Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche
Essence of Yangzab Dzogchen Retreat
Pith Instructions on the Supreme Practice of Guru Yoga
Rinchen Phuntsog's Peaceful Guru Rinpoche Empowerment 
Dzogchen Pith Instructions from the Vajra Songs of Rinchen Phuntsog
Yangzab Thogal Teachings
 Yangzab Three Roots Teachings/Practice with Tsog 
July 17-21, 2015 
Lincoln, Vermont  
HH Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang
July 27 at the DDCV
Yangzab Dzogchen Teachings

HH Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang, head of the Drikung Kagyu lineage will be returning to the DDCV on Monday July 27 to be giving Yangzab teaching as well as the Yangzab Three RootsTorwang Empowerment. This will be the first time HH has offered the gateway empowerment to the Yangzab Dzogchen treasure teaching cycle in the US since 1999. HH will also be giving teachings in Lincoln, VT July 24-26 at Sunray and Vajradakini Nunnery. HH has recognized Lincoln, VT as a sacred power place for spiritual practice. Don't miss this rare opportunity to receive teachings from HH as well as Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche on the Yangzab Dzogchen treasure teachings.

Drikung Rinchen Phuntsog

This retreat will be a very unique opportunity to study and practice some of the deepest and most profound streams of instructions to ever to grace Tibet. The teachings  covered at this event  all share a common author, the renowned 16th century yogi from the land of Drigung, Rinchen Phüntsog who was the catalyst for the great Non-Sectarian Drikung Kagyu Renaissance. Yet of course, the source of the streams of these teachings reach back even further in time to the earlier Dzogchen yogis and yoginis of legend, the dawn of vajrayana in Tibet, and the previous incarnations of Rinchen Phüntsog himself, who, according to such legends, played pivotal roles to catalyze the blossoming of these profound systems of meditation in our world.

Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche 4


Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche Bio


Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche is recognized as an extraordinary scholar and practitioner possessing great realization of both Dzogchen and Mahamudra. He is uniquely qualified to transmit the Yangzab Dzogchen teachings. He has studied extensively with some of the greatest masters of Tibetan Buddhism.
For an extensive Biography about Lamchen Gyalpo Riinpoche go to
Extensive Biography


Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche's Center can be visited online at
Gampopa Vajrayana Buddhist Center


Gyalpo Rinpoche and Garchen RinpocheLamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche 

and H.E. Garchen Rinpoche

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Visit the
DDCV Web Page


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Teach ing  Location 
Burnham Hall
52 E River Rd,
Lincoln, VT 05443
Inexpensive Housing is available for
$20-25 per night.

Maple Hill Campsites
Less than 10 minutes from teachings

Other Housing Options
Nearest airport, bus and train stations are in Burlington, VT. Pickups from these locations can be arranged

Khenpo Tenzin Nima
T raveling with Rinpoche will be Khenpo Tenzin Nima, who is one of Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoches heart students.
Facebook Pages with texts, images, video and other Dharma Resources

Lord Jigten Sumgon
 Founder of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage
Yangzab Dzogchen Treasure Teachings
 Devoted to the Yangzab Dzogchen Terma or Treasure Teachings revealed by Rinchen Phuntsog. Contains hard to find resources for Yangzab practitioners.
Drikung Rinchen Phuntsok
 This page is devoted to one of the greatest Drikung Kagyu lineage holders who was non-sectarian and equally a holder of both Mahamudra and Dzogchen teachings. 

Terdrom, Tibet

Terdrom, which means treasure box, is the site of the cave where Drikung Rinchen Phuntsog revealed the Yangzab Treasure teachings.
Vajrayogini Cave, Lincoln, VT

As you enter Lincoln you see a waterfall. Behind this waterfall is a cave that was sacred to the Native Americans as well as being recognized by HH Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang as Vajrayogini cave.
Lincoln Peace Stupa

This stupa was built in Lincoln in 2000 under the guidance of Drupon Samten, Lama Palden, Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo and Khenmo Drolma with the help of volunteers from Sunray and other local spiritual community members. It embodies the peaceful relations in Lincoln between different spiritual groups as well as the local community.

Lincoln, VT is a small town of 1600 people. It has a rich spiritual history going back originally to the Native Americans. The town was originally settled by Quakers. It has a vibrant Christian church. The first Tibetan Lama to visit Lincoln was the 16th Karmapa. In 1978 Kalu Rinpoche established a center. In the 80's and 90's Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo brought many Tibetan teachers such as HH Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang, Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen, Khenpo Palden Sherab and others. In the 2000's the first Drikung Nunnery was established under Khenmo Drolma. In 2001 The DDCV was founded by Lho Ontul Rinpoche and has brought many Tibetan Lama's such as HE Garchen Rinpoche, Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche, Terton Kunsang Dechen Lingpa, Ven. Traga Rinpoche, Lho Bontrul Rinpoche, Lho Thupten Nima, Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche, Drupon Rinchen Dorje, Drupon Trinley Nyingpo, Drupon Samten, Khenpo Sherab Ozer, Khenpo Nima, HE Tritsab Rinpoche and other Lamas who reflect the full spectrum of Dharma. Much thanks needs to be given to the kindness of the Lincoln and Bristol community. Without the openness to diversity of our kind neighbors none of this would have been possible.
Lho Ontul Rinpoche and 
Lho Ratna Rinpoche
Ratna Rinpoche and Lho Ontul Rinpoche
The DDCV was founded by Lho Ontul Rinpoche in 2001. Due to his kindness the Yangzab Dzogchen teachings have been given in their entirety over the last 14 years which involved the work of many Lama's as well as the dedication of local, national and international sangha members. Pictured here with Rinpoche is his son and Dharma heir, Lho Ratna Rinpoche.
May these teachings benefit all sentient beings!

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 Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche
Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche is one of the highest and most important Lamas of the Drikung Kagyu tradition. He holds the pith oral instructions for many lineages of precious Dharma teachings. These pith instructions are the living life force of the Dharma that have been passed down  orally  for over a thousand years from teacher to student. He rarely gives teachings like this retreat which are open to the public. But out of his wish to benefit beings he is giving these teachings.

These teachings are so beneficial and we wish for anyone who feels a connection to come, regardless of whether you have money or not, the highest offering you can make is the actual practice of Dharma. We also have community housing available for $20-30 per not and can arrange camping and ride pickups for those coming from out of state from Burlington, the closest city. So do not miss this rare opportunity. 
No One Turned  Away For Financial Reasons

 Retreat Schedule


Friday, July 17

Realizing One's Inherent Nature to be the Root Lama:

Pith instructions on the Supreme Practice of Guru Yoga

To learn anything in life, be it secular or spiritual we require a teacher. A true teacher must possess the qualities that we wish to learn or realize. Without a teacher, we are groping in the dark. This is not something that we can figure out by ourselves. We all possess Buddha Nature or Basic Goodness. And our true nature is in essence no different from the true nature of realized teachers or the the Buddha himself. Yet we are obscured through our past actions and mistaken views. To awaken to our true nature there is no one more precious than our spiritual teacher. To encounter a true authentic teacher in these degenerate times is very rare. To encounter a teacher with the qualities of Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche is even rarer. Rinpoche does not "advertise" his qualities. He does not go on extensive teaching tours. We are very fortunate that he has granted our request to come to the DDCV since 2004. He has done so out of a wish to support the teachings of the Damcho Gompa Yangzab, a very rare a special Dzogchen cycle of teachings which were revealed by Gyalwang Rinchen Phuntsog and held by the Drigung Kagyu lineage. It is due to Rinpoche's wish to see these practices benefit sentient beings that we have had the opportunity to be in the presence of one of the last great living teachers to have been trained in Tibet before 1959.


When choosing a teacher one must be very careful. The teacher must possess the qualities of one who has traversed the path of Dharma. The student must possess the qualities necessary to receive and practice the Dharma transmitted by the teacher. Through the practice of Guru Yoga alone all practices can be accomplished. Without the practice of Guru Yoga, there will be no accomplishment on the path of Vajrayana Buddhism. In these teachings Rinpoche will share the pith instructions, orally passed from teacher to student, on how to accomplish the supreme practice of Guru Yoga. He will also transmit a rare and precious Guru Yoga Practice, never given before, composed by Rinchen Phuntsog, called the Method to Realize the Essential Nature of the Root Guru.

Time: 10-12 and 3-5 pm

Location: Burnham Hall, Lincoln VT

Sug. Don - $60

 GR 2

Saturday, July 18

Empowerment of Peaceful Padmasambhava:

The Essential Means to Realize Guru Rinpoche

 This is a rare and special empowerment and practice composed by Rinchen Phuntsog for the benefit of future generations. It can be practiced in either a concise or more extensive way, depending on the needs of the practitioner. It is perhaps the only Guru Rinpoche empowerment that originates from the Drigung Kagyu lineage.

 Padmasambhava is often referred to as the second Buddha. He brought Vajrayana Buddhism to Tibet and hid with his consort Yeshe Tsogyal many spiritual treasures meant for future generations, such as our own. In the Barchey Kunsel terma Padmasambhava says, "If you realize me, you realize all Buddha's. If you behold me, you behold all Buddha's." This empowerment and practice is a means to realize Padmasambha directly, as one's own true nature. The practice is special in that it encompasses all aspects of Vajrayana in a concise form. If one accomplishes this practice, there is a concise way to engage in the enlightened activities of Guru Rinpoche. It also contains a concise Tsog or feast offering so that one can renew ones samaya or connection with the practice, purifying any faults or misdeeds. As Rinchen Phuntsog's colophon reads, he composed this practice "as a broad and easy means for sentient beings to attain the goal", the goal being liberation from samsara and the means to benefit all beings without exception suffering in samsara. This empowerment has not been previously given, and to receive it from Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche is no different than receiving it directly from Rinchen Phuntsog himself.

Time: 9:30-12 pm

Location: Burnham Hall, Lincoln VT

Sug. Don - $30


Sat-Sun, July 18-19

Pith Instructions on the Practice of Dzogchen:

From the Vajra Songs of Rinchen Phuntsog

 Rinchen Phuntsog composed many Vajra Songs on how to successfully practice Dharma. He was not one to waste words, he would disclose the central points of practice through concise pith instructions. The Vajra Songs are a great treasure, as they were written often at the request of highly realized students and teachers, to get to the essential point necessary to practice Dharma free from any doubt. Among the great teachers who made such requests of Rinchen Phuntsog include the previous emanation of H.E. Garchen Rinpoche. The flavor of the songs is one of non-sectarianism. 

Rinchen Phuntsog lived in the 16 th century, a time of great sectarian conflict and war. In his life and these Vajra Songs he rose above all sectarianism. He recognized and affirmed the validity of all the great schools of Tibetan Buddhism. In these teachings with Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche, the focus will be on Rinchen Phuntsog's pith instructions for those with a karmic connection to practice Dzogchen. These Vajra Songs repeatedly point out the true nature of mind in a way that the practitioner can have confidence in their practice. These include teachings on the practice of Trekcho or (cutting through). Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche is uniquely qualified to give these pith instructions, which have never been given before in the West.

Sat: 3-5 pm

Sun: 10-12 and 3-5 pm

Location: Burnham Hall, Lincoln VT

Sug. Don - $90


Mon-Tue, July 20-21

Yangzab Thogal Teachings:

The Tantra of the Three Stanzas Taking Buddhahood in Hand:

 The Clarification of Awareness, the Ornament of Introduction


First one accomplishes Trekcho or "cutting-through". This is returning to the recognition of the natural state, cutting through obscurations and conceptual elaboration. When Trekcho has been mastered, Thogal or "leaping-over" is practiced. Every possible event of which one is conscious of is treated as a display from the base, as an expression of energy, irrespective whether is it "samsaric" or "nirvanic", impure or pure, good or bad. Everything happening is but one of the "colors" emanated by the white prism of "rigpa". To directly experience unbounded wholeness, all judgments are postponed ; existence is "lhundrup" or "spontaneous presence". This precious text from the Yangzab is an introduction to the practice of Thogal and has not been taught on previously in the West.

Mon: 10-12 and 3-5 pm

Tue: 10-12 pm

Location: Burnham Hall, Lincoln VT

Sug. Don - $90


  Yangzab Three Roots

Tue, July 21

Yangzab Three Roots Teachings/Practice and Feast Offering


The retreat will conclude with one of the central practices of the Yangzab Dzogchen cycle. In the Yangzab cycle the Lama is Dharmakaya Guru Rinopoche in union with Yeshe Tsogyal. The Yidam or Primary Deity is Hayagriva, who is the Wrathful  Emanation of Chenrizig and Amitabha. The Dakini is Vajravarahi. . It is a profound practice where the Lama, Yidam and Dakini are all accomplished in the one practice. Drikung Rinchen Phuntsok not only revealed this as an Earth Treasure but also had a Pure Vision where he went to Guru Rinpoches Copper Covered Mountain Pure Land and received the Yangzab teachings and empowerments directly from Guru Rinpoche. Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche will teach us how this practice is done traditionally and we will conclude the retreat with the the Yangzab Three Roots Feast offering.

Tue: 2:30-5:30 pm

Location: Burnham Hall, Lincoln VT

Sug. Don - $30

 Suggested Donation for complete retreat (July 17-21) is $275

  For those attending the complete Retreat
(July 17-21) the suggested donation is $275.

To Register please email
 Or call  802-453-3431
Please contact us in advance at
if you need work study or a scholarship.
No one will be turned away for financial reasons.

If you are able to pre-register for these teachings 
that is very much appreciated. But it is also ok to register at
 the door the day of the event.
Registration checks should be made out
to DDCV and sent to:

PO Box 252
Bristol, VT 05443

To register by Paypal undefined
Our Paypal account is

To pay by credit card click here
or  call 802-453-3431.

All teachings July 17-21 
will take place at 
Burnham Hall
52 E River Rd,
Lincoln, VT 05443

Updates on teachings can be found at

Those coming by flight, train or bus should have there destination be Burlington, VT which is 45 minutes from the teachings. We can arrange transportation from from Burlington to Bristol, VT.

Community Housing 
Inexpensive community housing is available for $20-25 per night. Contact us at or call 802-453-3431 for housing.

Gyalpo 2008    

Bio for Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche 


Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche is recognized as an extraordinary scholar and practitioner possessing great realization of both Dzogchen and Mahamudra. He is uniquely qualified to transmit the Drigung Dzogchen teachings. He has studied extensively with some of the greatest masters of Tibetan Buddhism. From His Holiness the 16th Karmapa, Gyalpo Rinpoche received such profound teachings as Mahamudra, and Karmapa Rangjung Dorje's Tsig-chigma; from Situ Pema Wangchog, Abishekas, commentaries and experiential insight; from Zigar Kongtul Rinpoche, Rinchen Terzo and Abishekas, commentaries, and transfer of experiential insight on all Yidam deities; from Ripa Seljey Rinpoche, Karma Kagyu empowerments and teachings; and from Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche, Nyingmapa tantras, sadhanas, and experiential insight in general and Nyingthig Yabshi teachings in particular.


Gyalpo Rinpoche received from other such enlightened masters as Poli Khenchen Dorjechang, Nyoshul Khenpo Jampal Dorje and Khenpo Thubten Rinpoche numerous aspects of Dzogchen empowerments, teachings, and conveyance of experiential insights with special emphasis on Longchen Nyingthig. From former Drugpa Chogon, Drugchen Thamche Kyenpa, and Yoge Rigzin Gyalpo Rinpoche received thorough introduction to the very essence of Mahamudra and the Great Perfection and Drugpa teachings with special emphasis on Doha . From his root guru, Khunu Rinpoche Tenzin Gyaltsen - the lifeline of all Buddhist traditions - Gyalpo Rinpoche received bare naked unadulterated teachings on the core of Mahamudra and the Great Perfection with special emphasis on tregchod and thogal. The teachings of such profound masters were practiced from the Preliminary to the stages of Arising and Completion, punctuated with retreats and propitiation of deities which included three Major retreats and Yidam Propitiations.


"Presenting himself in many appearances"  Gyalpo Rinpoche was a regional lord/administrator, he is also a Tulku, a monk, was a bureaucrat, and a lama in different aspects while dwelling in the same unchanging essence. "The holder of the dharma's lifeline with the word 'Gyal' in his name refered to Gyalpo Rinpoche's contribution to the rekindling of the Drikung Kagyu Tradition in exile: Gyalpo Rinpoche looked for the location, found, raised funds, and purchased the land on which the exile seat of Drikung Kagyu Tradition stands today. In a successful effort to reach out to Lineage followers, Gyalpo Rinpoche toured every single Drikung monastery from the regions in Eastern Tibet to Mt. Kailash. He also assisted His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Rinpoche with the history of Drikung and other such writings and helped to hang on to the "dharma lifeline" at such difficult times as in the beginning. Not unsimilar, Gyalpo Rinpoche also created the basic conditions to enable the establishment of the Seat of Dorje Drag - the lifeline of Nyingmapa Tradition - in Simla as well.


In his youth, Gyalpo Rinpoche was also Vajramaster, Regent, and Chant Master of the former Lo Bongtul Rinpoche at his monastery, Lungkar Thubten Shedup Ling while he was in retreat. When in exile, Gyalpo Rinpoche served in the Tibetan government in exile for 11 years first as Senior Secretary and later as Executive Manager of Tibetan Self-Help Handicraft Center in Simla, India. Towards the end of his 11 years' service, Gyalpo Rinpoche was asked by His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Rinpoche to join him, and Gyalpo Rinpoche resigned from the Tibetan government service. While with His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Rinpoche, Gyalpo Rinpoche served as his Private Secretary, General Secretary of Drikung Kagyu Institute at the time of founding and registration, and had been a contributor throughout the various stages of the building the seat of the Drikung Kagyu Tradition in exile.