Activity On The Music Front 

What’s Happening at RpT’s Library


I am still struggling with my recording computer conversion. It’s taking a while to get everything back in order. I’m close to resolving all the issues.


Songwriter Brenda Merz came in last month to record two songs, He Rescued Me and Return to Paradise.


We in the final stages of recording with Emma Jane Conley. We just received an incredible trumpet solo from Austin’s Duane Carter to add to John Lennon’s Imagine. Now all we need to do is tighten up the vocals a bit, mix both songs and send them off to Jerry Tubb at Terra Nova for mastering. Thanks to Greg Giacona for his amazing instrumental performances on both Imagine and Mary Chapin Carpenter’s This Is Love.


I am looking for a way to feature links to these songs in this newsletter.


In case you missed the earlier newsletters, here is a link to the ones we have completed so far this year.

RpT available LIVE!


I guess by now you understand after reading the adjoining articles that I want to play for you. I can bring my guitar to your home and perform for your family and friends. I can even bring along the “My Life in Song” multi-media show so we can have a real party on our hands. House concert/parties are fun and easy, and I will be happy to help you set one up.


Please give me a call if you are interested in my coming to your home one day soon.

My number is

(254) 493-7729 or write me at 

Please support the NPSOT local chapter in their native plant sale.



I know the Labor Day weekend has passed but I can’t help thinking about the “labor” I do that makes me happy every time I do it. What’s that you say?

It’s Live Performances.


It had been well over two years since I have done any serious performing. Recently, I have performed live 5 times during the past three months. The first time was in May at the Green Mesquite in Austin, (Thank you Sarah Pierce), the next time was the 3 June performances at the “My Life in Song” shows in Salado, and just last weekend, a few days before my 76th birthday, at the Johnston Studio House Concerts in Galveston (Thank you Pam and James Johnson).


All I can say is “The Dreamer has Awakened!” I know it’s from Dune, but

I always liked the way this sounds.


Which leads me to my song this month!

Pot Of Gold

The story behind the song


I woke up one morning with a message on my phone that I had written down sometime in the night. It said, “Flyin’ Down a Texas Highway searching for a Pot of Gold.”  I had even recorded a snippet of a melody. A great start!


I gathered my thoughts and started to work out where to go from there. An idea came to me which really helped to move the song along. I called on the musical memories of three people who motivated me and influenced how this song came out. They were Buddy Holly (my earliest music idol), Bo Diddley (for creating his own unique feel), and Clifton Chenier, a legend in his own time. Having them in my mind helped to bring this song to life. The lyrics flowed as I looked back on how and what I felt about my relatively long career in music. I still realized how the search for the Pot of Gold continues to this day. I’m not only talking about money, but I am also referring to - the journey itself with its variety of experiences, time spent with the people I meet, and the road trips driving thru this beautiful country of ours.


They are the real gold.


I am particularly proud of the lyrics in the bridge:

I am FREE, spending my days writing songs for you. Can you feel the Joy of Life come shining thru?


That’s why I do this – to, hopefully, touch your heart and soul, and to reach a point where you and I are feeling the same feelings, even if it’s for just a moment or two!


Thanks for listening.


You may be aware that, these days, the creation of videos and recordings of songs is not a money-making proposition. The costs for projects like these and other recordings are fully absorbed by me. Any revenue they produce doesn’t come close to covering these costs. Toward that end, I have set up a Patreon site as a place to join with friends, share my thoughts, songs, videos & so much more.


Please take a moment to check out my Patreon site and consider subscribing. Click on the link below. Thank you!


 Richard Paul Thomas


“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life – Music & Cats”

Albert Schweitzer

RpT's Library

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