February is yet another month to remember! Instead of enjoying a day off for President's Day, we all prepared for the polar vortex that descended upon us with ice, snow and freezing temperatures. Please take a moment to read the article written by Ellie Ashby '20 that was published in The Harvard Crimson newspaper as she witnessed from afar what was happening at home. It is a heartfelt and beautiful tribute to her hometown and home state.
On Valentine’s Day, we highlighted three of our Mustang Sweetheart couples and a couple of Mustang friendships! We loved receiving the "then and now" photos from several alums as they celebrated Gal-entines and Pal-entines Day! Also, in the past 3 years, we have mailed almost 70 “Future Mustang” onesies and t-shirts to alumni children. We are so blessed by our families and we love seeing our alumni community grow!
Flexibility is the name of the game and once again Houston Christian has pivoted creatively to keep our spring semester on track! Instead of the annual spring musical production, our HC Theatreworks department will be performing Agatha Christie's "A Murder is Announced." Taking into consideration the large ensemble needed for a musical, the theater department is offering not one, not two, BUT THREE weeks worth of shows to allow for two separate casts to perform and hone their craft. We hope you will join us for one of the TEN performances available this March and April!
Lights, Camera , Auction! HC Presents Hollywood Nights! This year, we have a wonderful way to return to campus! Our annual auction and gala will be held on at Houston Christian this year! Please consider joining us as we honor HC's Shining Stars - the faculty and staff! Alumni and current parent, Robyn Joyce, is the gala chair and, along with her fabulous gala committee, has planned a night to remember with wonderful auction items and fellowship opportunities! Get together a group of friends and join us on the red carpet on April 9th!
Kristina Hansen '19 and Madison Smith '19
Mallie '07, Robbie '07,
& Hazel Ann Prejean
We hope that everyone in our community was able to stay warm, dry, and safe during Houston's week long "SNOVID" or "Ice-pocalypse."
When we got back to campus this week we wanted to take a moment to remember all the joy we were able to sneak in amid all the stress of the week. Enjoy some sweet snow pics of our alumni enjoying the byproduct of winter weather!
Distinguished Leader Speaker Series
Race Against Time - Our entire campus was focused on February 4th as award-winning author and investigative journalist Jerry Mitchell spoke for our Distinguished Leader Speaker Series. Our faculty, staff, and students had a special opportunity to ask hard questions to better understand our complex world. The event was live-streamed and recorded so that his important message could reach our families, alumni, event sponsors and a larger audience. We encourage you to watch this presentation and hear some of the questions that faculty, community members and students had for the speaker.
This event concluded with a special presentation of the Distinguished Service Medal. This honor is awarded to members of the community who exemplify the ideals of Houston Christian High School in their daily lives.
Houston Christian honors the leadership of Jerry Mitchell with the Distinguished Service Medal for Social Justice. He serves as a fellow Christian who has spent his life advocating for the oppressed and almost-forgotten to bring about justice for families and victims of racism. His dogged pursuit of truth is an exemplary model for our community, students and families.
Please read more about our Distinguished Leaders Speaker Series and discover more about the author's book, Race Against Time, background and ground-breaking work on our website. Also, please feel free to share this recording with your friends, family and colleagues.
We are thrilled to announce that Gala will be held on campus this year!
We hope that you can join us on Friday, April 9, 2021. Our committee is rolling out the red carpet for a special evening honoring Shining Stars – our HC faculty! These stars have risen to great heights during this trying year as they have provided a seamless and safe experience for students.
This spring we will be adding the Class of 2021 to HC Connects! We want to make sure we have as many alumni as possible ready to help our newest alumni!
If you want to help make a difference, mentor, give advice, or have internships available - JOIN HC Connects TODAY!
Colonel Wilson is retiring from Houston Christian this year and we want you to have a chance to reconnect with him and Nancy!
Take your next coffee break with Colonel Wilson, Nancy, and our newest Bush Center faculty.
We are planning a spring AlumNight during the day time.
Stay tuned for more information!
Coming soon!
Happy Valentine's, PAL-entine's & GAL-entine's!
Each year we have celebrated our Mustang Sweethearts and are so glad to get updates on your lives!
This year we were even more excited to celebrate our Mustang friendships that have withstood the test of time!
Thanks for this cute way to recognize our HC community!
Let us know about your life since HC!