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H2R Newsletter
April 2024
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This newsletter aims to keep those involved in research with hard-to-reach (H2R) populations up-to-date on the most recent methods, training opportunities, and publications. The goal is to create not only a useful resource for those involved in H2R population research but also a place where we can all connect around our common goal of reaching H2R populations for better service. A newsletter will be sent every month, and we hope this becomes a useful resource for you. Any feedback or contributions are always welcome.
H2R Team
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We are so proud of our first cohort!
Please support us in a virtual applause to our first 12 graduates.
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Serge Atherwood
"Dating violence among teens: Can an educational program intervention reduce the risk?"
Laic Beugre
"Describing MPOX vaccine uptake among minoritized MSM in San Francisco"
Sarah Gallalee
"Effectiveness of interventions for malaria high-risk populations in Senegal"
Mohammad Rifat Haider
"Psychosocial Correlates of Awareness of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV among Persons Who Inject Drugs in Northeast Georgia"
Roman Johnson
"Exploring the Role of Mental Health Status on HIV Testing Across Race/Ethnicity and Gender"
Kevin Lee
"Estimating Wage Theft Among Low-Wage Retail Food Workers in Santa Clara County"
Seyed Sina Neshat
"Health and life study of Afghan Refugees in California"
Said Iftekhar Sadaat
"Uptake of COVID-19 vaccination and its Factors among people who inject drugs: Evidence from National HIV Behavioural Surveillance San Francisco 2022"
Abubaker Saeed
"Estimating HIV Incidence Among People Who Inject Drugs in San Francisco, California"
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Alexander Marr
Mentored Roman Johnson, Seyed Sina Neshat, and Said Iftekhar Sadaat
Renee Mehra
Mentored Serge Atherwood, Mohammad Rifat Haider, and Kevin Lee
Jennifer Smith
Mentored Laic Beugre, Sarah Gallalee, and Abubaker Saeed
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Additional Thanks to H2R Faculty | |
Sean Arayasirikul
Mara Decker
Thomas Hoffman
Ali Mirzazadeh
Willi McFarland
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Wayne Steward
Paul Wesson
Erin Wilson
Maeve Forster (Program Manager)
Ming Zhou (Grant Manager)
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The application is open (due March 31, 2024) for enrolling the 2nd cohort of students and mentors to H2R.
LINK to the application
Website includes an application overview
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H2R Methods & Quality Checklist | |
This section provides a brief review of H2R methods and a checklist to improve their quality. We start with mapping and enumeration. | |
One of the methods to find the locations and estimate the population size of hard-to-reach (H2R) populations is mapping and enumeration. This method requires a comprehensive list of physical venues where the H2R population meets or works which will be generated through interviews with key informants is required. All or a random selection of the reported venues will be visited for direct observation, counting, and/or surveys of the H2R members attending the venues. | |
- It can be conducted as part of an (IBBS) survey with time location sampling
- Tend to produce robust estimates
- Count target groups that are visible and could be reached for services
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It has three assumptions and limitations:
- Mobility, duplication, and absences of the H2R population at the hotspots/venues may produce over or underestimated counting
- Requires going to the field, so safety is always an issue
- Hard, labor-intensive, and expensive to conduct at the national level.
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Underreporting as it is only able to count the visible part of the H2R population. | |
Mapping and Enumeration Quality Checklist | |
- The list of all venues is comprehensive and updated, and each venue has an accurate location address and time/day for the peak (attended by the highest number of H2R population)
- Consider mapping virtual platforms [1] to estimate the population size if a considerable number of the H2R population uses the internet to find (sexual) partners or clients.
- All venues or a large representative sample of venues were visited for enumeration at their peak time.
- The mobility of the member of H2R across venues is limited or an adjustment for mobility [2] was done to reduce double counting.
- Adjustment for mobility: In each venue, if a proportion (P) of a key population visits more than one venue (average of M) on a peak day, consider adjustment of the size (S) of that venue by a factor of (1 – P + P/M). (P = proportion of a key population visiting more than one hotspot, M = average number of hotspots they visit on a peak day). So, for each venue, the adjusted size = (Crude Venue Size) x (1-P+P/M).
- If venues are not visited at their peak time/day or not visited at high season, consider adjustment for peak time and seasonality effect [3].
- If a proportion (q) of an H2R population is “hidden” i.e., do not visit venues, consider adjustment of your population size estimates by a factor of 1 / q (q = proportion of an H2R population in the IBBS survey who said that they do visit venues).So, Adjusted PSE = (crude PSE) X (1/q)
[1] Emmanuel F, Kioko J, Musyoki H, Kaosa S, Ongaro MK, Kuria S, Olango K, Musimbi J, Walimbwa J, Blanchard J, Isac S, Bhattacharjee P. Mapping virtual platforms to estimate the population size of men who have sex with men (MSM) who use internet to find sexual partners: implications to enhance HIV prevention among MSM in Kenya. Gates Open Res. 2020 Dec 10;4:131.
[2] Bozicevic I, Manathunge A, Dominkovic Z, Beneragama S, Kriitmaa K. Estimating the population size of female sex workers and transgender women in Sri Lanka. PLoS One. 2020 Jan 15;15(1):e0227689.
[3] Rasheed A, Sharifi H, Wesson P, Pashtoon SJ, Tavakoli F, Ghalekhani N, Haghdoost AA, Atarud A, Banehsi MR, Hamdard N, Sadaat SI, McFarland W, Mirzazadeh A. Mapping and population size estimates of people who inject drugs in Afghanistan in 2019: Synthesis of multiple methods. PLoS One. 2022 Jan 28;17(1):e0262405.
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H2R Data Corner & Consultation | |
If you are a student, post-doc, researcher, faculty, physician, or health officer, it is never too late to start your H2R research or conduct secondary data analysis and write a paper for a health topic on H2R populations. You can submit your data request online to be involved in one of our past or current projects on an H2R population. | |
We have office hours for those who want to meet virtually or in person and consult with one of our team members about an H2R population study or method. Please use Calendly to meet on:
- Tuesdays (17:00 to 18:00 PT)
- Wednesdays (16:00 to 17:00 PT)
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H2R Community & Networking Opportunities | |
Registration is open for the AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference, that will take place in Munich, Germany, and virtually from 22 to 26 July 2024. | |
This section has links to our recent papers on H2R populations and methods:
Increase in human immunodeficiency virus and syphilis prevalence and incidence among men who have sex with men, Vietnam 2015 - 2020. Thanh Nguyen HT, Nguyen LT, Thanh Hoang HT, Bui DH, Thu Phan HT, Van Khuu N, Hong Ngo HT, Dang DA, Mirzazadeh A, McFarland W, Pham TH. Int J STD AIDS. 2023 Nov 15:9564624231214583.
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In this section, we list recent/ongoing H2R studies in which our team is involved.
- Mapping and Size Estimation of Five Key Populations, and National Survey of Male Labor Migrants in Nepal in 2024 (Ali Mirzazadeh: Technical Consultant)
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Issue No. 1
This newsletter is a collaboration between staff and faculty at the University of California, San Francisco, who are focused on supporting research for hard-to-reach populations. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH, NIMH, or other funding institutes.
Issue Editors: Ali Mirzazadeh, Maeve Forster.
Sponsor: NIH - Office of the Director
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Please share our subscription LINK with your community
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Keep in touch!
email: H2R@ucsf.edu
H2R Training Website
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