A Newsletter of

Church of the Ascension

and Saint Agnes

for Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Readings for Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

In Case You Missed Us on Sunday...

Let the Little Children Come to Me

Sermon preached by the Rev. Dominique Peridans

on the Feast of Saint Agnes

Matthew 18:1-6


A beautiful girl born in the year 291, in Rome, into a Christian family.

At a very young age, her hand in marriage was highly sought.

Having heard her beloved say, Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away,

to anyone who would propose, she would say,

I am already promised to the Lord of the Universe.

He is more splendid than the sun and the stars,

and He has said He will never leave me! 

… Jesus Christ is my only Spouse.

Click HERE to continue reading Fr. Dominique's sermon

Don't Worry. Be Happy!


In the beginning of his treatise, “Nicomachean Ethics”, Aristotle explores the question of happiness. Although a philosophical inquiry based on human experience, in an ancient world that freely refers to the gods, Aristotle praises happiness by referencing divine intervention:

If there is any gift of the gods to men, it is reasonable that happiness should be god-given, and most surely god-given of all human things inasmuch as it is the best.

Happiness is the “best thing” he tells us. But, what is happiness? Per Aristotle (if I understand him correctly!), happiness is a life lived in communion with what is our proper human end. Such life engages intellect and will (mind and heart), necessitates inner strength, and takes time. What is our proper human end? For Aristotle, there are two: another human person (in deep friendship) and the Divine.

As a Christian, I know, in faith, that I have been mercifully found by God, by Christ, God-become-human, God-come-immeasurably-close. Jesus is my most “proper end”, the deepest love of my life. This relationship into which we are drawn is more intimate than Aristotle could fathom: super-happiness indeed, the fullness of which occurs when we see, face-to-face, the One with whom we are in relationship. This gift of relationship with God is gratuitously bestowed upon us in the midst of whatever we may be experiencing—health issues, financial problems, loneliness, tears or persecution. “Blessed are you” Jesus promises.

Let us dare to be happy in the Lord…

Yours in Him,

The Rev. Dominique Peridans



Sunday, February 4

(During Coffee Hour)

Parish Chat

Updates and open conversation about the life of the parish with the Executive Committee (rector, wardens and treasurer)

Sunday, Februrary 11

(During Coffee Hour)

Shrove "Sunday" Pancake Breakfast

& Theology Forum

The General Confession: A Meditation

Fr. Frank Wade

Ash Wednesday, February 14

Mass with the Imposition of Ashes

Noon and 7:00 PM

Newcomers and Inquirers!

Join us for fellowship and faith exploration.

Interested exploring your faith and perhaps becoming more fully a member of ASA? This is the path to take, together, hosted by the ASA Evangelization Committee: Patrick Boylan, Johnny Demoz, Rebecca Giles and Mark Witte.

It’s not too late to join! To RSVP contact Rebecca Green.

Monday, January 29 (7:00 PM)      

The Sacraments 

Fr. Dominique Peridans, Rector

Monday, February 5 (7:00 PM)

The Church, Episcopalian, gifts and challenges

Fr. Stuart A. Kenworthy, Assisting Priest

Monday, February 12 (7:00 PM)     

Theological Q&A

Sunday, April 14           

New Member Rite of Welcome