Dear NAINA family,

I am writing to convey my best wishes to all of you as we enter the new year 2021, full of promise and anticipation for a better tomorrow.

Amidst the pandemic, social unrest, and economic stress, we rose to the occasion and responded in a manner becoming of a front-line hero. Interestingly this spirit of servitude, in 2020, “The Year of the Nurse” turned the spotlight on us.

“Everything rises and falls on leadership,” a quote by John Maxwell reinforces our belief of ordinary people doing extraordinary things and staying true to our calling as healthcare professionals. To this end the Governing Board of NAINA seeks to provide a platform to exercise our giftings and talents through our various chapters at the local, state, and national level.

Few initiatives planned for the coming year are:

·     Providing tools such as communication apps and centralized storage space to enhance our dashboard and data management. We look forward to increasing the transparency between our organization and its members.
·     Encouraging NAINA members to continue to advocate for their patients not only in their workplaces but also through legislation which has the power to advance the profession and patient care.
·     Creating research interest groups where the APN committee and the Research committee will join forces to research topics as they relate to the health and well-being of Asian-Indian immigrants and the effect of COVID 19 on mental health.
·     Engaging and embracing community education along with provider unit contact hours.
·     Sharing stories which highlight the achievements of our members and promote constructive discussion about the difficulties our executive board members face.

I am honored to lead NAINA over the next few years and continue the excellent work of our previous presidents. Our profession is of great importance and the need for it will only continue to grow. By accepting this role, I have challenged myself to expand our organization and help those within it become the best healthcare providers.

On behalf of my fellow board members, I welcome you to partner in an endeavor larger than any one of us and serve the noble profession we have chosen as our calling in life.

Dr. Lydia Albuquerque
President, NAINA