Issue 37
September 4, 2020
HC Alumni News
It is with great excitement that we announce that Houston Christian opened the 2020-2021 academic year on time with socially-distant, in-person classes. We welcomed an incoming class of 123 freshmen, 27 transfer students and a total of 443 students overall. This increased enrollment is a testament to the education that we provided last spring. Without missing a single day of instruction, we began distance learning on March 24, 2020. Our creative responses to important traditions, drive-by celebratory events and an online gala were met with fanfare and success. And to cap it off, the in-person commencement exercise at our football stadium was blessed by a beautiful sunset for 115 seniors along with their families!
This decision to be the only SPC school in Houston to return in person was not reached lightly. It was the result of many people working the entire summer, reviewing local and national data, and setting into place protocols and guidelines to ensure we could provide a safe environment with the resources we have available to us. To address COVID 19, we established a plan with three modes of instruction that take into account the possibility of change to local health conditions. Each mode is missionally driven and prioritizes academic rigor within a nurturing, spiritual-minded community. The plan is to move to mode A, all in-person classes, on September 17th, depending on the situation.
In addition to the many common adjustments to facilities for a safe learning, Houston Christian added Bipolar Ionization to our HVAC units in the gym, weight room, cafeteria, chapel and auditorium. This technology in air handlers captures dust and virus particles and binds them together, immediately eliminating the virus from circulating through high concentration areas of campus. This is just one of the many ways that we are modifying our campus to ensure that our students get a full education and get to fulfill their greatest promise.
Another exciting announcement is that we have kicked off the Mustang Canter! This 5K virtual fun run is a great way to get outside and run, challenge your friends and support Houston Christian! Please invite your family, friends, prayer groups, college roommates – anyone you know – to join us in cantering to support education! And watch for the antics of Thor – our cute masked mascot!
Alumni News
Join us for the Mustang Canter!
Come one, come all to our Virtual Mustang Canter Fun Run/Walk! If you've been feeling cooped up - we have a solution for you!
Support HC by joining our virtual run! You can continue to follow pandemic protocol & safety - while also getting up and out of the house! Join us for this 5K walk/run! Invite your friends, family, and colleagues!
HC Athletics Update
Houston Christian Mustangs are in action! While the Southwest Preparatory Conference (SPC) has approved cancelling the fall athletic season, it allows its members to decide how they can enact a season, taking all precautions into account. Teams are practicing and getting ready for competition - staying fit in mind and body! Please stay tuned for your Mustang news!
Meet our new teachers!
We want to offer a warm Mustang Welcome to our new faculty and staff who have joined us this year! Learn more about our new Mustangs, click link below!
HC Alumni Day!
Stay tuned for exciting news! On September 21 we will be rolling out an exciting new feature to our entire HC alumni network that will allow you to make social, professional and educational decisions.
Mustang Fund Impacts
Every Mustang, Every Day
Gifts to the Mustang Fund go to work immediately bridging the gap between tuition and the cost of education. The Mustang Fund supports academic excellence, ongoing teacher development and retention, leadership development, competitive athletics, superior fine arts and cutting-edge technology.
Mustang Stories
Cary Simonds - Staff Member of the Year!
Sadly, Cary has decided to move to Oklahoma due to family circumstances. However, it does not diminish our sentiment that he is still Staff Member of the Year. We wish Cary and his family well in their new adventure!

"I am completing my 3rd year with HC. After completing college at Southwestern Oklahoma State University, I entered into a sales and marketing career with Hershey Chocolate USA. After several years in sales and marketing, I felt God calling me to utilize the gifts he blessed me with to move into the nonprofit world. I truly enjoy working with the faculty, staff, student and families I have met here at Houston Christian. Listening to your stories and sharing in life with all of you. One of my favorite memories here at Houston Christian was being asked by Bobby Linhart to join with Caroline Nixson in assisting with the Comedy Sport team. I truly love seeing the students express themselves through comedy and acting, plus laughing together is a BIG bonus. I also enjoy reconnecting with our HC alumni to hear about their new experiences and to remember our stories that we shared together. During our end of the year Faculty and Staff meeting, I was totally surprised to receive the Staff member of the year award. This was truly humbling to be recognized by my peers to receive this award. In my spare time I enjoy refinishing, reimaging and bringing new life back into old furniture pieces. The biggest enjoyment is spending time with my wife and family, and more importantly the grandbabies. It is truly a blessing when you follow God’s calling, GO Mustangs!"
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