HC students excel in robotics, innovation and leadership
This fall, due to the pandemic, the annual BEST Robotics event was conducted at the same high level of competition and strategy, but it was developed and built completely on the HC campus and presented virtually. 42 HC students, divided into teams to create the robot and program or to create the business, marketing and sales plan for the program, have been working diligently since the theme “Outbreak” was released on September 19, 2020.
Kaitlyn Kreiger ’22, the team lead for Marketing and Business reported on the team’s activities:
We are StangTech, Houston Christian’s award-winning robotics team! In the past, we have achieved great results within the BEST robotics competition – winning a variety of awards at our local hub, regularly advancing to the regional competition, and frequently earning national recognition. Being a part of the robotics team is a special experience. The Robot Build, Robot Programming, Expo, Field Build, and Marketing & Business teams work together to build, test, and “sell” our robot. With these 5 unique sub-teams, we allow our members to participate in all aspects of STEAM. This year we competed in the BEST robotics competition “Outbreak”. Our team built a robot called A.L.V.I.N, that simulated a nanobot capable of testing, isolating, and vaccinating cells to protect users from a pandemic. The name A.L.V.I.N represents the purpose of our robot: A - Anti-pandemic, L - lifesaving, I - isolation, and N - nanobot. The robot did extremely well in the local BEST competition on November 14th along with the Marketing Presentation and Student Interview teams.
While we wait for the results of the current competition, we are also focusing on our outreach and the future success of the team. This year we reached out to a local program called Spring Spirit that provides safe pathways for disadvantaged youth to realize life opportunities through sports, education, and mentoring programs based on Christian principles. StangTech’s team leads met with the students, encouraging them to pursue a future in STEAM and showing them the benefit of participating in high school robotics programs. We also worked very hard to recruit and build up the future of our team, the freshman. Our team almost doubled this year with the influx of new members. In the future, we are hoping to expand our program by recruiting, creating a maker space, obtaining travel funds for out-of-state competitions, and participating in the FIRST competition, which requires larger-scale facilities and equipment. With this in mind, we are constantly looking for new sponsors. If you are interested in contributing to the success of our team please contact our Head of Marketing and Business at kaitlyn.krieger@HCHS-community.org.
After StangTech provided this write-up to the newsletter, the results of the 2020 North Houston BEST Robotics competition were announced on November 26.
HC StangTech took home the following:
- 1st Place BEST Video Design Challenge
- 1st Place BEST Marketing Presentation
- 1st Place BEST Critical Design Review
- 1st Place BEST Engineering Notebook
- 2nd Place BEST Robot
All of these awards mean... HC StangTech took home the 1st Place BEST Award!
HC Celebrates Veteran's Day
Full Video - Veteran's Day Chapel
Houston Christian is proud to honor and celebrate Veteran's Day on campus during chapel to honor our community members who have served and are currently serving in the military. If you were unable to view the entire chapel program, a link has been included (right). Col. Tom Wilson was our keynote speaker. (Program starts at 11:00 minute mark.)
Alumni Veteran's Day Video
During the Veteran's Day program a video was shown highlighting a handful of alumni who were inspired to lead.
We want to thank the alumni who submitted video updates talking about why they found it important to serve their country.
Campus Closed - Sorry Alumni!
Quick reminder! HC's campus is still closed to all visitors. While we have all missed seeing our alumni on campus and our teachers miss hearing your stories, no alumni are allowed on campus unless for a pre-approved school event.
To keep current HC students and teachers safe we ask that all visitors and alumni refrain from coming on campus unless it is for a specific school event. Please do not stop by during the school day to surprise teachers and students.
Magical Showcase Drive-In!
Buy your tickets to the first DRIVE-IN theater experience at Houston Christian! Join us as we support all the hard work HC Theaterworks has done to deliver a fun and safe fall play for our community!
Distinguished Leader Speaker Series
This year, we're honored to host investigative reporter and esteemed author of Race Against Time, Jerry Mitchell. Mitchell was working for the Clarion-Ledger in the 1980s when he decided to begin investigating unsolved civil rights killings. His dogged pursuit of justice eventually lead to arrests of several Klansmen. He's continued his work for the past several decades and now shares his insight on history, social justice, and media throughout the United States while also running the Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting.
Please consider joining us for this rare opportunity to hear this renowned author. All funds support Houston Christian students and leadership training at The Bush Center for Scholars and Leaders.
Why you should join HC Connects TODAY!
Mentoring | Networking | Fun!
Re-engage with your classmates and teachers on HC Connects! Our newest platform that can help you connect with alumni mentors & find internships!
Take the time today to login, sign up, and invite friends!
Mustang Fund Impacts
Every Mustang, Every Day
Gifts to the Mustang Fund go to work immediately bridging the gap between tuition and the cost of education. The Mustang Fund supports academic excellence, ongoing teacher development and retention, leadership development, competitive athletics, superior fine arts and cutting-edge technology.