Houston-Galveston Area Council Newsletter    March 2022
February Board of Directors Meeting
At its meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 15, the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Board of Directors, after lengthy discussion, approved a preliminary Method of Distribution (MOD) for the allocation of more than $480 million in Community Development Block Grant Mitigation - Regional Mitigation funding to assist communities in the region in developing projects to mitigate the risks against flooding and other natural disasters.

H-GAC held three virtual public meetings on Feb. 3 where experts presented the key factors and formulas that would affect the funding criteria for the preliminary MOD. After receiving public comments, the Water Resources Committee carefully reviewed the feedback, developed the preliminary MOD, and presented it to the board, where it was ultimately approved.

Next up, the MOD will go before review by the Texas General Land Office. If approved, H-GAC will hold another series of public meetings in the spring, with an extended comment period, where area residents and stakeholders can review the preliminary MOD in detail and submit their feedback.

Additionally, the board agreed to add a Surfside, Texas project to the H-GAC Priority Flood Mitigation Projects List, and it approved a new revolving loan program to assist small businesses in Fort Bend County, a new Livable Centers study in Cloverleaf, Texas, new projects to add to the Regional Conservation Initiative priority projects list, and the 2022 update to the Regionally Coordinated Transportation Plan.

Towards the end of the meeting, the board approved new appointments to the Criminal Justice Advisory Committee and the Regional Homeland Security Coordinating Council.
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, March 15

The next board meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m., Tuesday, March 15. If there are any scheduling or location updates to this meeting, we will notify the public immediately. For more information on H-GAC's Board of Directors, past meeting agendas or minutes, or to find dates for future meetings, visit the Board of Directors website.
Freeway Upgrades, Bus-Rapid Transit among Many Improvement Projects up for Discussion at Public Meetings on March 22
Meetings Information

H-GAC will host two public meetings at 2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22 to discuss the newest version of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). This new 2023-2026 TIP includes several infrastructural improvement projects identified as priorities for the 8-county Houston-Galveston metropolitan planning area. They include roadway upgrades and widening projects to help mitigate congestion and facilitate freight movement, bus-rapid transit and multimodal street developments to accommodate motorists, high-occupancy vehicles, bicyclists, pedestrians, critical safety improvements, and air quality improvement projects.

Residents and stakeholders will have the opportunity to hear more about these projects, ask questions, and provide feedback on the 2023-2026 TIP at these public meetings. They will take place online and will include options to join via Zoom or dial in by phone. H-GAC will provide a Spanish translator and an American Sign Language interpreter for the hearing impaired. 

Public Comment Period

The public comment period is now open and ends on April 4, 2022. To submit a public comment, you can:

Save the Date for the TML Region 14 Spring Meeting on Friday, April 8
The Texas Municipal League (TML) Region 14 spring meeting will happen at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, April 8 at Sam Houston Race Park. TML members are invited to enjoy food, fun, and friendship at the races! Click here to register.

We're also looking for sponsors for this event! If you're interested, visit the event registration page and click the "Sponsor this Event" button, or contact Cynthia Jones for more information.
Should Pearland Have Public Transportation? H-GAC Invites Pearland Residents to Share Their Feedback
Imagine if you could avoid the stress of navigating traffic and hunting for a decent parking spot when shopping or dining out at Pearland Town Center by taking a short bus trip instead. What would it be like to have reliable transit that could get you to you medical appointments? What if you could have some extra study time for your big exam on the way to class by riding the bus instead of driving? Or have time to sit, relax, and destress on the way home?

Pearland is one of the fastest-growing suburban cities in Texas, yet it doesn’t have public transportation. Is it time for a change? Take our digital survey and tell us what you think!

Click the graphic on the right or visit engage.h-gac.com/PearlandTransitNeeds to take our survey.
H-GAC Seeks Community Input on Draft Recommendations to Improve Safety and Congestion in Southeast Harris County
H-GAC has conducted a study of congestion and safety concerns in the southeast Harris County area and has proposed improvements that align with the region’s goals for safety, maintenance, mobility, the economy, and the environment. We now seek your feedback!

H-GAC will host a virtual public meeting from 6-7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 28 where residents living or working in southeast Harris County can learn about the recommendations, ask questions, and learn how to post their comments using H-GAC's engagement tools. The meeting will be online via Zoom and will include dial in by phone options. It will also be recorded and made available online later for those unable to attend.

Public comments will be accepted though April 11, 2022. To review the draft recommendations in full and register to attend the public meeting, click on the graphic to the right or visit engage.h-gac.com.
Celebrate Regional Conservation with H-GAC at Special Event on Wednesday, March 30
Join H-GAC from 2 to 4 p.m., Wednesday, March 30 for a celebration of conservation in the Houston-Galveston region. The event will be in-person at the H-GAC office (3555 Timmons Lane) on the second floor, Conference Room 2B. 

Local government representatives and nongovernmental partners working to preserve, restore, and enhance natural areas are invited to attend. Speakers will discuss a successful partnership for tree plantings, a greenway trail project, and the transformational remediation of a contaminated brownfield site into a nature preserve. There will also be time for networking.
Space may be limited, and registration is requested. For more information, email conservation@h-gac.com
Texas Workforce Commission Increases 2022 Child Care Relief Funding by $1 Billion to Strengthen Workforce
The Texas Workforce Commission approved an additional $1 billion in direct support for the Texas child care industry, increasing available funds for the 2022 Child Care Relief Fund (CCRF) to a total of $3.4 billion — with an estimated average award of more than $250,000 per provider. In addition to the $1 billion approved for CCRF, the commission approved an additional $75 million aimed to defray startup costs for new child care providers across the state.

The 2022 CCRF is intended to help child care providers address the impacts of COVID-19. Eligible providers may use these funds in a variety of ways to support their program’s operating costs. For more information and to check eligibility, visit www.childcare.texas.gov or email CCReliefFunds@Trelliscompany.org.

Employees in the Houston-Galveston region can also visit the Workforce Solutions website for child care financial aid resources available to them.
March 14 Parks and Natural Areas Roundtable Will Focus on Inclusive Playground Design
The next Parks and Natural Areas Roundtable will be from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, March 14.  This event will be online, and registration is required. 

Participants will learn about:
  • Inclusive playground design from PlayWell Group 
  • Strategic planning and funding opportunities for accessible design of parks and natural areas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

The roundtable meets the second Monday of March, July, and September with field trips usually scheduled in May and November. The group is open to anyone interested in participating. For more information, contact Andrea Tantillo.
"Clean It Like You Mean It" at 28th Annual Trash Bash, Texas' Largest Single-day Waterway Cleanup Event, on Saturday, March 26
trash bash logo
The River, Lakes, Bays ‘N Bayous Trash Bash®, Texas’ largest single-day waterway cleanup, is excited to welcome back volunteers to the 28th annual event on Saturday, March 26. 

Since its inception, more than 114,000 volunteers have collected more than 2,300 tons of trash, 20 tons of recyclable materials, and 11,629 tires. Find out how to volunteer and promote a healthy Galveston Bay watershed at one of their many cleanup locations on Saturday, March 26. Trash Bash hopes you will come out and help “Clean it like you mean it!” ® 

Find more information, including registration links and public health guidelines, at www.trashbash.org
USDA Launches Pilot Program to Deploy Renewable Energy Infrastructure to People in Rural Towns
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is making up to $10 million available to help people living in rural towns develop community renewable energy projects that will help them cut their energy costs. These funds will be released through the USDA’s Rural Energy Pilot Program, targeted to help people who live in communities that have been historically underinvested and disinvested.

Rural local governments and nonprofits can join the pilot program by submitting a letter of intent on or before April 19 on the Rural Energy Pilot Program web page. Applications are due no later than 10:59 p.m. Central Time on July 18, 2022. Learn more on the USDA's Rural Development page.

For support and assistance for your community's economic development programs and projects, visit the Gulf Coast Economic Development District website.
Mark Your Calendars for Earth Day Activities with Commute Solutions Next Month
Earth Day is Friday, April 22, and H-GAC’s Commute Solutions team is ready to share information and resources that show the connection between your carbon footprint and how you travel. Be a part of the movement to preserve and protect our planet, improve congestion, and make the Gulf Coast region more sustainable.  

Join the Commute Solutions team at events across the region including Earth Day Houston at Discovery Green from noon to 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 19; Earth Day at La Centerra from 1-4 p.m., Friday, April 22; and the Earth Day Celebration at UTMB Galveston from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Friday, April 15. 

Have an event that you would like Commute Solutions to support by providing a free speaker, information table, or educational materials concerning sustainability and the commute? Please contact Francis Rodriguez at francis.rodriguez@h-gac.com for more information.
In Honor of National Procurement Month in March, Nominate a Stellar Procurement Professional for the NCPP Above & Beyond Awards
The National Cooperative Procurement Partners (NCPP) is recognizing public procurement professionals who have gone above and beyond in their role. All through March's National Procurement Month, NCPP will honor 15 award winners with this special designation. If you know of a stellar procurement professional who deserves to be recognized, nominate them today! Click on the flyer below for more information about how to submit a nomination, or visit the NCPP Above & Beyond Awards web page.
H-GAC is Hiring
Home to more than 7 million people, the Houston-Galveston region is one of the fastest-growing and most diverse regions in the country. Making sure the region remains one of the nation’s leading places to live, work, and prosper doesn’t just happen - it takes planning and partnerships.

If you are looking for a career where you can help make a difference in urban, suburban, and rural communities, the Houston-Galveston Area Council has exciting opportunities for you. For more information or to apply for a job, visit the careers page on H-GAC's website.