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HAPPY 4th of JULY!

Let freedom ring forevermore so that our children and grandchildren will be able to freely claim their God-given rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. When Benjamin Franklin famously answered Elizabeth Powel, "A republic, ma'am, if you can keep it," that implied there was work to be done on our part, the citizenry. We at Williamson Families love this country and Williamson County, and we have stepped into the office of citizen to steward both to the ideals embodied in our Declaration of Independence. Please join us in the fight to keep Williamson County true to our founding principles, and in that way, we do our part to keep this Republic. 

The families of Williamson Families wish you and yours a happy and blessed Independence Day! 


Robin Steenman

Chair, Williamson Families

Reflections on 1776


Who were the 56 men that signed their death warrant by signing their name to one of the most famous and inspired documents in the world? We can all think of a few that we know: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams, and of course, John Hancock, who’s signatural panache ensured his name would never be forgotten. What of the other 50?  They also changed the world. Please check out the 5-minute video below that shines some light on the fate of these patriots.  You don't have to be famous to change the world.  You just have to do. 

Last line of the Declaration:

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Above:  John Trumbull's famous painting "Declaration of Independence" depicts 42 of the signers.

56 Men

A five minute video on the signers of the Declaration of Independence and their varied fates.

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"The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America"

Our Declaration of Independence

When was the last time you read it? I mean, really read it? Click here for the National Archives transcript and take a trip back to our roots.

Or you can listen...

Click to hear a reading of the Declaration of Independence accompanied with written words.

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Get a copy (it's worth it!)

Click here to purchase a replica of the Declaration. I was skeptical when someone once told me that reading the handwritten version was worth it. That person was right. Purchase a copy for yourself, your kids, or your grandkids. 

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Exercise your sacred right and civic duty to keep the Republic, and be sure to vote in the August election!  Early Voting runs July 15th-30th and Election Day is on August 4th.  

Register to vote HERE.


Franklin on the 4th

Ongoing now! Kids parade at 5 PM in downtown Franklin, and fireworks start at Harlinsdale Farm (239 Franklin Road, Franklin) at 9 PM!

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Independence Day in Williamson County: Where to see fireworks, music and more on Fourth of July

Looking for fireworks, food or family fun on the Fourth of July? Several Williamson County communities will hold Independence Day celebrations this year, each with their own location, time and flavor. Read on to find out what's happening in Williamson County on the holiday weekend.

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