H Å FA ADAI E VERYDAY | DECEMBER 2019  | Volume 16, Issue No. 1
Ordot-Chalan Pago Elementary School gives the gift of the Håfa Adai Spirit
Ordot-Chalan Pago Elementary School students pose with their island-inspired hand-crafted ornaments.
The Håfa Adai Pledge kids of Ordot-Chalan Pago Elementary School participated in the T Galleria by DFS Festival of Trees. Students were invited to share the CHamoru Culture with our island visitors by creating CHamoru Christmas Ornaments based on the song, "The Twelve Days of CHamoru Christmas."

The Inesgaihon Famagu’on Cultural Dance Group of Ordot-Chalan Pago Elementary School have also been hard at work preparing for their upcoming Christmas Around the World performance sponsored by the Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency (CAHA).

Si yu'os ma'ase' to the students, faculty, and staff of Ordot-Chalan Pago Elementary School for continuing to share our unique CHamoru culture, stories, and spirit of the people with our visitors and the rest of the world. We would also like to thank community partners such as CAHA and T Galleria by DFS for incorporating the CHamoru culture into their holiday festivities. The Guam Visitors Bureau invites the Håfa Adai Pledge members to do the same and give the gift of the Håfa Adai spirit this holiday season.
Boy Wonder Creative Agency inspires many by living the Håfa Adai Pledge
CEO and founder of Boy Wonder Creative Agency, Francis Valencia , and partners participate in a monthly beach clean up at Hurao beach park, Hagåtña.
Francis Valencia, CEO and founder of Boy Wonder Creative Agency, joined the Håfa Adai Pledge Program in July 2019. He and his team have taken the pledge to participate in beach cleanups and island beautification projects around the island at least once a month.

Francis and his team have been living up to their pledge participating in a number of projects with many different organizations. Through months of encountering chronic trash and pollution problems throughout the island, it was evident to him that there was a great disrespect for Guam and a lack of pride among the community.

Francis knew that it was a problem that could only be solved through collaboration. Taking a step further, he sent out invitations to all his clients to join him each month for the cleanups. As time went on, more and more of his clients along with their family and friends joined the cause; creating a ripple effect of action and awareness.

"There are some occasions where we would spend a couple of days cleaning one area. It's just really sad to see how polluted our island is. This is my home and I want to see it clean. What really shocks me is that many others who call this island home as well don't feel that same sense of pride and responsibility," shared Valencia.

The Guam Visitors Bureau is proud to support small businesses making big changes for the island. We thank Boy Wonder Creative Agency for being leaders of change and for making Guam a better place to live, work, and visit.
Submit your stories, photos, and videos of how you live up to your pledge here: hafaadai@visitguam.org
Angelita Layson has been employed as a public attendant with the Hilton Guam Resort & Spa for 23 years. Angelita works to ensure the public areas stay clean and comfortable so that our guests have a positive impression of not only the hotel but the island as a whole. She is one of the hotel's longest working employees and her dedication to the island shines through her actions and spirit.

Angelita is revered among her colleagues as one of our most considerate employees. Every morning, she brings treats to share with the entire team to help everyone start their day off on a positive note. Her good heart surely inspires others to show that same kindness to each other, guests, and tourists.

One day, Angelita found an envelope in a public restroom located next to the Tasi Club. The envelope contained $5,000 cash. Angelita immediately brought the money down to the housekeeping office and presented it to upper management. The hotel team started an investigation and discovered the money belonged to another Hilton employee. It turned out the employee was saving money to help send her mother in law for her off-island surgery. The entire family was extremely thankful of Angelita’s honesty, but to Angelita, there was no need for thanks because she knew it was the right thing to do.

Angelita is a great example of what it means to live the Håfa Adai Pledge. She is one who strives to make others happy. The Guam Visitors Bureau thanks Angelita for being such a positive representation of Guam, our people, and our culture to our tourists and others in the tourism industry. Si yu'os ma'ase' for making Guam a better place to live, work, and visit.
Meet Komehka Cadag. She is the Training Coordinator with the Pacific Islands Club (PIC) and a 2019 HERO award winner. Her day-to-day job consists of training PIC employees to be example citizens of the Håfa Adai Spirit. See how Tourism Works for her!
-Native animal names are catchy and memorable (Ko'ko', Sihek, Fanihi)

  • -Use names of villages, streets, churches, and indigenous family names

  • -There are tons of native flower names to choose from (Nanasu, Puti Tan Nobio)
Are you up to the challenge? If so, we'd love to hear all about it! Share your story, photos, and videos of wit h us at hafaadai@visitguam.org . Lea rn more about the Håfa Adai Pledge Program and download the FREE challenge list here:

  • Considered Guam’s oldest and best-preserved village from the Spanish era

  • Places of interest include: Pre-World War II church, statue of Chief Gadao, the Gef Pa'go Village, the ancient Paintings of Chief Gadao's Cave, and historic village architecture

  • Want to learn more? CLICK HERE and listen to our Inalåhan walking tour podcast!

The History Delegation of Guam has created these podcast playlists for our island community and visitors to learn more about historical and cultural sites in Guam. Download and play as you stroll through the featured villages of Hagåtña, Inalåhan, and Humåtak for an exciting tour-like experience!