March 2012 

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BR2 Rangefinders Availability
The long range shooting community is buzzing about the new G7 BR2 Rangefinders. The feedback we are receiving from the field has been very positive and we would love to continue hearing your thoughts.  We are expecting a new shipment of 100 units in the next week.  All those currently on the waiting list will have theirs shipped first, then we'll have additional units available for purchase on a first come basis.  If you would like to be put on the "gotta have it" list give us a call at the office and we will take your information and when a unit is available we will contact you for payment and shipping.
877-GUNWERKS (486-9375)

G7 5.5-22X50 Scopes In Stock
We have the G7 5.5-22X50 scopes in stock now. These scopes built by Nightforce feature our custom G7 reticle with MOA wind hold adjustments and also feature a BDC holdover for quick in the field shots out to 500 yards. 

Ensign Ranch Mountain Shooting Course in Utah 

The Ensign Ranch, in northern Utah, is in one of the most coveted units in the west to hunt. With elk, deer and moose in abundance, Western Lands Outfitters and Gunwerks have combined again for the fifth time to offer this unique training course.  This high mountain shooting location offers training scenarios you will likely experience in the field.  Learn from the experts while shooting from mountain vistas and across canyons.  Each year these spots fill quickly.  Space is limited, so call us at 877-486-9375 to reserve your spot. Gunwerks is providing all rifles, ammunition and shooting equipment needed for the school.  Mountain lodging and all meals are included in the $2,000 price. We only need a $500 deposit to hold your spot.


We have just returned from San Angelo, Texas where we had a very windy but successfull 6 full days of shooting schools.  We had some tough conditions to deal with. A constant wind and gusts the last day of over 40 mph made the school very interesting.
Hands on Instruction!

  All the students finished the course with a solid understanding of our wind doping techniques, and they realized important role a spotter takes in helping the shooter hold for wind.  The students learned to trust what the spotter is seeing and make the wind call before the shot is taken.  The reticle in the G7 scope features 10 MOA wind hold adjustments per side and believe me we were using all of them.

Beside shooting steel in class, a few students used the evening hunt opportunity to further test and refine their shooting skills.  They confirmed that animals are not the same a steel targets!  Hunters were guided by Western Lands Outfitters on the 8,000 acre facility, chasing the many species that call this ranch home.  One of our students, Cynthia, was able to connect on this trophy Nubian Ibex that has been on her trophy list for quite a few years.  Congratulations to her and the other hunters there in camp that week.

Many of the 2012 Shooting schools are already sold out, so call or check the website for availability and locations. Click on the links below for more information on some of our premier school locations and dates.  We will do our best to fit you in a school that works best for your schedule, so give us a call.

Africa School Info: Click Here for more information on this exciting opportunity!

We also feature training courses at our location near Cody Wyoming.  We offer dates every month from May through October.  Spend your summer vacation in Cody and take in the sites, tour the Gunwerks facility and shoot on our own private range. Click Here to visit our Shooting School Page.

To visit with a Gunwerks rep about booking, please call us directly at 307.762.3240 (toll free 877.GUNWERKS).  Email us at, or visit our website



Kregg Thomassen,
Marketing Manager


Gunwerks, LLC.


Free Turret Upgrade
G7 Ballistic Turret
Now you can shoot to 1400 yards and beyond!

For G7 rifle scope customers, we are offering free upgrade to the double revolution G7 Ballistic Turret.  If you have an existing turret with wind values above the range, send it in for free replacement with a turret featuring a double row of yardage calibration.  Now you can dial to over 1400 yards!  This works perfectly with the new G7 BR2 rangefinder that compensates for Air Density (elevation and temp) and incline changes.  The BR2 also calculates your corrected wind solution, just scroll to the crosswind value and hold (or dial).
Our Price: $ Free
List Price: $ 125
S & H: $ Free
Gunwerks G7 BR2 Rangefinder Review
By Shawn Carlock

I am always looking for the improved mouse trap. In my business I have to stay on top of the latest and greatest of the long range shooting world. A while back I caught wind of development of the Gunwerks G7 laser rangefinder (LRF) and of its capabilities. Given these rumored capabilities I thought a call to Aaron and Mike Davidson at Gunwerks would be in order. After a lengthy conversation with the guys (great guys to talk to) I had a Gunwerks G7 laser rangefinder on the way to my shop to test and evaluate...... 



Long Range Pursuit:  Episode 20
The Gunwerks Ballistic Solution

Gunwerks is known for building world class shooting systems, but very little is known about it's ballistic R&D lab.  The crew at Gunwerks has just released several new products that will revolutionize long range shooting.  Watch this video to see the basics of ballistic compensation, and how the Gunwerks system works from start to finish.
LRP Episode 20 The Gunwerks Ballistic Solution
LRP Episode 20 The Gunwerks Ballistic Solution


       ~Gunwerks Outfitter Spotlight ~

    Looking to hunt elk or antelope this fall in Wyoming?