
book by Eckhart Tolle, meditation, cd's and dvd' s

Core Value: Spiritual Awakening
Love Offering

U.S.C.L. Policy For Classes & Events: 


(No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds)

Mondays 1 pm 

A group study and discussion 
of the book A Course of Love 
by Mari Parron

Wednesdays at 10:30 am

Join for   prayer, 
discussion  and laughter

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm 

Take a break from the busyness of life 
and join together in prayer 
for yourself and others.

A Course In Miracles Study
7:00pm to 8:30pm. 
We will meet downstairs at 
230 S. Holmes St.
 Everyone is Welcome!

Call Dan 517.719.0003 Or Carol 517.719.0151 
if you have any questions

 A Note From Lucille Olson

 A Rat Race or a Dance?
   When I think of a rat race, I picture a maze of cubicles and tiny hallways in an enclosed box or cage, with rats running around searching for a piece of cheese or a way out.  Sometimes our lives can feel like that.

   A few years ago, a politician had the bright idea that the state could save money by consolidating office spaces.  They chose a large room with no windows and artificial lighting for their experiment.  This room was filled to capacity with cubicles with little space for actually doing any work.  After enacting this money saving maneuver, employee moral plummeted.  Perhaps it was too much a reminder of the rat race described above!

   What if we could look at life as a dance instead of a rat race?  What if we embraced the magic, the mystical, or the mystery of life so we could see what it has to show us?  We might discover something that delights our senses, and engages our imagination.  Then, once engaged, dance with the challenges and obstacles that arise as we pursue this new interest or desire.  Take two steps forward, one step back, circle and sway, as we go where the spirit leads.  Sometimes the dance calls for a partner, but more often it is a solo performance.  Dancing with the rhythm of life can be fun if we allow ourselves to feel the joy of being in the flow of the Universal dance!

   A rat race is the antithesis of joy.  It produces stress, frustration and physical ailments, whereas a dance feeds us, gives us freedom, movement, and the joy of discovering what really motivates us.  The difference is in our feeling nature and the choices we make.  Are you ready to get out of your cubicle and dance?

If you, or someone you know, is  experiencing illness,  bereavement or other  life challenges,  contact Debbie Pennington at  
517 485-7762   or by email  at dspennin@  gmail.com  

So that those facing challenges can receive  a card from  Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing's Outreach team.

Heart to Heart Connections Postings 
(of congregants experiencing health challenges)

Know of someone wanting visitation or phone calls? 
Enjoy visiting or talking with members of the congregation? 
Check out the heart to heart connections posting.

Feed Your Spirit For $9.95/ First Year
Unity Calendar

Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing provides a safe place for the expression o f a variety of opinions; this does not necessarily constitute an endorsement, expressed or implied, of ideas presented in classes and group discussions. 

(517) 371-3010 | unitylansingoffice@gmail.com | www.unitylansing.org
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