December 18, 2024
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This is your weekly HARC e-newsletter, with news on faith community events and other useful information. Please forward it on to anyone else who might be interested. If you would like to get something into the News Flash, please submit it though our website by Tuesday at 10:00 AM each week. For a full list of upcoming faith community events, visit http://harccoalition.org/events/.. FAQ sheet for submitting news for this newsletter. Questions? Email harcnewsflash@gmail.com | |
Governor Moore Announces Historic Grant for South End of Hagerstown and Bester Community of Hope |
"Maryland Governor Wes Moore has announced the inaugural class of 27 ENOUGH grant recipients for his signature anti-poverty initiative, with the South End of the City of Hagerstown and the Bester Community of Hope initiative as the identified Community Quarterback for a Track Three implementation grant. With an initial award amount of $3 million amongst a network of local stakeholders, and potential expansion in future years as implementation deepens, the San Mar Family & Community Services program joins both Cherry Hill Strong and Park Heights Renaissance in Baltimore as initial Track Three programs." Read more.
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HARC News Flash holiday closure
The HARC News Flash will not be published on December 25 to allow the staff a rest. Publication will resume January 1.
Wishing you all blessings this holiday season!
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Household furnishings and goods needed for new refugee family |
A new Afghan refugee family just arrived in Hagerstown and the Refugee Welcome Network is assisting them in getting settled. They have a place to live, food, and some furnishings and supplies to get them started. They still need the following: sturdy table or desk with 2 chairs, iron and ironing board, something to hang clothes in (like an armoire), sofa & love seat or sofa & living room chairs, bed pillows, rug, children's bedding for a girl. If you can help with any of these items, please contact refugeewelcome@harccoalition.org
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A day of service in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - January 20 |
MLK Day 2025 falls on Monday, January 20. Is your congregation, non-profit, or governmental office planning an observance? Let HARC know! If you are planning a special service, a community improvement event, a special meal to honor the life and work of Dr. King, please provide the details (and a flyer, if you have one) to us at info@harccoalition.org. Potential attendees and volunteers are seeking some way to honor the legacy of Dr. King. Help us to link them up with your ministry/event!
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Blue Christmas Service - December 18 |
Wednesday, December 18, 6:00 pm
Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren
20402 Beaver Creek Road, Hagerstown
A worship service for healing and hope will be held at Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren. A light meal of soup and bread will be served at 6:00 pm, followed by a short worship service at 6:30 pm, and refreshments to follow. All are welcome! Come as you are. The Blue Christmas service will include readings of scripture, poems, signing, candle lighting, and anointing for those who desire healing. We hope this opportunity provides healing for those who find Christmastime to be difficult for those experiencing some sort of loss. Info: Pastor Gabe Dodd 540-325-9361. Flyer.
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Living Nativity - December 20 & 21 |
Friday, December 20, 6:00 pm
Saturday, December 21, 6:00 pm
Hagerstown Church of the Nazarene
141 N. Edgewood Drive, Hagerstown
Walk through the story of Christmas at Hagerstown Church of the Nazarene's Living Nativity! Saturday will include a Santa Story-time & Picture, Cookies & Hot Cocoa & a Craft. Invite your family & friends to join you! Info: office@hagerstownnaz.org or 301-797-4524, Website.
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Holiday Remembrance Gathering - December 21
Saturday, Dec. 21, 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Unity of Hagerstown
18313 Lappans Road, Boonsboro, MD
You are warmly invited to a special holiday service honoring and remembering loved ones who have passed on. This meaningful gathering facilitated by ANNE BAKER, TRANSITION COACH, provides a space to reflect on the lives and legacies of those no longer with us, offering a time for healing, comfort, and connection. They will create a space that allows us to hold our loved ones close during the holiday season. Join them as we celebrate their presence in our hearts and honor the love that transcends time and space. Info: 240-409-5940 / unityhagerstown@gmail.com / www.unityhagerstown.org
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Drive-Thru Live Nativity - December 21
Saturday, Dec. 21, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Rain/Snow Date: Dec. 22, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Benevola United Methodist Church
19925 Benevola Church Road, Boonsboro, MD
FREE Event — goodies for the kids. Gift Bag for each vehicle (while supplies last). Download a flyer Follow on Facebook / www.benevolaumc.com
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Emmanuel UMC December Events - December 21 & 22 |
Emmanuel United Methodist Church
802 Summit Avenue, Hagerstown
Saturday, December 21, 6:00 pm - Christmas Under the Stars "Stories in the Stars - A Christmas Devotional". Join them as they tell the greatest story ever told, Jesus coming for us all. You will be blessed.
Sunday, December 22, 9:30 am - Christmas Cantata will be presented on the 4th Sunday of Advent. Music and Meditation that will soothe your soul and bring you closer to the baby born in the manger, His name is Jesus, our Savior. Join them for this joyous celebration. Info call church office, 301-733-4720.
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Hagerstown Historic Houses of Worship Tour - December 26 |
Thursday, December 26, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Various churches in Hagerstown (see web page)
A holiday tradition continues in downtown Hagerstown at the 11th Annual Historic Houses of Worship tour. The free, self-guided tour features eleven worship sites, all gatekeepers of history, art, literature, and architecture. Sites will share their ecumenical heritage, traditions, and music of the holiday season with visitors. More info.
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Harry Potter Experience during Houses of Worship Tour - December 26 |
Thursday, December 26, 3:00 - 7:00 pm
Trinity Lutheran Church
15 Randolph Avenue at Potomac Street, Hagerstown
Trinity will have an additional event during the Historic Hagerstown Houses of Worship Tour. Their Harry Potter Experience will showcase two parts: 1) both areas of Harry's world, London and Scotland, divided by the hills. Watch the "Hogwarts Express" move between the regions and scenes on our 4' by 8' layout! 2) a magic room - come get the kids' picture taken, in costume, by a friend or family member! For more info, contact steamuk@gmail.com. Flyer.
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Dream Group Meeting - December 30 |
Monday, Dec. 30, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Foxville School House
Foxville-Deerfield Road, Sabillasville, MD
Dream Group Meeting will be held December 30. Dreams are one of the ways God's Word is revealed in the Bible. What might your dreams reveal about your Soul's conversation with God. Learn more about dreams and how we can support one another in a community of dream work. Pastor Julie Brigham leads the group and has trained through the Haden Institute. For information, call 240-405-2173.
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Unity Events - January 1 & 4 |
Unity of Hagerstown
18313 Lappans Road, Boonsboro, MD
Wednesday, Jan. 1, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm - New Year’s Day Brunch + Vision Board Creation / $15. Kick off the New Year with a delicious and uplifting brunch as we celebrate fresh beginnings. Afterward, unleash your creativity by crafting a vision board to set your intentions and goals for the year ahead. Supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your favorite magazines or images to include. Pre-registration required. Saturday, Jan. 4, 8:45 am - 4:00 pm - Winter Meditation Retreat: DEEPENING SILENCE / $85 before 12/29; $95 after 12/29. Unwind from the hectic activity of the holidays through times of silence. Explore guided, walking and other meditations, mindful eating, chanting, and connect deeply with your inner self. Facilitated by Rev. Patricia Lansky. For both events: Email unityhagestown@gmail.com for more details or call Rev. Sandy 240-409-5940.
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Save the Date! Moral & Ethical Dilemmas – (2nd of 3 discussions) - January 13 |
Monday, January 13, 7:00 pm
St. John’s Episcopal Church
101 S. Prospect Street, Hagerstown
(in Saint Mary’s Chapel, enter from the parking lot behind the church at Antietam & Walnut Sts)
Do you find yourself wondering why the world seems crazy? Do you question the truth and what is YOUR truth? Do you find that big, complex ideas baffle your mind? Perhaps you are not alone. Join this discussion group to explore some important issues with others who are also on a journey for insight and understanding life’s moral and ethical dilemmas. January discussions led by Rev. D. Stuart Dunnan. Flyer with more details.
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We hope this News Flash is helpful to you. Please contact us if you know someone we should add to the email list or if you would like to be removed.
Kathy Powderly
Executive Director
David Brechbiel
News Flash Editor
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P.O. Box 1158
Hagerstown, MD 21740
(301) 842 4272
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