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January 29, 2025

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Blessings to you,

This is your weekly HARC e-newsletter, with news on faith community events and other useful information. Please forward it on to anyone else who might be interested. If you would like to get something into the News Flash, please submit it though our website by Tuesday at 10:00 AM each week. For a full list of upcoming faith community events, visit  FAQ sheet for submitting news for this newsletter. Questions? Email

We are seeing a new peace movement emerging around the world

and it is not your parents’ protest movement.

It is based on what Gandhi taught:

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

– James O’Dea

Emerging Peace - Members of the Human Family in an Uplifting Vision of the Future of Humanity

The Philip M. Hellmich Memorial

World Peace Library

Ta’Kaiya Blaney eloquently shares her vision for sustainability and our future here on Earth. Her youthfulness combined with her understanding of the environmental and human challenges on our planet position her as an up and coming leader in the areas of preservation and sustainability. Audio Link..

Edward Lee Poling Obituary and Memorial Service

HARC grieves the loss of long-time member, volunteer and advocate Rev. Ed Poling, who passed away recently following a long journey with cancer. He is a loss to HARC and the community, but his spirit and impact will be felt indefinitely. Read more.

Obituary: "Reverend Edward Lee Poling died at the age of 77 on January 6, 2025 at Doey’s House in Hagerstown, MD. He died from cancer which he said made him grateful for all the moments he was alive." Read more.

HARC Meeting: Interfaith Roundtable Discussions - February 11

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 12:00 - 1:30 pm

Unity of Hagerstown

18313 Lappans Road, Boonsboro, MD

At HARC’s February meeting, our Interfaith Team will guide Interfaith Roundtable Discussions. This will be an opportunity to discuss philosophies/beliefs of various faith traditions and get to know one another better. Join us for lunch and fellowship along with the discussion. Thank you to Unity of Hagerstown for hosting and providing the meal. There will be a basket for free-will donations toward the meal. RSVP requested by Friday, February at noon so we can get a count for lunch and other activities.

Observe the Season for Non-Violence and Peace January 30 - April 4

As we enter a new year with divisions in our society, now is a good time to ground or re-ground ourselves and our community in a mindset and skills for non-violence and peacemaking. What better time than during the international celebration of the Season for Non-Violence, which begins by marking the anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi on January 30 and ends on the April 4 anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Between are 64 days of practice of the principles of Gandhi, King, and others to bring about peace and nonviolence in our world today. (Note: non-violence is about quelling verbal violence as well as physical violence.) HARC encourages you to participate in this season of practice, and offers a number of resources to do so on our website. If you have articles and/or additional resources, please share them with us! Send to Kathy at

Help with Diapers and Home Supplies for Refugee Families

The Refugee Welcome Network is currently actively working with ten families and still offering some support for others who are struggling this month with reduced hours at Amazon and FedEx. Some of the families have babies and can't afford diapers, formula, and other supplies. We've connected them to all community resources available, but it's not quite enough. Donations of gift cards from Walmart, Target, or another source of baby supplies are wanted to help lighten the load of these new Americans as they work hard to build a life here. If you can give a gift card, please email director@harccoalition.orgMonetary donations are also a blessing to help with various needs.

Faith Leader and Publc Input wanted for City Plan

The City of Hagerstown is preparing its Five Year Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. These documents, required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in order for the City to receive its allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, work in concert with the Hagerstown Comprehensive Plan to set the City’s priorities for development and social services. The City is requesting input from faith leaders and members of the community into this plan. Please complete a survey if you are able, and share this with your members/community/network as well. English-language survey  Spanish-language survey

National Institute of Health "All of Us Research Program" Opportunity

National Institutes of Health Initiative program mission is reaching underrepresented communities to diversify health research and advance precision medicine for everyone. They are currently looking for host site locations to bring their traveling exhibit, the All of Us Journey for their upcoming visit to Hagerstown, Maryland August 19-22. If you can provide them with a place to park an RV and help spread the word to your community, they’ll take care of the rest. They also have a small stipend available for their host sites. To learn more about their program please visit

Start your year off right - Go For Bold!

Trying to lose weight for better health? The Healthy Washington County campaign has a goal to lose 200,000 pounds as a community by June 30, 2025, and reach 1 million pounds by 2030 through the Go For Bold initiative. Washington County is currently at 157,795 pounds lost. Sign up now at and check in regularly (you'll get email reminders) to log your weight. HARC is trying to help with this effort by getting just three more people to sign up, so please select "Hagerstown Area Religious Council" as your organization when you sign up. If you're already registered, please log your weight if you haven't done so recently. Every pound counts! Flyer to share with others.

Steven Wriston Joins ValorExcel

ValorExcel, a faith-based non-profit and leading provider of transformational coaching and training programs, announced the addition of Steven Wriston as their Future of Work Strategist. Wriston brings extensive experience. Press Release.

A Recital in Honor of Black History Month - February 2

Sunday, February 2, 4:00 pm

St. Mark's Lutheran Church

601 Washington Avenue, Hagerstown

The Cumberland Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists presents "A Recital in Honor of Black History Month". The recital will acknowledge some of history's black composers and honor those of the present. All are welcome to attend. Info: Office: 301-733-7550. Flyer.

Salvation Army Chili’s Restaurant Fundraiser - February 5

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 11:00 am - 10:00 pm

Chili’s Restaurant

245 Railway Lane, Hagerstown

Help the Salvation Army, which has recently reopened their Women and Children’s shelter. All day event at Chili’s restaurant. Present the attached flyer or mention Salvation Army Red Shield Club fundraiser and 15% of your sale will go to the local Salvation Army. Spread the word.

Dementia Friendly Washington County Training Offered - February 11 & 15

Tuesday, February 11 at 6:30 -7:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 15 at 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.

Otterbein United Methodist Church

108 E. Franklin St., Room 205

Otterbein United Methodist Church is offering an opportunity to learn more about welcoming and supporting people with dementia and their families. We are offering two hour-long training sessions at Otterbein in February. Register online:

Support Reach with Coldest Night of the Year Walk - February 22

Saturday, Feb. 22, 4:00 - 7:00 pm

Hagerstown Community College

ARCC Building 

20175 Scholar Drive, Hagerstown

Got a big-hearted business, workplace, group, church, or community or just want to walk for a cause? Step up and join the Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) challenge in support of Reach and to "walk a mile" in the shoes of someone who's homeless. Reach’s mission is to support and strengthen the community by preventing and resolving homelessness in Washington County. They empower individuals and families to move toward independence and stability through compassion, education, advocacy and resources. Learn more and register

Rescheduled - Jonathan Leonard - Organ Concert - February 23

Sunday, February 23, 4:00 pm

Grace United Methodist Church

712 W. Church Street, Hagerstown

The next concert of the 2024-2025 Season of the Music at Grace Concert Series will be performed by Jonathan Leonard, our Director of Music. This concert is open to all and is free of charge. A free-will offering is accepted to keep the concert series operating. You can also visit their website Events ( or Facebook page Music at Grace UMC to view more information about upcoming events.

We hope this News Flash is helpful to you. Please contact us if you know someone we should add to the email list or if you would like to be removed.

Kathy Powderly          
Executive Director
David Brechbiel
News Flash Editor
P.O. Box 1158
Hagerstown, MD 21740
(301) 842 4272
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