On March 8th, The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) issued an announcement in regard to upcoming changes to the Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults (HBIA) and Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors (HBIS) that began April 1st.
Redeterminations for the HBIA and HBIS population will begin April 1st. The redetermination process will mirror the Medicaid Unwinding Process.
Additionally, Legal Permanent Residents (LPR) who have been in the United States for less than 5 years will no longer be able to receive coverage under the HBIA and HBIS program. They will be transitioned to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace. The last day of coverage for LPRs will be April 30th.
For more information and details about the upcoming changes, please read the links below:
HFS' Presentation on HBIA/HBIS Transition to the Marketplace
HFS Application Agents: Application Assistance List
- A list of agencies that can assist HBIA/HBIS enrollees with redeterminations. Each agency lists the languages that are spoken.
Shriver Center for Poverty Law HelpHub
- Shriver Center on Poverty Law provides up to date announcements and resources on HBIA and HBIS that can be found on their Announcements page. Please note, you may have to create an account with HelpHub to access their resources.
Shriver Center for Poverty Law HBIA/HBIS Fact Sheet
- The fact sheet is currently only available in English. Other languages such as Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and Polish will be available soon on HelpHub.
Get Covered Illinois HBIA/HBIS SEP Information
Get Covered Illinois Connector
- Connect LPRs less than 5 years to Navigators and Assistors who can enroll them into the Marketplace.
Health Benefits for Immigrants Webpage
HBIA/HBIS FAQ in English
HBIA/HBIS FAQ in Spanish
For any questions, email avisery@ageoptions.org