Houston-Galveston Area Council Newsletter    May 2022
April Board of Directors Meeting
At its meeting on Tuesday, April 19, the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Board of Directors approved several items of regional significance. It approved funding to conduct a new Livable Centers study in Clute, Texas, acquire five new clean-energy school buses and freight vehicles to replace older, diesel-powered vehicles to help reduce emissions and improve air quality, and the board approved a resolution recognizing April as Fair Housing Month.

Later, the board authorized H-GAC to apply for grants that will help to increase the size and scope of its elder justice program, continue funding its Regional Homeland Security Planning Initiative and Regional Juvenile Mental Health Services Project, and install new radio communications towers to improve emergency radio communications coverage in Austin, Brazoria, Colorado, Fort Bend, and Harris counties. Additionally, the board authorized H-GAC to contract with six academies in the region to provide law enforcement training under its longstanding Regional Law Enforcement Training Program.

The board also approved recommendations by the Criminal Justice Advisory Committee to seek state funding for all 179 criminal justice projects on its regional priority list. H-GAC supports local governments in applying for and funding projects that help prevent crime, reduce crime, and enhance overall criminal justice efforts in the region. The 179 projects on the priority list cover several aspects of criminal justice, including juvenile justice, truancy prevention, promoting public safety, victim assistance, and violence against women. The committee anticipates that 144 of the 179 projects on its priority list will most likely receive funding. The rest will be subject to availability. A full list of the projects and how they are ranked can be viewed here.

Towards the end of the meeting, the board approved two new appointments to the Regional Air Quality Planning and Advisory Committee.
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, May 17

The next board meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m., Tuesday, May 17. If there are any scheduling or location updates to this meeting, we will notify the public immediately. For more information on H-GAC's Board of Directors, past meeting agendas or minutes, or to find dates for future meetings, visit the Board of Directors website.
H-GAC Program Spotlight: Workforce Solutions Career Education
At its April meeting, the H-GAC Board of Directors listened to a spotlight presentation about Workforce Solutions' career education specialists.
The mission of the career education specialists at Workforce Solutions is to prepare the youth of our region for fulfilling, life-long careers. They provide resources and counseling to help youth prepare a graduation plan, increase their financial literacy, and explore a variety of post-high school education avenues that will help them find the right career to pursue. 

The specialists have district-wide agreements with El Campo ISD, Fort Bend ISD, Galveston ISD, Goose Creek Consolidated ISD, Houston ISD, Sheldon ISD, and Spring ISD. In addition to providing career education services for students, they offer professional development for teachers and administrators. Between 2019 and 2022, the career education specialists impacted more than 64,000 students and directly engaged more than 30,000 students and young adults.
H-GAC Board of Directors Chair William King III tries out a career occupation simulation using a virtual reality headset.
The specialists have an ongoing program, "The Career Corner Show," on their Instagram account @WFSCareerEd that provides career advice and showcases prominent working professionals in the region. Additionally, the team is incorporating virtual reality technology into their educational programs, allowing students to simulate working in one of 28 different career occupations in six industries. To learn more about Workforce Solutions youth and career education programs and resources, visit wrksolutions.com
Program Contacts
Listed below from left to right
Celeria Washington
Title: Career Education Specialist
Contact Email: celeria.
Contact Phone: 832-681-2607
Aurelia Johnson
Title: Career Education Specialist
Contact Email: aurelia.johnson
Contact Phone: 832-681-2536
Richard Prather
Title: Career Education Specialist
Contact Email: richard.prather@
Contact Phone: 713-993-4518
H-GAC Is Updating the Region's Long-range Transportation Plan. Here's How You Can Get Involved!
Planning for the region’s next 20 years starts with you, and telling us what your transportation values are – do you want to travel faster, or do you want to travel safer? Understanding this, we can begin to forge a new vision that prioritizes safety, convenience, accessibility, and sustainability for the Texas Gulf Coast region. We can develop a vision that drives opportunity wherever we live and however we move. Connecting every part of our community, now and in the future. 

Click on the graphic above or go to www.h-gac.com/RTP to take our digital survey. You can also tell us what you think in person by attending an upcoming public meeting in your community. Help us connect the dots to make getting around the region safer and better for generations to come.
H-GAC Leadership Team Expands with Hiring of Jochen Floesser, Director of Data Analytics and Research
Click below to learn more about the newest member of H-GAC's leadership team, Jochen Floesser, director of data analytics and research.
Save the Date! H-GAC's Annual Workshop for Newly Elected Officials Will Take Place on Wednesday, June 29
Join us for the 2022 Newly Elected Officials Workshop on Wednesday, June 29 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. This highly informative and interactive workshop will provide an opportunity to learn from experts in their fields about how to effectively perform as a public servant in government or education. We invite all other elected officials who would like to refresh their skills to join us as well. The workshop will only be held in person at the H-GAC office (3555 Timmons Ln.) in the second floor conference rooms. 

The workshop will focus on the following topics:

  • Texas Open Meetings Act state certification ** 
  • Legal issues
  • Financial management and budgeting
  • Leadership and teamwork
  • Effective communications
**Must be present by 8:30 a.m. to receive Texas Open Meetings Act certification.

Registration information for this workshop will be sent out in the coming weeks.

For further information, contact Cynthia Jones at 713-993-4591.
H-GAC Will Host Two Virtual Public Meetings on Monday, May 9 Discussing Air Quality Conformity
In response to the most recent amendments to the long-term regional transportation plan and to previously recorded public feedback, H-GAC has set forth a proposed air quality conformity determination for the region. 

We welcome members of the public to attend one of two virtual public meetings being held on Monday, May 9 at 1 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. where you can learn more about the proposed air quality conformity determination and how it relates to transportation planning for the region. Click the graphic on the right or visit h-gac.com/transportation-conformity/2022

Public comments on the proposed conformity determination will be accepted May 2 - June 3, 2022 via email at PublicComments@h-gac.com or by dialing 1-855-363-2516.
Fort Bend Area Small Businesses Still Have Time to Apply for Triple 'R' Loan Program. Applications Are Due by May 6

Fort Bend area small businesses seeking financial assistance still have time to apply for the Houston-Galveston Area Local Development Corporation and Fort Bend County Triple 'R' Loan Program.

The program helps Fort Bend small businesses work towards recovery, resilience, and growth by offering grants of up to $50,000 and loans of up to $1 million. Applications are still being accepted until May 6.

To learn more about eligibility requirements and to apply, visit the H-GALDC's Triple 'R' Loan Program web page.
H-GAC Transportation's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Consultation Virtual Workshops Scheduled for Wednesday, May 25
H-GAC will host two virtual workshops on Wednesday, May 25 at 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., where it will share an update on its disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) participation goals for fiscal years 2023-2025 concerning transportation projects. Small businesses that fall under the DBE category involved in transportation planning are invited to learn about H-GAC's procurement policies and processes and share with us any recommendations that would help our agency gain more DBE participation.

It is H-GAC's policy to foster participation of historically underutilized business enterprises in its procurement and contracting opportunities - without regard to the funding source utilized. As a recipient of federal funds, the H-GAC Transportation Department concurrently administers the federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (49 CFR Part 26) with respect to contracting opportunities funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

More information about H-GAC's DBE program, participation policies, and goals is available at www.h-gac.com/disadvantaged-business-enterprises. Registration information for the workshops will also be posted to the page very soon.
Deadline to Apply for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Extended to Thursday, June 30
The application deadline for the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program has been extended. Applicants now have until 5 p.m., June 30, 2022 to submit their applications to the Texas Division of Emergency Management via the Grants Management System.

The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program assists communities in implementing hazard mitigation measures following a major disaster declaration. Entities that are eligible to apply for grants include local governments and communities, state agencies, and private nonprofit organizations providing essential governmental services.

Click here to download the updated Notice of Funding Opportunity document, which contains more information about application guidelines, a full list of eligible activities, and references links.
H-GAC Will Present the Results of the Liberty County Mobility Study at Public Meetings Happening Thursday, May 12 and Wednesday, May 18
H-GAC invites residents of Liberty County and stakeholders to attend one of our two in-person public meetings providing an update on the Liberty County Mobility Study. The meetings will take place at 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 12 and on Wednesday, May 18.

After conducting a year-long study in Liberty County, H-GAC will discuss recommendations that include opportunities to improve intersection and corridor safety, accommodate future growth, reduce crashes, and better accommodate bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit users. 

Learn more about the study recommendations by clicking on the graphic to the right or visiting engage.h-gac.com/liberty-county-mobility-study. Public comments will be accepted May 12-26, 2022 and can be made by submitting a question through the project website, emailing PublicComments@h-gac.com, or by dialing 1-855-363-2516. 
City of Houston Honors Former H-GAC Human Services Director Mike Temple by Declaring April 8, 2022 Mike Temple Day
On April 8, 2022, Mike Temple officially retired from his position as director of human services at H-GAC. In honor of his 41 years of service to the region, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner issued a proclamation declaring April 8, 2022, to be Mike Temple Day. Congratulations to Mike Temple, and we thank him once again for his years of dedication to H-GAC, the Gulf Coast Workforce Board, and the region.
Local Government Officials Can Network with HGACBuy Vendors, Learn More about Available Procurement Services at May Virtual Open Houses
The HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Program continues its ongoing virtual open house series with four events happening in May. These open houses are a great opportunity for local governments to network with HGACBuy vendors and learn more about available products and services the co-op provides.

The four May virtual open houses will all take place at 10 a.m. (CDT) via Zoom on the following dates:

To register for one or more of these virtual open houses, click on the date(s) above. For future virtual open house dates, visit the HGACBuy Virtual Open House Series web page at HGACBuy.org.
May is National Bike Month! Visit the Commute Solutions Page to Find a Bike Event Happening in Your Community
Since its inception in 1956 by the League of American Cyclists, National Bike Month has been used as a way to educate commuters about sharing the road with bicyclists. Bike Month rides and events are happening throughout the region. Visit H-GAC's Commute Solutions website to find a Bike Month event or activity happening near you, or learn how you can host one yourself!
H-GAC, TCEQ to Host Two Public Meetings to Discuss Oyster Creek, Chocolate Bay Water Quality Issues on May 11
H-GAC and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) will host two public meetings, both happening on Wednesday, May 11, for residents and stakeholders living near or impacted by the Oyster Creek and Chocolate Bay watersheds.

The Oyster Creek watershed public meeting will start at 1 p.m., May 11, at the Angleton Library (401 E. Cedar St.) in Angleton, Texas, and the Chocolate Bay watershed public meeting will happen at 6 p.m., May 11, at the Alvin Public Library (105 S. Gordon St.) in Alvin, Texas. 

H-GAC has been involved in a long-term project to address ongoing water quality issues with these two watersheds and the San Jacinto-Brazos Coastal Basin they are part of. Experts will update the attendees on project planning efforts and invite them to ask questions and share their ideas about what can be done to reduce bacteria pollutants and clean up the waterways. 
Map of the San Jacinto-Brazos Coast Basin (Basin 11), which contains the Oyster Creek and Chocolate Bay watersheds (click to enlarge)
Click here for more information about the project and the public meetings.
Take a Field Trip to Clear Creek Nature Center in League City with the H-GAC Parks and Natural Areas Roundtable
The H-GAC Parks and Natural Areas Roundtable will lead a field trip starting at 9 a.m., Friday, May 13. Participants will meet at the Dr. Ned and Fay Dudney Clear Creek Nature Center (1220 Egret Bay Blvd.) in League City, Texas to learn more about the nature center and the city's award-winning Outdoor Education Initiative project.

Registration is requested. For more information, contact Andrea Tantillo.
H-GAC Celebrates Regional Conservation
On March 28, H-GAC hosted an event celebrating conservation in the region. Check out the video above to learn more about H-GAC's Regional Conservation Initiative - an initiative to help local governments and nonprofits secure funding for and advance conservation projects in the region - and visit h-gac.com/regional-conservation to find resources for local governments, examples of successful conservation projects, and information about all the wonderful benefits of conservation.
H-GAC is Hiring
Home to more than 7 million people, the Houston-Galveston region is one of the fastest-growing and most diverse regions in the country. Making sure the region remains one of the nation’s leading places to live, work, and prosper doesn’t just happen - it takes planning and partnerships.

If you are looking for a career where you can help make a difference in urban, suburban, and rural communities, H-GAC has exciting opportunities for you. For more information or to apply for a job, visit the careers page on H-GAC's website.