Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School

"Fostering growth in our Catholic life by following God's will through our mind,

heart and soul"

December 4, 2023






Thank you to our awesome committee chairs and members who ran the last few fall HASA events! We can’t run all the events alone – thank you for donating your time and talent and making these events a success for our school family! We appreciate you!

Trunk or Treat Chairs: Ryan Nelson and

John Mrugala

Turkey Bingo Chairs and Committee Members:

Heidi Strobel, Amy Mason, Michelle Banks, Lanette Gallagher, and Theresa Carroll.

Thank you to the students who volunteered at

Turkey Bingo and for everyone who helped provide baked goods, prizes, candy, and support for those events!

A final thank you to the Teacher Appreciation Committee for the phenomenal meal provided to teachers and staff before Thanksgiving! Thank you to the many parents who came into the classrooms to watch students, so the teachers had the opportunity to enjoy their lunch.

We are so grateful for our wonderful, supportive school family!

Upcoming 2024 HASA Events

If you are interested in helping with these events in any capacity, please click on the event’s link and fill out the contact form. Thank you!

January 19:  Seton Night Live Wine Night

January 28 – February 3: Catholic Schools Week

February 5 – 10: Missoula Children’s Theater

Many helpers will be needed to support this new event at SEASCS! A traveling theatre company will be holding auditions and then students will be performing later that week. Volunteers will be needed to help decorate the atrium/stage, aid in ticket sales and promotions, etc!

February 17: Father Daughter Dance

Dine to Donate

Mi Pueblo

December 6, 2023

Don’t worry about making dinner, go out and enjoy a nice meal and support the school at the same time! All flyers will be posted to the HASA page:

Many thanks to Allison Labrie for coordinating all the Dine to Donate events this year!

Peppermint Shoppe

We are looking for volunteers to help with the event. Please see the sign up below for opportunities to be a Peppermint Shoppe Elf: