January 2024

Dormant trees and shrubs, especially evergreens, continue to lose moisture even in the coldest winter periods. The rate of water loss increases with, fluctuating temperatures, drying winds, and full sunlight.

Trees and shrubs, planted in low quality, upland soils, that are not holding soil moisture, and are exposed to harsh winds, are particularly susceptible to winter desiccation. Damage appears as brown needles and leaves on evergreens and dry and brittle branches that do not leaf out on deciduous plants. (especially on the windward side)

Anti-Desiccants can be particularly helpful for broadleaf evergreens and coniferous evergreens. Anti-desiccant sprays work by preventing the normal release of water from leaves and needles. Although your plants and trees are dormant in winter, evergreen shrubs and trees are still transpiring (releasing water through their leaves).

Think of them like hibernating animals; even while deeply asleep they’re still alive and breathing, but so slowly that it’s hardly noticeable. The sprays contain waxes that coat the exposed surfaces of foliage and need to be uniformly and thoroughly applied in order to work.

Reach out to our office and ask us to get you on the schedule today!


2024 annual proposals for lawn and PHC have been sent!!!

These were sent to the email we have on file, or mailed through the post office in the month of December.

Note: We hate having to raise our prices, especially given our very loyal customer base, unfortunately due to inflation this year we have had to increase the price of our IPM treatments. Please call if you have any questions or concerns about this

proposals have been sent from info@autumntreell.com, if you havent gotten yours, give us a call we would be happy to re-send.

look these over and call with any questions.

(prepay discount offer is only valid by check and until March 1st. Don't miss out)


When a trees root system doesn't have water, the roots begin to dieback. Root dieback is especially detrimental to a tree’s health because eventually when water does come, the root system may not have the ability to absorb what the tree needs.

Maintaining moisture to the roots system requires deeper watering and doesn’t need to be as frequent. The majority of the trees root system is in the top 18 inches of soil. More than 50% of the tree’s fine fibrous roots are in the top 6 inches!

The goal is not only to supplement water for the tree to “drink”, but also to provide a moist and healthy soil environment for strong root growth.


If we are scheduled to be at your house performing a tree removal or pruning service, between December and February, you can place your UNDECORATED Tree outside and we will chip your tree for FREE!

Want to participate in this?

Contact the office with your proposal number and let us know your tree will be outside. We will add the tree pick up to your work order so our crews know that it is ok to take your tree.

Offer only valid day of scheduled service. December-February only.


We have begun utilizing the property at the new location! We have held off on moving our offices for now, but to start we have emplimented our new no waste model.

The new property in Wheat Ridge is being set up as the multi purpose recycling division of our business, offering:

  • Milling
  • Mulch production
  • Log and slab storage
  • Cords of Hardwood Firewood (perfect for cooking and wood burning stoves)

* cords will be offered in mixed hardwoods, Oak, Fruit woods and Pinion

We have yet to unlock the full potential of this property and are excited to begin recycling materials obtained during our pruning and removals to become a more environmentally friendly local business and expand what services we offer.

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