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March 19, 2025

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Blessings to you,

This is your weekly HARC e-newsletter, with news on faith community events and other useful information. Please forward it on to anyone else who might be interested. If you would like to get something into the News Flash, please submit it though our website by Tuesday at 10:00 AM each week. For a full list of upcoming faith community events, visit  FAQ sheet for submitting news for this newsletter. Questions? Email

Every Ramadan, more US schools are embracing the needs of fasting Muslim students

By Dilshad Ali

Religious News Service

"On a Tuesday night at J.R. Tucker High School in Richmond, Virginia, parents and faculty guided students as they put final touches on simple tablescapes and two buffet tables. Last-minute stragglers carrying trays of food were directed to one of two tables: dates and other snacks to break the day’s Ramadan fast over here, bigger plates for dinner over there." Read more.

HARC Meeting: How do Faith Leaders Deal with the Tensions of our Times? - April 8

Tuesday, April 8, 12:00 - 1:30 pm

Grace United Methodist Church

712 W. Church Street, Hagerstown

These are challenging times to navigate, especially as faith leaders. If you feel like your congregation (or organization) is polarized, with some members grieving the myriad of national (and local) changes and others happy about them, with difficulty processing for all, you’re not alone. How do we deal with the tensions of our times, remaining true to our purpose and scriptures, while navigating what feels like a minefield? Let’s discuss this and share ideas. We’ll first have a panel of faith leaders who will share what they are doing and their challenges, then hold round-table discussions in small groups. Join us for lunch and fellowship along with the discussion. There will be a basket for free-will donations toward the meal. RSVP requested by Friday, April 4 at noon so we can get a count for lunch and other activities.

Part-Time Next Gen Ministry Coordinator Needed

Rehoboth UMC in Williamsport is seeking a part-time Next Gen Ministry Coordinator who can focus their time developing the children, youth and family ministries of the church through teaching, leadership development and communication with the larger church. This is a part-time position with room to grow with the ministry. Theological training or experience leading in a Christian setting is required. Applications can be sent to, and more details can be found at

Washington Goes Purple Updates

Exciting updates about Washington Goes Purple. Your support is needed more than ever to continue raising awareness and fighting against substance use and mental health challenges in our community.

Check out their latest updates here!

The Hygiene Closet - Thursdays

Thursdays, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

The Hygiene Closet

83 W. Washington Street, Hagerstown

Need Hygiene Products? What do you do? Call Liz at 301-790-5054 for a Voucher to go to The Hygiene Closet, located next to the Public Defender Office. (Office of Consumer Affairs) Flyer.

Women’s and Children’s Shelter - Providing a Ray of Hope

The Salvation Army Hagerstown, Maryland Corps

525 George Street, Hagerstown

The Salvation Army Women's and Children's Shelter update and request for donation press release.

Monthly Expungement Day - March 20

Thursday, March 20, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Soul Haven Wellness & Recovery Center

119-121 E. Antietam Street, Hagerstown

Office of Consumer Advocates. Re-entry Program. Maryland Legal Aid. Monthly Expungement Day. Flyer. Soul Haven March Calendar.

Quiet Day - A Time for Reflection and Renewal - March 22

Saturday, March 22, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

St. John's Episcopal Church

101 S. Prospect Street, Hagerstown

Parking: Available at the corner of Antietam St. & Walnut St.

Enrich your Lenten journey this year by taking a few hours to enjoy quiet but guided reflection in our beautiful and historic Church. Our Quiet Day leader will be The Rev. Dina van Klaveren, of the Bishop’s Staff. We are fortunate to have her as our leader for this event, which is brought to us by St. John’s chapter of the Daughters of the King. There will be a series of meditations interspersed with times of quiet reflection. The day will include Noonday Prayers and lunch. You may register by marking the Sign-Up Sheet outside the Choir Room or by Emailing Fr. Allan at All are welcome to join us for this very meaningful Lenten experience. Church website.

Bach Festival - March 22

Saturday, March 22, 4:00 pm

Trinity Lutheran Church

15 Randolph Avenue, Hagerstown

A Bach Festival is being held at Trinity Lutheran Church. Local artists will be performing works of Johann Sebastian Bach. All are welcome. Info: 301-733-2878.

Costume Party, Music and Dinner - March 22

Saturday, March 22, 7:00 pm

Congregation B'nai Abraham, Social Hall

53 E. Baltimore Street, Hagerstown

Congregation B'nai Abraham presents:“From Strength to Strength & Generation to Generation!” Who Do You Want to Be? Join them for a fun costume party, music and delicious dinner. COST: $25.00 for adults, $15.00 for ages 12 and under. RSVP: By Wednesday, March 19. Enjoy an authentic Medieval and Renaissance inspired menu researched and authenticated with recipes from popular YouTuber personality Max Miller’s Tasting History (A Cookbook). Wash it all down with nonalcoholic mead! PLUS take home a modernized, simplified, “kosherized” booklet of cooking instructions for the dishes served. Flyer with more info and link.

Free Concert - Choral Evenson for Lent - March 23

Sunday, March 23, 5:00 pm

Saint John’s Episcopal Church

101 S. Prospect Street, Hagerstown

Music at Saint John’s Concert Series Presents Choral Evensong for Lent with The Saint John’s Parish Choir. Works of Price, Alain, Morley, and Lovelace will be offered. John Sabine’s “Preces and Responses” composed in honor of the 500th anniversary of Palestrina’s birth will receive its world premiere. Free concert, ample parking, reception. The program may be viewed live at Info: 301-733-2560 x 108. (Parking in the church lot at the corner of Walnut and Antietam Streets.) Flyer.

Stories in the Round: Fanny Crawford - March 24

Monday, March 24, 7:00 pm

Unitarian Universalist Church of Hagerstown

13245 Cearfoss Pike, Hagerstown

Storyteller Founding Director of Stories In The Round, Fanny Crawford opens Season 9 with more family history and stories on the theme “Apples Don’t Fall Far From The Tree”. $12 paid in advance no later than Monday at 9am, $15 at the door. Children 12 years & older welcome when accompanied by a parent or group leader. Contact: Fanny Crawford, 301-730-1638 or

Building Bridges: Lessons on Vision & Grit for Families & Communities - March 26

Wednesday, March 26, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

The Maryland Theatre

21 S. Potomac Street, Hagerstown

Bester Community of Hope, an initiative of San Mar Family and Community Services, is pleased to announce their 10th Annual Community Training! "Building Bridges". Lessons on vision and grit for families and communities. Nationally recognized leaders come together to focus on innovative cross sector solutions to meet the needs of families and communities. Fee $39 per person. More info and reservations.

Fresh Produce Food Drop - March 28

Friday, March 28, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Soul Haven

119 E. Antietam Street, Hagerstown

Office of Consumer Affairs. Fresh Produce Food Drop. 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, or until supplies last. Info: 301-790-5054. Flyer.

Free Maryland State Boychoir Concert - March 28

Friday, March 28, 7:30 - 8:30 pm

Grace United Methodist Church

712 W. Church Street, Hagerstown

The Maryland State Boychoir will be returning to Grace. This will be an exciting program that will have a variety of music that will appeal to everyone. This concert is free and open to all. A free-will offering is accepted. Website Events. Music at Grace UMC Facebook.

Faith and Waters Restoration Forum - April 3

Thursday, April 3, 5:00 - 8:15 pm

Oakland Mills Interfaith Center

5885 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia, MD

An evening of inspiration and action at the Faith & Waters Restoration ForumThis special gathering will bring together faith communities, environmental advocates, and local leaders to explore how we can live our values in the face of a changing climate. Flyer. For carpool info. please contact

Reserve your potatoes now! End Hunger Potato Drop - April 5

Saturday, April 5, 8:30 - 10:30 am

St. Andrews United Methodist Church

1020 Maryland Avenue, Hagerstown

The Society of Saint Andrew (SOSA), the Cumberland-Hagerstown District UM Men, and St Andrews UMC will provide 800 50-lb bags of fresh Maine potatoes to churches and food bank organizations that wish to help feed the hungry in their community. The United Methodist Men of St. Andrews United Methodist Church will be hosting this potato drop in the church parking lot. 50-pound bags of Maine Potatoes will be offered to organizations, and smaller bags to individuals in need. To reserve one or more bags, please go to the following website and complete the form. Additionally, they need volunteers to help unload the tractor-trailer. A free-will offering will be taken to help pay for the $4,500 transportation of the potatoes. Contact: John Davidson,, (301) 730-7359.

Free Easter Event - Journey to the Cross - April 5

Saturday, April 5, 9:00 am

Otterbein United Methodist Church

108 E. Franklin Street, Hagerstown

Free Easter Event for Families with children in pre-k through 5th grade.

Journey to the Cross is a powerfully moving, multisensory family event that takes people along the path that Jesus walked during his last days on earth. Activities focused on Jesus’ love and forgiveness demonstrate the real meaning of Easter: our risen Christ's victory over death! The event begins with a pancake breakfast at 9:00 am, and concludes with an indoor Easter egg hunt. Info: Kate in the church office: 301-739-9386. Website. Facebook Event. Flyer.

Training: Human Trafficking 101 - April 5

Saturday, April 5, 9:30 am

Brownsville Church of the Brethren

1911 Rohrersville Road, Knoxville, MD

Presented by the University of Maryland SAFE Center for Human Trafficking Survivors. In This Training You Will Learn: The difference between sex and labor trafficking; The different types of victimization; The vulnerabilities that place a person at risk; The tactics used by traffickers; The indicators that a person may be trafficked; And more... More info: (301) 432-8354. Flyer.

Ed Poling Memorial HARC Hike for Hunger & Hope coming soon!

Please join us for this year's Ed Poling Memorial HARC Hike for Hunger & Hope. Challenge Hike: Saturday, May 17 - 20 miles on the Appalachian Trail; 4K, 10K and Half Marathon Hikes: Saturday, May 31 - Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Retreat Center and C&O Canal Towpath. You'll find all the details and a registration link at Please share info with your congregations: flyer bulletin inserts team registration info sponsor form fillable sponsor form

We hope this News Flash is helpful to you. Please contact us if you know someone we should add to the email list or if you would like to be removed.

Kathy Powderly          
Executive Director
David Brechbiel
News Flash Editor
P.O. Box 1158
Hagerstown, MD 21740
(301) 842 4272
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