Issue 35
June 30, 2020
HC Alumni News
As Christians we understand that the best thing about a church isn't the building - it's the people who make up the community. We find that the same can be said for our community at Houston Christian. What we hear first from our alumni and HC families is how much they love the people at our school. Regardless of why each student and family chose to attend HC, the result has led to a fun, faithful, and tight-knit community.

While we are disheartened by the limbo that COVID-19 has brought to our summer travels we want to embrace this moment to slow down and prepare well for the school year we have ahead of us. Enjoy catching up on the work of one of our students and an alumna then pencil in some of our upcoming events.
How are you staying social?
Choose an option below to make your selection!
Virtual happy hours
Home workouts together to stay motivated
Started watching a new show with friends
Virtual Book Club
Picking up curbside groceries is as social as it gets...
Mustangs in the World
Hudson Malone '21
High School NASA Aerospace Scholar Program
Hudson was selected to participate in the High School Aerospace (HSA) Scholar program & successfully completed the 4 month long program during 2019-2020 school year. The program consisted of Interactive lessons on NASA activities related to space exploration, earth science, technology and aeronautics, Design challenges such as 3D drawing, video creation, interactive poster design, & virtual chats with NASA engineers and scientists. Program participants are chosen from across the state of Texas, students are selected to participate by their state legislator through a competitive process. Based on Hudson’s exemplary performance, he was invited to the week long summer residential program at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Due to Covid-19 the week long residential program will now be virtual and scheduled for late July, early August.
Kristen Turner '01
HC Alumni are fearless in paving their own way, Kristen Turner is the founder and creative director of Mae Jones Magazine which made its debut earlier in 2020.

Check out her magazine's website and LA Times ariticle.
Mustang Classic Golf Tournament
Save the Date - Monday, October 12

HC's annual golf tournament is being held at BlackHorse Golf Club! We will also be hosting a paint party again this year for our non-golfers!

Let us know if you would like to join the Golf Committee and help have another year of amazing alumni turnout!
We are excited for our upcoming reunions this year! All classes ending in 5s & 0s get ready to party!

We have already heard from some Class Agents, plans are coming soon! But we always welcome more helpers! Let us know if you are interested in helping plan your class' reunion!

1975  - 45 Years  1995  - 25 Years
1980  - 40 Years  2000  - 20 Years
1985  - 35 Years  2005  - 15 Years
1990  - 30 Years  2010  - 10 Years
2015  - 5 Years

Share the Love with HC!
Help new students and families learn about what HC has to offer. Share your story and experience on the sites below!

Leave a review on the links below. Thank you for your help promoting our great school! 
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