Volume 18/July 23, 2020
HBT "Ma Nishtanah" *
If you would like A Jewish calendar for the new year 5781, call Benita at 508-954-5637 to arrange for pick up at the temple, Feel free to take some for your friends.
Our synagogue building is not open for gatherings for the foreseeable future.
However, if you have a specific reason to come to the temple, please go to the main doors and ring the bell.
In addition, anyone entering the building must be masked.
Thank you for protecting others by following public health guidance!
You should have your HBT Membership Commitment forms in hand.
Please fill them out and mail them back to the office, or save time and fill them out online. The information is due back by August 3 rd 
Saturday, July 25
On Shabbat Hazon, the Shabbat before Tisha b’Av, we join Congregation Dorshei Tzedek for a service with Cantor Louise Treitman. Cantor Louise will lead CDT and HBT together in prayer. She will also speak about her experience on the Zamir Chorale of Boston’s 1999 trip to Eastern Europe, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Jewish choral movement, founded in Łódź, Poland. This powerful trip was captured in the PBS film, ZAMIR: Jewish Voices Return to Poland.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 929 7755 5586
One tap mobile
   +16465588656,,92977555586# US
Dial by your location
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

This Monday, July 27 at 7:30pm , join Rabbi Penzner for a contemplative end to your day, with prayerful singing, guided meditation, a prayer for healing, and kaddish.

Moment for Ma'ariv will be suspended for the first half of August. Watch the announcements for the date they will resume.

If you plan to come and need a minyan, please message the  hbtlistserv  to ensure we can support you with a minyan.
Should you have a death in the family and seek support, the rabbi is available to you at any time. In addition, she will arrange a virtual shiva minyan for you. You can include family and friends, and we will invite HBT members to help comfort you. Contact the  rabbi  directly.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 9072 7930
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,84990727930# US (New York)

Rabbi Penzner will be opening and closing this event,
sponsored by the Jewish Labor Committee

. JLC Memorial to Workers who Died from COVID-19
Tisha B'Av: A Night of Brokenness
Wednesday evening, July 29
8:00 - 9:00pm

Bring a candle to light, a large piece of paper (8x11 or bigger), and a marker for this special observance of Tisha B'Av that we are sharing with Congregation Dorshei Tzedek. As we recall the great traumas of Jewish history, beginning with the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, we are also invited to mourn all that we have suffered and all that we have lost in this time of COVID and the reckoning with the history and continuing impact of racism in our country. What can we gain by pouring out our hearts together ? What does our tradition have to teach us as we consider that Judaism has survived for 2500 years since that first Destruction?

Rabbi Barbara Penzner and Cantor Louise Treitman, will lead us in song, prayer, learning, and meditation to face the brokenness in our lives today. Members of HBT and CDT will also lead parts of this service, and everyone attending on Zoom will have a way to participate (with your candle and with the poster we will ask you to make during the event.)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 4985 5363
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,84649855363# US

For These Things We Weep:
A Tisha B’Av Black Lives Matter Vigil  
Thursday, July 30th, 5:30pm

We will gather in the final hours of Tisha B’Av for a vigil led by Black Jews as we cry out in grief, mourning and outrage against the violence of anti-Black racism and white supremacy in our world and in our communities. On this day of collective weeping for us as a Jewish community, we will lament together the chorban - destruction - of Black lives through police murder, systemic racism and anti-Blackness. We will read selections from the book of Eicha (Lamentations), share prayer and lament, listening to the voices of Black Jewish leaders and their accomplices in our fight for racial justice within and beyond our multiracial Jewish communities.
GBIO and HBT Tikkun Olam Racial Justice - Legislative Actions!
News from GBIO
State Representative Angelo Scaccia is retiring from the MA State House!
AND GBIO is sponsoring a candidate forum
Tuesday, August 11 th , 5:30-7:00pm
Candidates running to fill the 14 th Suffolk seat include:
·          Rob Consalvo
·          Duckens Petit Maitre
·          Gretchen Van Ness
All candidates have agreed to attend this virtual event where we will discuss these current legislative issues:
·          Affordable housing (during pandemic and beyond)
·          Decarceration (during pandemic and beyond)
·          Police reform
·          Health care reform, including mental health parity
Please register here to meet the candidates and learn where they stand on these issues:

We are fortunate to have an Education to Action Event on Policing in the US.
Dr. Tonisha Pinckney
Wednesday evening, August 12
RSVP to: [email protected] to receive the Zoom link
Dr. Tonisha Pinckney is a PhD criminologist who gave an outstanding talk 3 years ago on Policing and Mental Health. She will be talking about this moment in our country on Policing Reform and will be addressing the roots of the current crisis, the skillful use of language and terminology around reform (What does “defund” really mean?), barriers to change, and hopeful paths forward to Peace and Justice.
*HBT "Ma Nishtanah"
Ma nishtanah opens the 4 questions of the Passover Seder. It's not a question, but a statement of surprise: "How different is this!"