Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School

"Fostering growth in our Catholic life by following God's will through our mind, heart and soul"

October 10, 2023






Trivia Night is this Saturday, October 14th! Please make sure you sign up today! Use the QR code below to register. We hope to see you there!

Trivia Night - Volunteers Needed! Please sign up here! Trivia Volunteer Sign-Up Link 

HASA Happenings!!!

Did you know the school website has been updated? Under the school tab on the main website (, you can find all the HASA happenings for the year.

Under the HASA tab, every event has its own page with all the sign ups, parent/student info, flyers, etc. Please check back here often for information! The main HASA page is updated with all current committee members, event dates, and any HASA meeting minutes.

Thank you to the wonderful staff for keeping everything up to date for us!


HASA’s main mission this year is to bridge the gap between home and school. Please consider donating your time and talent to help us provide our students with fun events, teachers with more support, and have fellowship among our community. We cannot do this without YOU, so thank you for any help you can give!


Parent Teacher Conference Meal

(7th & 8th Grade Families)


Teacher Meal for Parent Teacher Conference Evening (7th/8th Grade Families, see note below.

Our Teachers Make Life a Picnic

Please help us thank our teachers and school staff for all of their hard work with an Indoor Picnic Dinner during the week of conferences.

The meat (pork shoulder) will be generously provided by one of our school families. Let’s spoil our teachers to get them through the craziness of conference week!

Please note: This year we will be dividing up the requests for meal assistance by grade. This particular event we are asking the families of 7th and 8th graders for their support - future events will be sent to families in other grades. Your support is appreciated.  below):

Teacher Conference Meal Sign-Up LInk

Dining to Donate

October 25th at Shigs & Pits

Come out and support Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School on Wednesday, October 25th at Shigs & Pit on Illinois Road. Shigs & Pits will donate 15% of the proceeds back to SEASCS. Come any time between the hours of 11:00 am - 9:00 pm.

Make sure to show the flyer attached to the link below.

Shigs & Pits

Thank you for your support!

Trunk or Treat Candy Donations!

PK - Grade 5

Sign up to be a parent participant or donate candy here Trick or Trunk Sign-Up

Please read the letter linked below for more Trunk or Treat details! Trunk or Treat