The Dana Point Boaters Association is the champion of recreational boating and the jewel that is
Dana Point Harbor.


Dear Dana Point Boater,

“Imagine walking into a large, open room. All you see at the center is a long table. Then, as the scene comes into focus, you’re surprised that, seated in each chair, are some of the most important people in your life - the ones who helped you, inspired you, changed you.


Lost in unfamiliar territory, it was that stranger who guided you. Stressed and overwhelmed, there was the colleague who offered their time. Worried and uncertain, it was the compassionate friend. And, when you felt like you couldn’t take any more, it was that person who reached for your hand.


For each and every one of those people, we are truly thankful.


No doubt, at this time of year, we’re accustomed to expressing such thoughts - talking about love and hope, joy and gratitude. But as much as we always strive for those ideals, at this particular moment and given the events of the world, it can feel out of touch … and out of tune.


Yet in this traditional season of thanksgiving, we can only hope to find deeper meaning. It’s right there in the word itself - thanks and giving.


This is not a time for passive, albeit well-intentioned, thankfulness for what we receive from others. Rather, by modeling the examples of those who have elevated us throughout our lives, we can aspire to be that person for whom others are genuinely grateful - the one who offers and extends a hand.


After all, leadership is not a role - it’s a calling.


First, last, and always, leadership is about inspiring others to believe and enabling that belief to become reality. By our words and actions, we can show that hope and humanity are not luxuries, but necessities.


And this brings us back to that imaginary room where we now see that there is an empty chair. As we take our seat at the table, we accept the invitation to become that person for someone else … and our thanks becomes our giving.”

The above is from an article by Gary Burnison of Korn Ferry, which touched our hearts!


The Directors and Advisors of DPBA wish you a wonderful day of thanks and giving!


From Supervisor Katrina Foley:

New Coasts For Kids Drive

In the holiday spirit, consider supporting Supervisor Foley’s New Coats for Kids DriveDonate new coats for kids and youth through December 18th. There is a box for donations right in front of her office in Dana Point Harbor. An Orange County child or youth will be thankful for your gift! #SupervisorFoley @SupervisorFoley

Dana Point Boaters Association thanks you for your help and dedication to improving our home port marina experience. Feel free to fly your I'm All In Flag (special class legal fund donation.)

Legal Endeavors are Expensive

Lastly, legal endeavors are expensive, and we appreciate all who have donated to our legal fund.

Please consider doing so today. If you haven't donated, consider an ongoing monthly donation by clicking the box "Make this a monthly donation," click here. These legal costs keep mounting as we continue moving forward with the Class Action Lawsuit. Your information will always remain private. Or, donation by mail by clicking on the image to the right.

In the meantime, please continue to submit your comments on slip rate increases and other subjects by Click Here.
All donations are private and your identity will never be shared

Your Dana Point Boaters Association Directors, Advisors, and Advocacy Members Thanks You For Your Support!

From: Anne Eubanks, President | (949) 485-5656 | Email Us! | #DPBA Website

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