Houston Christian High School is a college-preparatory school dedicated to the highest academic standard for the development of moral character, the enrichment of spiritual lives, and the perpetuation of growth in Christian ideals.
HC's mission statement, written in 1998 by the founders, set the roadmap which we continue to follow faithfully. To reach the highest academic standard, HC has actively pursued not only a college-preparatory curriculum and extraordinary faculty who can deliver it , but also sought out the accreditation standards that measure HC against independent schools nationwide. HC attained the rigorous Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) standard in the spring of 2011. In 2019, HC was in line for ISAS reaccreditation and started the year-long, self-study process. Through an exhaustive set of surveys, interviews, evaluations and committee-work that included teachers, staff, coaches, current parents, students, and alumni, HC was preparing to be evaluated in the fall of 2020. With COVID, the process had to be postponed, the completed self studies had to be reevaluated and updated, and the evaluation was reset for September 2021.
This last week of September, we have been hosting educators from various schools in the ISAS, as part of this ten year accreditation review. We look forward to working closely with ISAS through this school evaluation and improvement process that helps HC look to the next decade and beyond. We thank all alumni, alumni parents, faculty and staff for the hours of work that have been committed to make this a meaningful, transparent and productive process.
Other campus activities: Weather Report - Houston Christian's campus made it through Hurricane Nicholas with barely a scratch, but a power line issue. This resulted in two days of remote instruction for students - we sure can transition quickly now, when needed!
Mustang Parent Council, led by president Robyn Joyce, is working closely with the school to continue to provide parent leadership and create opportunities to make HC an even better community. With all four Grade Level Coordinator events happening in September, the families are well informed and connected! It is such a blessing to have these events again and we all welcome the community that is formed through them!
Annual Bowtie Breakfasts with Dr Livingston provide our newest families with an opportunity to learn about the school and ways to get involved and connected with their students' experience. While the week of breakfasts was shortened due to the hurricane, our parents were eager to fill in and attend on other days.
Special reunion - Northwest Academy alumni from 1971-1982 took time to gather this month to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of their school and reminisce with their classmates! Thank you to Lisa '72 & David Thompson '71 for hosting their classmates at their beautiful home - we definitely saw some great homecoming spirit from the 100+ attendees!
Homecoming 2021
Homecoming came early this year! Our students had a blast celebrating homecoming week and dressing up to prepare for the Homecoming game against Hitchcock. Though we didn't take home a win, we did have some of the best dressed students this week - hands down!
The Alumni Round-Up had many familiar faces coming by the alumni room during the football game. Megan Goings '06 and Jordan Murphy '06 bumped into Nancy & Col. Wilson and had a great time watching our 2021 Homecoming Court be announced!
You can also check out our homecoming court presentation at half-time. Congratulations to Homecoming Queen & King, Hannah Nicholas '22 and Davis McCollister '22!
It's legit!
25th Anniversary Directory Project
We have had many questions about postcards that you are receiving in the mail. Houston Christian has partnered with Publishing Concepts (PCI) to update our alumni records. A beautifully bound, hardcover directory and an online directory will make contact and networking easier.
This special project will be released during the 25th anniversary of HC and celebrates our Northwest Academy connection as well. Updating our alumni database will help us reach and engage with more alumni.
You will be contacted by email and snail mail. We have provided a sample of what you may receive below.
To update and include your information in the directory, call: 1-800-726-2836
FORE! Golf is Sold Out!
OCTOBER 11, 2021 | Columbus Day
We are thrilled to report that our tournament is at capacity! We will be at BlackHorse Golf Club to support our school's mission to educate the next generation of leaders.
We have 2 HC and 1 NWA alumni team signed up. Great Mustang Spirit!
Attention HC Class of 2016!
Your class agents and Student Council reps have been hard at work planning your 5 year reunion!
We hope you can join them Friday, October 22 at Kirby Ice House (Kirby location) from 7:30 - 9:30PM. Email Courtney King or call her at (832) 334-6951.
Fall Play - Two Weeks of Shows!
A Christmas Story! Join us in HC's black box theater as our students prepare us for the holiday season.
This is the perfect event for the whole family to enjoy!
We will send out an email to alumni and alumni parents when tickets go on sale, so keep your eyes on that inbox! Or follow HC_Theatreworks on Instagram.
Share your letterman with HC!
We have a great display case for alumni items on campus and we would love to display your items temporarily for the next school year!
To let us know you're interested in loaning out a letter jacket, photos, mums, Silver Spur gear or ANY vintage Mustang gear - we would love to showcase it!
HC Alum and Globe Trekker Karina Arnold '15 tops Mt. Kilimanjaro!
Let us know what other amazing things you are doing this year!
Miller Kopp ‘18 has been featured in a compelling article in “Inside the Hall,” highlighting the leadership, bravado, and talent he brings to the Indiana Basketball program. HC Ron Crandall and Teddy Wheeler were interviewed, reflecting on their time spent with Kopp as a guiding light on the HC basketball team.