H-GAC Regional Focus
November 2017
In This Issue
November Board of Directors Meeting
Hurricane Harvey Recovery Resources
Public Works Employment
H-GAC Recognition
Disaster Recovery Financial Assistance Workshop
General Law and Home Rule Cities Caucuses
The 2045 Regional Transportation Plan
Harris County Community Health Survey
Careers at H-GAC
Quick Links
Meetings and Events
H-GAC Board of Directors Meetings are held at 10:00 a.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. Agendas for all committees can be found on our website Please visit our  calendar  for upcoming meetings and events.

Unless otherwise listed, meetings are held on the second floor at H-GAC's office, 3555 Timmons Lane, Houston, TX 77027

November Board of Directors Meeting

At the November meeting, the H-GAC Board of Directors unanimously approved a three-year agreement with the Federal Economic Development Administration to fund regional economic development activities.  The Board also voted unanimously to approve the Audit Committee's recommendation to retain Whitley Penn to conduct H-GAC's annual audit.

A revised version of the 2018 Budget & Service Plan Draft was presented a nd discussed along with the recommended 2018 Salary Benefit Program.  A public hearing and possible action will be taken in December.

In addition, the board voted unanimously to recognize outgoing members Councilmember Pat McLaughlan (photo above), City of Bellaire and Councilmember Terry Sain (photo on the right), City of Baytown with resolutions presented by Board Chair, Commissioner Gary Nelson, Chambers County.
Hurricane Harvey Recovery Resources

H-GAC has created a resource page to assist its members and their communities in dealing with the issues faced in the aftermath of Harvey. Please click HERE for more information. 
Public Works Employment
Workforce Solutions, is responding to the regional workforce challenges created by Hurricane Harvey for local governments by providing funds to help employ workers who have lost their jobs due the storm or other qualifying circumstances. Work must be related to the repair of public facilities or land.   Click HERE for more information. 
H-GAC Outstanding Leadership Recognition

Alan Clark
, Transportation Director with H-GAC, has received the prestigious Ronald F. Kirby National Award for Outstanding Individual Leadership from the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations at their annual conference.

Mr. Clark was recognized for his leadership, professionalism and dedication to improving transportation programs in the Houston-Galveston region.
Disaster Recovery Financial Assistance Workshop - December 5
Texas Water Development Board logo
The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will hold a financial assistance workshop focused on disaster recovery for water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, December 5, in H-GAC Conference Room B, Second Floor.

The workshop will provide information and opportunities for one-on-one conversations to discuss recovery project needs. The TWDB outreach team, regional team personnel, and program coordinators will be in attendance to discuss specific projects and answer questions.

The workshop will include: 
* Disaster recovery response: amendments to the State Revolving Funds
* Brief overview of the TWDB and the types of financing available
* Handout with financial program updates 
* One-on-one meetings with TWDB staff to explore funding options for your projects

To register, email your name, title, entity, email, telephone number, and the workshop location (Houston) you are planning to attend to  srfworkshops@twdb.texas.gov .
General Law and Home Rule Cities Elect 2018 Representatives
General Law and Home Rule Cities with populations  under  25,000 convened in early November to choose two  Board Members and two Alternates to represent them on the H-GAC Board of Directors.
Councilmembers Arendell, Willis, Pollard and King

Home Rule Cities  met and elected Councilmember William King, III, City of Dickinson as a Representative and Councilmember Cecil Willis, City of Stafford as his Alternate.   Councilmember Trisha Pollard, City of Bellaire was also elected as a Representative and Councilmember Adam Arendell, City of Alvin was elected as her Alternate.

Councilmembers Schwartz and Arnold, Mayor Pro Tem Henley and Alderman Harrison

General Law Cities  re-elected Representative  Mayor Pro Tem Terry Henley , City of Meadows Place and his   Alternate, Alderman James Harrison, City of Bellville and Representative  Councilmember Nancy Arnold , City of Waller and her Alternate, Councilmember Susan Schwartz, City of Bunker Hill Village.
The 2045 Regional Transportation Plan: An Early Introduction
Work is underway on the  2045 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), the area's long-range plan that prioritizes spending on transportation projects in the eight-county Houston-Galveston region.

H-GAC projects that nearly 11 million people will live in the region by 2045. What should our multi-modal transportation system look like, and how will we manage traffic congestion and improve traffic safety?

Over the next few months, H-GAC will initiate conversations about our region's mobility needs and actively engage the public for feedback about what our community envisions for the future. We want to hear your ideas, and we welcome you to join the transportation planning process by visiting 2045RTP.com and attending upcoming public meetings.
Harris County Community Health Survey
Your input makes a difference! Share your thoughts and opinions about health in Harris County by December 22 , and you'll be entered to win a $100 gift card!
This survey is brought to you by Harris County Public Health (HCPH), the local public health agency for Harris County, Texas. The Harris County Community Health Survey allows us to hear directly from residents about their priorities for health. Results will be used to inform health improvement plans for Harris County.
The survey is anonymous; however, to be entered in the drawing to win a $100 gift card, participants must provide contact information. This is completely optional.
For more information, contact Aimee Schultze with the Harris County Public Health office at (713) 274-6328.
Careers at H-GAC
H-GAC offers opportunities in clerical, technical, and professional positions, when available. Qualified, motivated individuals are encouraged to view our current opportunities and apply.

H-GAC is currently seeking:
To learn more and stay up to date on all career opportunities at H-GAC click HERE and follow us on Linkedin
Rick Guerrero, Intergovernmental Relations
Houston-Galveston Area Council