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Guy Fawkes' Night - November 2019
Guy Fawkes' Night
Guy Fawkes' Night is one of the best traditions of the UK! Every year on November 5th, we remember a very important event in history!
Bonfire Night!
This special tradition comes from one fateful night in 1605. A man called Guy Fawkes' plotted with a group of men to set gunpowder alight under the Houses of Parliament so the buildings would explode! However, the evil plot was stopped before it could happen! So every year we remember the almost-tragedy with fireworks and bonfires with Guy Fawkes puppets!
How we celebrate...
Although this tradition comes from a very sad and scary historical event, the way we spend the 5th of November is always with joy and family!

We have fireworks, a great bonfire, sparklers, hot food (lots of baked potatoes) and warm, woolly clothes!

Exploring Abroad - Scotland Adventure!
We have something very special coming for you next year...

Our popular Exploring Abroad projects have expanded!
Next year, we want to take you and your students to Scotland!
After the success of this year's Exploring Abroad projects, we have decided to develop it and offer them to students too!
Bring your students to experience the famous Scottish culture and remarkable highlands with our full-immersion Scotland Adventure!

For more information and how to book:
November's Resources
1st and 2nd Primaria
An easy introduction
to Guy Fawkes' Night!
3rd, 4th and 5th Primaria
Find out the history of Guy Fawkes' Night with this key words story!
1st, 2nd and 3rd Media
Challenge your students with this storyboard of Guy Fawkes' Night. We've also incorporated some maths for you to try!
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