Celebrate Guilford @ 375

Connecticut's Barns: 

An Illustrated Talk with Charlotte Hitchcock



Medad Stone Tavern Barn, 2013 prior to renovation


Architect Charlotte Hitchcock, a researcher for the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation will give an illustrated talk on the Connecticut Barn Trail, highlighting many of Guilford's treasured barns.  The talk, which is co-sponsored by the

Guilford Preservation Alliance, will be followed by the presentation of the GPA's preservation awards for barn restoration and reuse. Awards will also be presented to Jim Powers for his book about Dudley Farm, Saving the Farm, and to the Guilford Free Library for its Digital Archive of the Edith B. Nettleton Historical Room Collection.



Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Guilford Free Library

7 pm


This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library and the Guilford Preservation Alliance. 

Free, all welcome. To reserve a seat, click here or call 203-453-8282.


Guilford Free Library ~ 67 Park Street, Guilford CT ~ 203-453-8282  ~  www.guilfordfreelibrary.org