Issue 41
December 29, 2020
HC Alumni News
HC Honors Heritage
COVID may have changed how we do things, but it has not deterred us! It has been another successful semester, led with faith, diligence, creativity and lots of daily reinforcements from the Uncommon Cup! We have safely hosted athletic events, award-garnering robotics competitions, the Musical Medley, a very creative and innovative fall drive-in musical, and daily, on-campus and virtual classwork throughout the fall semester! Our Mustang spirit is stronger than ever and ready for a much needed break!

A tradition that was born out of a fun way to raise money for the school has matured into something even more meaningful. In recent years you may have seen announcements of "Senior Bricks," "Brick Unveilings," or the “Party on the Patio” where seniors can "Leave their Mark" on HC's campus. On the annual Red Shirt Day in May, a day where Seniors pass the torch of leadership to the upcoming senior class, we now also unveil the new bricks and thank the graduating Senior Class. This new tradition honors our students while also looking to the future – a time when our students return to the school to revisit beloved teachers, coaches, and friends, while also seeing an enduring mark they made!

Would you like to know if you have “made your mark” or where your brick may be? Contact us at It is never too late! You can add your name to your class’s area at any time! Click here if you would like to support HC and also be a permanent part of campus!

Looking to our future, another area of great success has been in admissions! We are looking forward to admitting the class of 2025. Each year, we also welcome transfers who have realized that they don’t want to wait to come until the fall and this year is no exception. With nine new families entering in January 2021, we are reminded yet again of God’s hand in helping students find their paths. We hope that you are considering HC for your students and hope to welcome legacy Mustangs in all classes! While the admissions deadline was December 15, we are always happy to talk to you about your options! We have lots of great information, including tour dates online.

Happy New Year to all Mustangs and their families! We are looking forward to seeing you in the new year, whether it is at a virtual AlumNight, on HC Connects, at the annual Gala, or at a campus event, we are hoping that we will be able to reconnect! In the meantime, be safe, stay in touch and Stang ‘Em!
Alumni News
Distinguished Leader Speaker Series
This year, we're honored to host investigative reporter and esteemed author of Race Against Time, Jerry Mitchell. Mitchell was working for the Clarion-Ledger in the 1980s when he decided to begin investigating unsolved civil rights killings. His dogged pursuit of justice eventually lead to arrests of several Klansmen. He's continued his work for the past several decades and now shares his insight on history, social justice, and media throughout the United States while also running the Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting

Please consider joining us for this rare opportunity to hear this renowned author. All funds support Houston Christian students and leadership training at The Bush Center for Scholars and Leaders.
Why you should join HC Connects TODAY!
Reconnect with your affinity groups!

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Re-engage with your classmates and teachers on HC Connects! Our newest platform that can help you connect with alumni mentors & find internships!

Take the time today to login, sign up, and invite friends!
Mustang Fund Impacts Every Mustang, Every Day!
Gifts to the Mustang Fund go to work immediately bridging the gap between tuition and the cost of education. The Mustang Fund supports academic excellence, ongoing teacher development and retention, leadership development, competitive athletics, superior fine arts and cutting-edge technology.

Does your company match? Make your gift go farther! For more info visit: Matching Gift Search
Greetings Future Mustangs!
While 2020 has proven to be a year unlike any other, our HC community continues to thrive and grow. This year, the alumni association has welcomed almost 30 new babies into our Mustang Family. We have happily had to reorder our Future Mustang onesies as we are sending them out at a rapid pace! We look forward to welcoming these kids to the class of 2038!
Mustang Spotlight
Courtney King '16
Courtney King '16 graduated from Southwestern University in May 2020 cum laude with a B.A. in Business Studies and a minor in Religion with the Paideia Distinction. She is photographed (right) with Chris Crawford '16 who also graduated from Southwestern with a B.S. in Physics, a minor in Mathematics, and he also graduated with the Paideia Distinction. Chris is now working on his masters in Ocean Engineering at Texas A&M University.

This month she was highlighted in an article by Southwestern entitled, "A Future CEO." Below you will find an update of what Courtney has been up to post-graduation!

"Following an impromptu graduation in May from Southwestern University, I immediately started seeking full time positions in my field. I started my full time job at Ryan, LLC as a Severance (Oil and Gas) Tax Consultant in June. This position crossed off every box I was looking for; I wanted to be in Houston in order to be close to family and friends and continue to work closely with Keely Thorne Events as an assistant wedding/event consultant. Looking back, I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity to work at Ryan. I feel like I have learned more than I ever imagined. Before graduation, I was also given the opportunity to serve as the one representative of my class as the Young Alumni Board of Trustee Member where I serve as a Board Member on the Board of Trustees at Southwestern University.

The faculty at HC helps every student find their own passion, and leadership was mine. They foster an environment of support and intellectual curiosity. Such encouragement enabled me to find my voice and feel confident in my future endeavors. I feel incredibly thankful for my time at HC."
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