Houston-Galveston Area Council Newsletter    July 2022
June Board of Directors Meeting
At its meeting on Tuesday, June 21, the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Board of Directors swore in new board officers.
Friendswood City Councilmember Sally Branson now presides as board chair. She was appointed to the position earlier in the spring, but she was officially sworn in at the June board meeting. Branson will preside as chair for the remainder of 2022.

Waller County Judge Trey Duhon was sworn in as chair elect. Huntsville ISD Trustee Rissie Owens was named as vice chair. She will be sworn into her position at a later date. The board also recognized the distinguished service of outgoing chair William King III, mayor pro tem of Dickinson, Texas.

Additionally, the board approved more funding for the Houston-Galveston Local Development Corporation to expand their services and assist more small businesses in the region.
The board also renewed contracts for another year between Workforce Solutions and 15 service providers for adult education services. These services provide English language instruction, literacy, GED training, and other adult education classes to people in the Gulf Coast Texas area. Workforce Solutions expects these services will aid between 18,500-19,500 students in the region.

Additionally, the board approved new appointments to the Aging and Disability Advisory Committee, Area Emission Reduction Credit Organization, Gulf Coast Economic Development District, Houston-Galveston Area Local Development Corporation, Regional Flood Management Committee, Regional Homeland Security Coordinating Council, and Solid Waste Management Committee.
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, July 19

The next board meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m., Tuesday, July 19. If there are any scheduling or location updates to this meeting, we will notify the public immediately. For more information on H-GAC's Board of Directors, past meeting agendas or minutes, or to find dates for future meetings, visit the Board of Directors website.
H-GAC Program Spotlight: Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT)
At its June meeting, the Board of Directors listened to a spotlight presentation about Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) provided in the region by H-GAC.

ALERRT is a specialized, research-based program that trains law enforcement and first responders to effectively and safely respond to active shooter events. The program originated from the ALERRT Center at Texas State University in 2002. Since its inception, the ALERRT curriculum has been adopted by law enforcement training programs across the United States. In 2013, it was named the national standard in active shooter response training by the FBI.

Thanks to state and federal funding, H-GAC provides ALERRT training for free to law enforcement agencies in the 13-county region. Fort Bend County, Galveston, La Porte, and Hunstville ISD are just some of the jurisdictions in the region that have trained their officers with ALERRT through H-GAC. H-GAC is the only council of governments in Texas that provides ALERRT training.

If your agency is interested in learning more about ALERRT training or requesting a training, contact Madeline McGallion or Michael Lambert. To learn more about H-GAC's law enforcement training programs and other public safety programs, visit h-gac.com and click on the "Public Safety" tab.
Program Contacts
Madeline McGallion

Title: Public Safety Program Manager
Contact Phone: 713-476-1259
Michael Lambert

Title: Emergency Preparedness/Homeland Security Planner
Contact Email: michael.lambert@h-gac.com
Contact Phone: 713-499-6655
H-GAC Welcomes Director of Human Services Juliet Stipeche to the Leadership Team
H-GAC is proud to welcome Juliet Stipeche, J.D., as the new director of human services. Stipeche began her role at H-GAC on June 6. Click on the below image to learn more about her.
H-GAC Seeks Public Input on a Preliminary Method of Distribution for Regional Disaster Mitigation Funds
After hearing feedback from regional leaders, stakeholders, and residents, H-GAC has developed a preliminary Method of Distribution (MOD) for about $488 million in Community Development Block Grant Mitigation funds to provide financial assistance to counties and local jurisdictions for risk mitigation projects related to flooding, hurricanes, and other natural disasters.
Residents and stakeholders in the 13-county Houston-Galveston region are invited to learn more about the preliminary MOD and comment on it at an informational meeting and public hearing scheduled in July. The meetings will take place at the following dates and times:
Information Session

Thursday, July 14 | 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Online meeting | Zoom registration link
Public Hearing

Thursday, July 21 | 5:30 -7:30 p.m.
Hybrid meeting | Zoom registration link
In-person at:

H-GAC Office
Second Floor Conference Rooms
3555 Timmons Lane
Houston, TX, 77027
The public comment is open until 5 p.m., Thursday, July 28. More information about these meetings, how to register or RSVP for them, how to submit public comments, and a full copy of the preliminary MOD are all available at www.h-gac.com/go/cdbg.
Missed the 2045 RTP Update Public Meetings? You Can Still Share Your Thoughts on How We Can Improve Transportation by Taking the Visioning Survey
H-GAC is still collecting feedback on how we can improve our region's robust transportation network. Residents and stakeholders who did not have a chance to attend our public meetings in May but still want to make their voices heard can do so by completing the visioning survey online at h-gac.com/RTP.

The survey only takes five minutes to complete, and it is the easiest, fastest way to share your transportation needs and how we can improve upon our 2045 Regional Transportation Plan. The survey will remain open until July 31. Residents can also visit the RTP update project page to learn more about the plan, view a recording of the June 2 virtual public meeting, interact with our Transportation 101 story map, or use our comment map to pin specific areas in your community in need of attention.

Help us connect the dots to make getting around the region safer and better for generations to come!
TML Region 14 Fall Meeting Set for Aug. 5-6 at Moody Gardens
Texas Municipal League Region 14 members are invited to an exciting weekend of fun and informative activities at our fall meeting Aug. 5-6, 2022 at Moody Gardens Resort in Galveston, Texas.

The weekend kicks off with an evening of surf and sand under the stars at Friday’s social event – Palm Beach Luau. The festivities will begin at 7 p.m. and run until 11 p.m. The Floral Ballroom in the Moody Gardens Convention Center will house our activities for Saturday’s business meeting and workshop from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Our Saturday morning workshop session will consist of a Legislative Roundtable with state legislators leading the panel.

Click here for more information and to register for the event. Those interested in sponsorship opportunities may contact Cynthia Jones for more information, or register here to be a sponsor.
H-GAC to Host Its First-Ever City Managers Summit on Friday, Aug. 12
H-GAC invites city managers from across the region to our first-ever City Managers Summit (on behalf of Texas City Management Association Region 6) to be hosted on Friday, Aug. 12 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the second floor conference rooms at the H-GAC office at 3555 Timmons Lane.

H-GAC staff will introduce programs relevant to the needs of cities in our region and discuss services that are offered, informational resources, and funding opportunities. Bring your appetites and your questions, as we welcome a lively discussion from the operational perspective of city governments.

Lunch will be provided courtesy of Bleyl Engineering. Please email Cynthia Jones if you plan to attend.
Alex Rischan with the Houston-Galveston Area Agency on Aging Discusses Inflation Relief Resources Available for Seniors on Fox 26
Alex Rischan, lead benefits counselor with the Houston-Galveston Area Agency on Aging, was recently featured on a Fox 26 news story by consumer reporter Heather Sullivan. Rischan discussed resources available for seniors struggling with inflation. The segment was filmed on location at a community center operated by one of H-GAC's partners, Catholic Charities' Mamie George Center in Richmond, Texas.
Seniors and people with disabilities living in the 12 counties surrounding Harris can learn more about financial assistance resources and benefits available to them by contacting the Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-437-7396 or visiting their website.
H-GAC Communications Team Named Government Communications Team of the Year by PRSA Houston
The H-GAC communications team was named the Government Communications Team of the Year by the Public Relations Society of America - Houston Chapter at the organization's annual Excalibur Awards gala held at the House of Blues on June 23. Congratulations to all the members of the communications team!
H-GAC Regional Conservation Initiative Earns Gold at American Planning Association Houston Section's Planning Awards 
The H-GAC Regional Conservation Initiative earned a Gold designation in the Environmental Planning category of the American Planning Association (APA) Texas Chapter Houston Section's 2022 Planning Awards.

These awards recognize individuals, organizations, and communities for outstanding contributions to planning in the Houston Section of APA.

In 2021, H-GAC launched the Regional Conservation Initiative to enhance resilience and quality of life for the region’s communities. Under this initiative, funded by a grant from the Houston Endowment, H-GAC continues to aid local governments and partners in securing resources for their projects, enhance data and resources available to local governments, and raise awareness to support conservation initiatives.
H-GAC to Present Montgomery County Precinct 2 Mobility Study Results to Area Residents and Stakeholders at Public Meeting on Aug. 4
Montgomery County Precinct 2 Commissioner Charlie Riley, H-GAC, and the Texas Department of Transportation have been working together on a study to analyze mobility issues and recommend projects that improve safety and overall mobility for people, goods, and services in the area.

Residents, employees, and other area stakeholders are invited to hear the results of the study and discuss a tentative plan at a public meeting happening at 6 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 4 at Magnolia Event Center (11659 FM 1488, Magnolia, TX 77354).

The public comment period for the study is currently open and will close at 5 p.m., Friday, Aug. 19.

Residents and stakeholders may submit their comments at the meeting, by email to PublicComments@h-gac.com, by phone to 1-855-363-2516, or by mail to: "Montgomery County Precinct 2 Mobility Study", P.O. Box 22777, Houston, TX 77227-2777

Click on the flyer to the right for more information about the public meeting, and visit engage.h-gac.com for more information about the study and to register for the meeting.
H-GAC Invites Housing Experts and Stakeholders throughout the Region to a Special Summit on Missing Middle Housing on Wednesday, Aug. 3 
Join H-GAC for Missing Middle Housing: A Regional Conversation from 8:30 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Aug. 3, at the H-GAC office (3555 Timmons Lane) second floor conference rooms. 

Missing Middle Housing refers to house-scale buildings with multiple units that fill the housing gap between single-family homes and large apartment complexes. At this peer exchange, participants will learn about the current state of housing in our region, where middle housing currently fits, and discuss opportunities and challenges in filling the gaps. 

Registration is requested, but not required, to attend. For more information, contact Jose Cantu.
Draft Water Quality Management Plan Update Public Comment Period Open Through End of July
Each year, H-GAC conducts water quality management planning as part of a Clean Water Act Section 604(b) grant program funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

The Water Quality Management Plan Update describes activities that provide data and analysis regarding wastewater infrastructure, watershed planning, and sources of nonpoint-source pollution that affect water quality in the Houston-Galveston region. Data collected through this project serves as the foundation of H-GAC’s watershed-based planning efforts in the region.

The Draft Water Quality Management Plan Update is now available for public view and comment. Written comments can be submitted by email to Brian Sims. More information and the full draft report are available at www.h-gac.com/water-quality-management-planning. The public comment period closes at midnight on Saturday, July 31.
New Commute Solutions Web Page Helps Residents Avoid the Jam
Avoid the Jam is a campaign recently launched by H-GAC's Commute Solutions program to help commuters navigate rising fuel prices and reduce the impact of congestion on their commutes. Take a peek for tools and tips to improve your commute. Please also consider sharing this resource with employees, students, residents, and others through your newsletters, blogs, and internal or community websites.

Avoid the Jam is just one of many resources available on the Commute Solutions website. If you are an employer or campus that would like assistance with improving your commute or updating/establishing a commuter benefits program, please contact commutesolutions@h-gac.com.
H-GAC is Hiring
Home to more than 7 million people, the Houston-Galveston region is one of the fastest-growing and most diverse regions in the country. Making sure the region remains one of the nation’s leading places to live, work, and prosper doesn’t just happen - it takes planning and partnerships.

If you are looking for a career where you can help make a difference in urban, suburban, and rural communities, H-GAC has exciting opportunities for you. For more information or to apply for a job, visit the careers page on H-GAC's website.